Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Part 2

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Christina Perri Jar of Hearts

Otis Reading Love man

Edwin Starr Twenty Five Miles

Lacey and Sam were sitting at the kitchen table when Balthazar appeared beside them.
"Drinking your feelings, Sam? I thought that was more your brothers bag." Balthazar nodded at the glass of whiskey in Sam's hand.
"Stressful times." Sam told him before taking another sip.
"Well, we need to talk."
"Because... I know I'm going to live to regret this, but, I'm officially on your team. You bastards." Balthazar told them.
"Really?" Lacey raised an eyebrow.
"And we should believe you, why?" Dean asked from the doorway.
"Would you believe I had a shred of decency?"
"No." Sam and Dean said a the same time Lacey said "Yes."
"Oh, that hurts. No you're right. It's survival. You see, I asked Cas some questions and I disliked his answers. He seems awfully sure of himself for a man that wants to swallow a million nuclear reactors. I mean, these things can get a bit Chernobyl, you know? So voila! Consider me your double agent. Oh, and I took the liberty of looking for your friends. Took a while, Crowley's a clever one."
"You found them?" Dean brightened.
"Well, the upside is yes, the downside is no I can't get them for you."
"Why not?" Sam asked.
"Because Crowley's angel proofed the whole bloody building. I guess he doesn't trust Cas. Seems that marriage is going swimmingly.
"Okay, well get us as close as you can." Dean told him.
"Sure, but then you're on your own."
"I knew you'd come through, there was some momentary doubt, I'll admit, but here you are!" Lacey smiled at him as Sam and Dean gathered their stuff together.
"Yes, yes, I'm wonderful, but let's not tell the whole world." Balthazar told her, covertly.

Balthazar teleported them outside a run-down commercial building in the pouring rain.
"Alright, this is where I get off. God be with you and what have you." Balthazar nodded at them before disappearing. The three of them of them trudged through the rain to the front door, which was suspiciously unguarded.
"Alright, be careful." Dean told Sam as he went one way and Dean and Lacey the other. They walked slowly down a dark corridor, heading deeper into the building. As they rounded a corner Lacey put her hand out and signalled to Dean. He peered around the corner and spotted a demon, standing guard outside a closed door. Dean nodded at Lacey and she walked straight through the wall beside them. She reappeared a moment later beside the demon and touched him on the shoulder, he looked around in surprise but moments later he was completely encased in ice and with a swift roundhouse kick he shattered into pieces. The noise brought three more demons from inside the room. Dean despatched one with the demon knife while Lacey created a multiple of herself who pinned one of the demons to the wall ready for Dean to take care of while she telekinetically threw the third demon through the door, back into the room he'd come from. Dean took out the second demon and Lacey's double disappeared. The two of them advanced into the room, side by side. As the demon got to its feet Lacey raised her hand again, pinning it to the wall. The demon lit up as Dean used the knife one final time.
"Oh, Dean, thank god." Across the room Lisa and Ben were tied to a post. Dean moved forward to remove their bonds.
"Still gotta get you out of here. Okay, alright Ben, c'mon, lets og, let's go." Dean ushered them towards the door but Lisa grabbed the knife from his hands and pulled Ben towards him, the knife held to his throat.
"Brat's not going anywhere and neither am I." Her eyes flashed black. "Crowley thought you might come so he had me jump this hot little piece of ass for insurance. Can't go losing our leverage now, can we? Ah, ah!" She pressed the knife against Bens abdomen as Dean tried to take a step forward. "Another step, free appendectomy. You know, she's awake in here your Mom, I can hear her thinking."
"Don't listen to her, Ben." Dean told him.
"What? I was just gonna tell him that you're his real daddy." Lacey felt her heart drop and Dean's expression froze. The demon began to laugh. "Just kidding. Who knows who your real dad is kid. Your Mom's a slut."
"You shut your mouth." Dean barked.
"Oh, what, you're her white knight now? She wishes she never met you, Dean. You're the worst mistake she ever made. Second worst, after keeping you." She told Ben, conspiratorially.
"It's not your Mom, Ben. She's lying."
"Says the C minus lay with 10 miles of daddy issues. Whatever gets you through the night, Tiny Tim."
"Oh pur-lease." Lacey scoffed rolling her eyes. The demon glared at her. Dean took a step forward again.
"Uh, uh, back off cowboy." It turned its attention back to Ben. "You know, she's begging me to kill you. She says you hold her back. Never had a lick of fun since you were born." While the demons attention was elsewhere Dean slowly pulled a flask of holy water from inside his jacket and unscrewed the lid.
"Ben, look at me. Look at me. You're gonna be just fine. " Dean threw the holy water at the demon. It let out a scream and clawed at its face, letting Ben go in the process. "Ben the knife!" He ran forward to stand beside Dean and Lacey, picking the knife up from where the demon had dropped it. Dean grabbed hold of Lisa and held her against the wall.
"What's the matter, Dean? Hit me! Oh, you don't wanna hurt poor Lisa." It taunted. Dean started to recite the exorcism. "Shut your mouth!" Lisa screamed and punched Dean in the face but he carried on. "Stop it!" He grabbed hold of her again. "I'm warning you."
"You can go to hell, you black eyed bitch!" Lisa pushed him away before grabbing a knife from the table and stabbing herself with it.
"You sure about that?" Lacey's eyes widened.
"Mom!" Ben shouted.
"Exorcise me now, she's just a dead meatsuit. Now, what was it you wanted to say?" Dean glanced at Ben before exchanging a look with Lacey. She nodded and he carried on with the exorcism. The demon let out a scream as it was expelled from Lisa's body and she collapsed to the floor.
"Mom!" Ben ran forwards closely followed by Dean and Lacey.
"Lisa, let Lacey help." Dean instructed. He pulled out his phone and began to dial Sam's number. Lacey gently pulled Lisa's hands from the wound and laid hers over it. As she began to heal her Lisa lost consciousness. Dean sighed and put the phone away, getting no answer from Sam.
"Sam, where are you dammit!? How's she doing?" He asked as Lacey pulled her hands away.
"I think she's all healed, she's still unconscious though, I think we should take her to the hospital, just in case." Dean nodded and picked Lisa up from the ground.
"Ben, grab the bag, Lacey needs to have her hands free in case more demons come." Ben scrambled to his feet and did as he was told. Lacey pulled her phone from her pocket and handed it to Ben.
"Here kid, keep trying Sam's number." They headed up the stairs and back out the door, Lacey in front and the others following. A demon appeared from around the corner and Lacey let out a sonic scream, driving it back. More demons appeared behind it and Lacey clenched her fist, causing an earthquake. The ground began to shake and the ceiling above the demons caved in, burying them in the rubble. They continued on until they heard a banging noise coming from within one of the rooms.
"Dean!" Cam Sam's voice from within.
"I'm in here!" Lacey reached a hand through the door and pulled him out.
"Come on, we've gotta get to a hospital. Sam, we need a ride." Sam nodded and ran for the door. The others followed behind him. When they reached the front door they waited out of the rain until Sam pulled up in a car he'd hotwired. Dean climbed into the back with Lisa and Ben while Lacey got in the front. Sam put his foot down and they headed for the nearest hospital.

A while later Dean and Lacey were sitting in Lisa's hospital room. The doctors had checked her over and said she was fine, she'd gone into shock but would wake up soon. Sam had taken Ben to the cafeteria to get some food. There was a swishing noise and Cas appeared beside them.
"What do you want?" Dean asked angrily.
"Dean, listen."
"What do you want me to say, she nearly died because of you."
"I'm sorry."
"I don't care, it's too little, too late." Dean told him.
"She's fine now, isn't she? She'll wake soon. Dean, I said I'm sorry and I meant it."
"I wish this changed anything." Dean told him.
"I know, so do I." Cas turned to leave.
"There's one thing you could do for me." Cas stopped. "Wipe their memories." Lacey looked at him in surprise.
"Are you sure?" Cas asked. Dean clenched his jaw and nodded.

Lacey was sitting in the back seat of the car while Sam waited in the front. They eventually saw Dean make his way down the steps of the hospital and get into the drivers seat.
"Well?" Sam asked.
"It's done."
"And you're ok with that?"
"It's best for everyone. We all get to move on with our lives, they're out of danger. Let's just forget about this, ok?" Dean turned the engine on and turned up the music before pulling out of the parking space and heading back to Bobby's.

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