Chosen Part 1

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78 Violet – Hothouse
Lightning Seeds – Don't Ever Change
The Fray – Love Don't Die
Andy Gibb – I Just Want to be Your Everything

Lacey left the institute and opened a portal back to Rufus's cabin. When she stepped out the other side she found the Impala parked in front of the cabin. She frowned, not expecting Sam. She opened the front door and stepped inside.
"Sam? What are you doing here, I..." Lacey stopped, her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest. Sam was leaning against the kitchen island, looking sheepishly down at his feet. Dean stood up from the sofa, Lacey held back a gasp, her hand shakily covering her mouth.
"It's... you're really here..." Lacey said as Dean walked towards her.
"I'm really here." Dean told her, before she rushed into his arms. He pulled her in close, squeezing her tightly. Dean breathed in the scent of her hair, never wanting to let go of her.
"I'm gonna go get some supplies, give you guys some privacy." Sam said as he headed for the door. Lacey barely registered what he said as her brain tried to compute what was happening. At the sound of the door shutting behind Sam, the two broke apart.
"I can't believe you're really here. I missed you so much." Lacey told him. Dean gave her his trademark grin, cupping her chin with his hand so she was looking up at him. Their eyes met and they were lost in the depths of one another for a moment before Dean leant down and kissed her, softly at first but then with a sense of urgency. They stumbled backwards, items of clothing strewn along the way until they reached the bedroom and the door shut behind them.

Lacey was curled up next to Dean. She lay wrapped in the bed sheets, tracing patterns on his chest with her finger tip.
"I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that you're really here."
"Yeah, it does feel kinda surreal, after all this time." Lacey smiled as she felt the rumble of Dean's voice vibrating through his chest before sitting up.
"Now that we got the fun part out of the way, wanna tell me where you ended up."
"Purgatory." Dean said, turning on his side to look at her, leaning on his elbow.
"Wow. I mean that explains why I couldn't find you."
"You looked for me then." Dean sounded relieved. "At least that makes one of you." Lacey looked away.
"Sam spent about a week going through the lore books with me before he took off. I didn't see him for about ten months after that." Dean raised an eyebrow but let her continue. "I spent most of my time trying to find you, I did research and experiments with opening portals to different places at the institute. Eventually Mr McCoy theorised I was looking in the wrong place for you. And then..." Lacey paused, trying to find the words.
"And then?" Dean asked, studying what he could see of her face, her hair falling in front if it to mask her expression.
"I just missed you so much, I did something... well, Bobby would have called me an Idjit for it, let's put it that way."
"Ok..." Dean waited for her to continue.
"I astral projected myself back into the past, to before we met, so I could see you again." Lacey said, all in one breath. Dean stared at her for a moment, before beginning to chuckle.
"What?" Lacey asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"I was expecting something much worse than that, the way you were talking." Dean shook his head, before pulling her in close to him. "Seeing as all of time and space haven't been displaced, I'm guessing you cleaned up after."
"Well, you don't remember me pre falling out of the sky, do you?" Lacey teased.
"I think we're good then." Lacey leant in and kissed him again. "So, are you going to tell me about what happened in Purgatory?" Dean sighed but nodded.
"Yeah, it could take a while."

They heard the front door open but Dean kept talking, telling Lacey all about his time in Purgatory. Or everything he could bare to. It was over an hour later before the two emerged into the living room. Dean began to go through a box of Sam's things from the Impala.
"You want some dinner?" Sam asked.
"Pass." Dean responded, putting some earphones in so he could listen to the messages on the phones. Lacey shook her head too.
"Okay." Sam shrugged as he served himself and sat down to eat. Dean listened to the messages on the phone, before taking out the earphones and glaring at Sam.
"What?" Dean put the phone on speaker and played the messages again.
"Sam Winchester, it's Kevin Tran. Crowley had me in this warehouse, and I just escaped. I don't know where I am. And I don't know if he or – or any other demons are still after me. I need your help. Call me back. It's Kevin Tran."
"When was that?" Sam asked, but Dean just hit play on the next message.
"Sam Winchester. It's Kevin Tran. I called you a week ago. Call me, please. I don't know what the hell I'm doing out here, man."
"Okay. I get it. So what, you want to strategize or something?" Sam asked, getting to his feet. Dean ignored him and continued to play the messages.
"Sam, it's Kevin. I'm...Whoo! I'm so good."
"Is he drunk?" Sam asked, frowning.
"Three months since you ditched my ass. Haven't slept for more than four hours a night. It's all good in the hood. Uh, if you're still alive, eat me."
"Eat me." Sam looked a little offended at the repeated sentiment.
"Sam, it's been six months. I can only assume you're dead. If not, don't try and reach me. You won't be able to. I won't be calling this number anymore." Dean turned off the phone and looked stonily back at Sam.
"Dean, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot about Kevin, I was so busy trying to find you..." Lacey trailed off, looking down at her feet, sadly.
"No, no, no. This isn't on you. He may have been all of our responsibility, but it wasn't you not picking up the phone." Dean growled, still glaring at Sam. He tossed the phone at him and sat back, fists clenched in anger. Sam looked ashamed and shocked at the same time.
He began to fiddle with the phone as Lacey reached out and took hold of one of Dean's hands, squeezing it.
"It's ok, we'll figure it out." She told him, quietly.

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