Looking Glass House Part 1

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Lacey sat down on the sofa with Sam and Dean. They were visiting one of the women who used to baby-sit the boys while their dad hunted.

"So how long has it been?" Donna asked.

"The summer before sixth grade." Sam supplied.

"Mmmhmm. I remember. You assigned yourself your own reading list."

"That's right. I forgot about that." Dean chuckled.

"Your mom happens to be the best babysitter we ever had." Sam told the young girl who was sitting with them.

"Well, when I was a maid at the Mayflower out on the interstate, long before you were even an idea, their daddy used to pass through town and leave the boys with me when he went to work. One time he was gone for two weeks."

"Two weeks?"

"Mmmhmm. Oh he'd always come limping back. He loved you boys."

"Did you know what he did all that time?"

"Little Sammy kept trying to tell me. Of course I didn't believe him. Not at first anyway."

"Katie, our father happened to be an expert at getting rid of ghosts. And now, so are we."

"That's why I called them sweetie, they can help us."

"Started a month or two after we moved in." Donna's husband walked into the room carrying suitcases. "Yeah, first it was uh, just bumps and knocks and uh scratches on the walls. And then it started breaking things."

"And then it attacked Katie?"

"That was two nights ago."

"Can you show them honey?" Donna asked turning to her daughter. Katie stood up and lifted up her shirt to show writing etched into her stomach.

"Murdered Chylde." Sam read.

"Katie, everything's going to be fine. I promise. Why don't you guys take yourselves a little vacation and uh, we'll take care of it."

"Thank you."

Dean stood at the counter of the fast food restaurant.

"Uh, bacon burger turbo, two large chilli cheese fries, onion rings and a health quake salad shake?" The guy behind the counter raised his eyebrow at the last part.

"I know, I know." Dean cleared his throat. "It's uh, It's not mine." Dean told him, picking up the tray.

"It's for your girlfriend." The guy guessed.

"You'd think ..." Dean trailed off before heading over to the table where Lacey and Sam were waiting. He handed Sam his salad and he proceeded to pour the dressing in and shake the tub. Dean looked at him in disbelief and Lacey stared, a frie half way to her mouth.

"Oh you shake it up baby." Dean mocked. Sam rolled his eyes. "You know, poltergeist aside, Donna looked pretty good don't you think?"

"Dude, don't tell me you've still go the hots for our babysitter?" Lacey raised an eyebrow, Dean glanced at her uncomfortably.

"What? No. That's weird. I'm just saying that she, you know, she ... she's doing good. You know with her husband, her kid. This whole Amityville thing being thrown at them, and they're hanging tough."


"You ever think that you'd want something like that? Wife, rugrats , the whole nine?"

"I mean, not really my thing anymore."

"Yeah. What do you got?" Dean changed the subject.

"Oh well, that house of theirs, it's old, really old. Um hundreds of years. And I found a legend."

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