That Still Small Voice

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The Supremes Baby Love

Echo and the bunnymen I think I need it too

Orelia has orchestra Suggestions

Lacey woke with a start. Her phone was vibrating on the bedside table. She picked it up and slipped on a pair of shoes before heading out the door of the motel room, so as not to wake Sam and Dean. The number was unfamiliar to her.
"Hello?" She answered as she leant against the railings.
"Lacey?" Came a vaguely familiar male voice down the line.
"Yes, who's this?"
"It's Tony, Amy's husband."
"Oh, Hi Tony, what's up?"
"Look I hate to bother you at this time of night but we've got a bit of a problem and Amy said you might be able to help with it."
"Sure, of course."

"I'll put her on the line now." There was silence for a moment as he passed the phone to Amy.
"Hey Lace."
"Heya sis, what's going on?"
"Long story short, I'm in labour."
"Oh my god." Lacey stood up straight.
"Yeah, I know right. It's a little earlier than expected, which is why we'd gone away for the weekend."
"You're not in the middle of nowhere are you?"
"No, no we're on our way to the hospital right now. There's another problem. There's been a big storm at Mom and Dad's end and the powers out so we can't get hold of them to let them know. Plus we're a few hours away from home so by the time we got hold of them and they drove down here.... I don't suppose you could pick them up on your way here?"
"On my way? You want me to come?"
"Of course I want you here, you're my sister. Where are you guys at the moment?"

"We're in Wyoming at the moment, but I can be over to Mom's in about 15 minutes."
"Thank you, Lacey."
"It's no problem. Have Tony text me the hospital address and we'll be with you in half an hour."
"Okay, he'll send it through as soon as I hang up."
"See you soon, love you."
"Love you too, bye." Lacey hung up and retraced her steps back to the motel room. She crept back inside and headed over to the bed.
"Dean?" She whispered as she began to pull clothes out of her bag. "Dean, you need to wake up." Dean slowly began to stir.
"What's up, Lace?" He asked, hoarsely.
"Shhh! Don't wake Sam. We need to go, Amy's gone into labour." Dean took a moment to process this information. "We need to go get Mom and Dad, they can't get through to them, and take them with us to the hospital."
"Ok." Dean nodded as he started to get up. Lacey hurried to the bathroom and quickly changed her clothes and brushed her teeth. She pulled her long hair back into a ponytail before exiting the bathroom to find Dean pulling on his jacket. She took hold of his hand and the two of them teleported to her parent's house.

Lacey teleported them into the foyer of the house. The whole place was pitch black apart from the odd fork of lightning that flashed in the distance.
"Oh! I almost forgot , there's a blackout!" Lacey whispered. She cupped her hand and created a fireball to light their way. They slowly made their way up the stairs and towards her parents room. Lacey knocked on the door but got no answer.
"Hello?" She called softly. "Mom? Dad?" She turned the handle and slowly pushed the door open. There was a scream from inside as the door swung fully open. Her Mother was sat up in bed, clutching the covers to her chest.
"William! William! There's an intruder in the house!"
"Mom! Mom, it's ok it's just me!" Lacey called as her father startled awake.
"Oh my goodness Lacey! You almost gave me a heart attack! Standing there with that fire... in your hand..." Her mother trailed off.
"What's going on?" Her father asked, still half asleep.
"I had to come get you guys. Amy's been trying to get hold of you but I guess the storm took out the phones. She's having the baby so we need to get to the hospital right now."
"Oh my goodness, I..." Ann trailed off as, what sounded like a war cry, came bellowing up the stairs. Lacey and Dean turned around to find the butler hurtling towards them in his night shirts carrying an old fashioned musket. Lacey took hold of Dean's hand and he phased right through them, landing with a crash on her parents bed.
"Claybourne! My goodness!" William got to his feet and helped the butler up.
"Intruders, Sir! Intruders in the house!" Claybourne managed to gasp out.
"It's all right Claybourne, it's just Lacey and uh... and ..."
"Dean." Lacey supplied.
"Yes, that's it, Dean. Go back to bed now, we are going to visit Amy, she's having the baby."
"Very good, sir." Claybourne stumbled to his feet and headed out of the room.
"We'll get ready, why don't you two wait downstairs for us." Lacey and Dean headed down to the kitchen and sat round the table, waiting. Lacey checked her phone and found Tony had sent her the address. Ten minutes later William and Ann came down the stairs, carrying a torch.
"Right, we're ready when you are. What's the procedure with this?" William asked, sounding unsure.
"I'm going to teleport us to the hospital, you just need to hold on to my arm Mom and Dad hold on to Mom. You might want to shut your eyes, it can be a little disorienting at first." Her parents did as she suggested and Dean took her other arm. Lacey closed her eyes and concentrated on the address. A few seconds later they were standing outside the hospital.
"You can open your eyes now." Lacey told them.
"Oh my." Ann said as she looked around. "Where are we?"
"Out in the sticks of New York."
"Well, that was...quick." Ann fumbled. "Let's get inside shall we, find where Amy is?" William headed to the front desk and found out which room Amy was in. They headed up to the third floor in the elevator and down to room 305. Ann knocked and stuck her head around the door.
"All right for us to come in?" She asked.
"Mom! Lacey found you! Come in!" The four of them piled into the room.
"Of course dear, we were hardly hiding. It would happen while you were away, wouldn't it." Ann fussed. A nurse came in the door and looked at the mess of them gathered around the bed.
"I'm sorry, we really can't have more than two people in here with Mrs Frith."
"Will you stay, Mom?" Amy asked.
"Yes, of course dear." Lacey went up and gave Amy a hug before following her father and Dean out into the deserted waiting room.

They had been sitting in the waiting room for nearly 3 hours now. Lacey had dozed off, leaning against Dean. William had been reading the magazines on the waiting room table but he had now exhausted everything that wasn't Good Housekeeping.
"So, how are things?" He asked Dean, gruffly.
"Fine, thanks, you?" Dean replied.
"Yes, very well thank you, I..." The door to Amy's room burst open and Ann came out, tears in her eyes. Lacey started awake at the sound.
"It's a boy!" Ann exclaimed excitedly.
"Lovely, dear." William beamed proudly.
"Can we go in?" Lacey asked.
"Yes, come on you three!" Ann motioned them to follow her in. Lacey took in the sight before her. Amy was sitting up in bed, Tony next to her, cradling a small bundle. Amy smiled at her.
"Come and meet your nephew." Lacey moved forward and stood beside Amy.
"Oh, he's so tiny!" She smiled down at the little wrinkled face.
"Lacey meet Dorian, Dorian meet your Aunt Lacey. And that's your Grandpa William and... " She stopped and looked at Dean for a moment. "And that's your Uncle Dean." Dean gave her a lopsided grin. "We named him after Tony's Grandfather but we're going to call him Rian for short." She explained. "Do you want to hold him?" She asked Lacey. Lacey nodded and gently took him from Amy. She cradled him in her arms and moved over to where Dean was standing.
"Hey Rian, Like your Mom said, I'm your Aunt Lacey and this is your Uncle Dean. And don't worry, I'll warn you in advance, we're way more fun than your Uncle Brendan and your Aunt Jenna." Dean chuckled at this. "Anything you need, you just come see us, ok? We got you covered."
"Actually there was something I wanted to ask you?" Lacey looked over at Amy. "Tony's Mom is insisting we have a Christening for him so, would you be his Godmother?" Lacey's face lit up.
"Of course! I'd be honoured to." Lacey passed Rian to her Mother who was hovering around. "We'll give you guys some time alone now, but call me if you need anything." Lacey hugged Amy and Tony and they headed for the door. They headed down the hallway to the elevator.
"So, you're not gonna want one of those of your own now are you?" Dean asked as Lacey leant into him, tiredly.
"No way. I'm only 24 Dean, no way I'm ready for that kind of responsibility yet."
"Maybe someday?" Dean asked softly.
"Yeah, someday, if we survive the next apocalypse." Lacey joked. They headed out to the parking lot and Lacey teleported them back to the motel.

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