Mainstream Part 1

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Lacey heaped the last of her chili fries into her mouth before leaning back looking satisfied. Sam smirked at her from across the table.
"You two are more alike than you even know." Lacey stuck her tongue out at him. "Exactly." She glanced over to where Dean was talking on the phone to Bobby. Crowley suddenly appeared beside him.
"Is that Bobby Singer? Give him a kiss from me."
"I'll call you back." Dean said as he hung up the phone.
"Good news boys!" Lacey cleared her throat but Crowley ignored her. "I've got a job for you." Crowley sat down next to Sam and Dean returned to his seat next to Lacey.
"I'm gonna say this once. You can take your job and shove it up your ass."
"Is that any way to talk to your boss?" Crowley tutted.
"You're not my boss dickbag." Dean growled.
"Dean, Dean, we've been through this, quit clutching at your pearls. You've been working for me for some time now. Sam here longer."
"We didn't know." Sam told him.
"Like that makes a difference to you. You'd sell your brother for a dollar right now if you really needed a soda."
"What do you want Crowley?" Lacey asked dangerously as she noticed the pained expression on Dean's face.
"Look, I'm sending you..."
"No." Dean interrupted.
"Beg pardon?" Crowley asked, beginning to sound perturbed.
"I've done some shady stuff in my time, but I am not doing this. No."
"Ten quid says you will." Crowley challenged him. He reached out a hand and touched the back of Sam's. Sam yelped and pulled his hand away as his flesh began to burn.
"You like pain Sam? You like hell? You need to stop thinking of this as some kind of deal. This is a hostage situation, you arrogant little thug. I own your brother! Do you understand me?!" Lacey jumped to her feet, snarling under her breath, as her eyes began to glow Dean put a hand out to stop her. As she sat back down Crowley snapped his fingers and the burn disappeared from Sam's hand.
"Come on Dean, smile. It's not that bad. Here's incentive, you bag me a live alpha and I'll give you little Sammy's soul back, with a cherry on top."
"What, Alpha vamp not good enough for you?" Sam asked.
"Best mind where you poke your nose if you want to keep it." Crowley warned. "Your merry little hike up the food chain starts here." He laid a newspaper out on the table. "Businessman found dead in his car... chest ripped open..." Sam picked up the newspaper. "Heart missing. Sounds like..."
"A werewolf."
"No, it's not a full moon." Dean pointed.
"Werewolves turning on the full moon, so '09."
"He's right. Samuel and I ganked one about six months back on the half moon. Things have been out of whack for a while now I guess."
"Yeah, I guess."
"So, it's settled then. You bag the howler, bring it home to papa. See you soon." Crowley said before disappearing. Lacey let out a groan.
"I really wanna strangle that guy."

Later that evening they were headed to check out the possible werewolf. Sam was still doing research as they went.
"So the vics a real class act, owned a bunch of slum grade apartments, couple houses too."
"So this is it? This is... this is what you're gonna do?" Dean asked.
"What am I doing?" Sam asked.
"It's just, you know man, I'm working for a demon now. I don't even know who you are, I just need a second to adjust."
"Look, this is a crap situation, I get it. But Dean, I'm still me, same melon, same memories. I still like the same music. I still think about Suzy Heizer."
"Biology class Suzy Heizer?" Dean clarified. Lacey rolled her eyes.
"And that's my cue to switch off." She said as she put her earphones in. Dean smiled at her in the rear view mirror.
"Can you blame me?" Sam grinned. "Look, I know you don't trust me and I can't take back what I did, but I'm going to prove it to you. I'm still your brother."

"How you doing?" Dean asked one of the officers as they headed over to where the body was just removed from and flashed their ID's.
"Agents Holt and Wilson and this is our assistant Miss Liddell."
"Feds?" The detective asked, giving them the once over.
"Yeah." Sam nodded.
"What are the Feds doing here?" Sam glared at him.
"Oh, we're specialists. They call us in to answer the questions of mouth breathing dick monkeys." The three of them stared at him in shock. "So you gonna walk us through this or..." The detective nodded and led them to where the body had been found. Lacey elbowed Sam in the gut and gave him a look that said; what the hell?
"Dock worked, guy on the morning shift found him, chest ripped wide open."
"Same as the body in the car?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, second one in two days."
"Internal organs missing on both vics? Like their hearts?" Sam asked, the detective looked at him, confused.
"Uh...looks like it yeah. How'd you know?" Sam ignored him.
"So, this guy, he have any enemies?"
"Yeah, plenty, but I don't think it was a wolf or possibly a cougar that had a beef with the guy. You do realise these were animal attacks?" Dean raised an eyebrow.
"An animal out here? What, you think it came for the sailing?"

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