Sins of the Son Part 1

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It was a few days later and the four of them were gathered in Bobby's living room. Bobby had a map laid out on his desk that they were peering over.
"I've been getting blasts from hunters all week." He pointed at different locations on the map. "Nest of vamps, Werewolf Dance Party, Shifters; six of them. Two hunters died taking them out. Ghouls, ghouls, ghoul wraith smorgasbord." Lacey pulled a face.
"Is it just me or is that a straight kick line down I-80?" Dean pointed out.
"Looks to me like it's a Sherman March Monster Mash."
"Yeah, but where are they marching to?" Sam asked. Bobby pointed at an area on the map he'd circled. "What is it?"
"Guy bashes in his family's heads."

The four of them had gone together on this and Lacey was waiting outside the interrogation room while the boys and Bobby interviewed the guy who had killed his family. After a while the three of them came out and joined Lacey. Sam pulled out his laptop and began typing away.
"So demon possession or ghosts? I thought this was a monster thing." Dean frowned.
"All right here we go." Sam turned the screen so they could all see it. He had pulled up security camera footage from the previous night when the guy had stopped at a gas station. "Truck stop, night of the murders."
"That's him." Dean said as they watched the guy get out of his truck. "Hmm, hello." Dean commented as a girl in a white dress walked across the screen. Sam paused it when she turned to look at the camera. "Freakish nightmare. What the hell is that?" Dean pulled a face as they examined her grotesque features.
"Yikes." Lacey replied in agreement.
"I've never seen that in my life. All those vamps and ghouls out on I-80, maybe they're coming in for mothers day."
"Um....okay, well if that is big Mama, whatever she is, we got zero on ganking her. So what are we going to do if we run into her? Throw salt and hope?"
"No, we're gonna turn tail and run because we're in over our heads." Bobby told them. "I mean we better get some real info on this bitch before we do run into her." Bobby looked up as the office around them began to buzz.
"What's the ruckus?" He asked one of the officers.
"A guy just went postal down at the cannery."
"I'll go." Bobby offered. "You finish here."

Bobby got a lift to the docks in one of the squad cars. He pulled out his badge and headed over to talk to some of the officers who were already at the scene.
"FBI ,Willis. How many in there?"
"Six dead." The officer confirmed.
"What happened?"
"Apparently, a guy walks in, pulls a hunting rifle, just opens fire. Captain." He turned to the older man heading towards them. "This is agent..."
"What? There a fed convention in town or something?" The Captain interrupted.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Agent Willis? Am I right?" Bobby turned around to find Rufus standing behind him.
"Agent. I wasn't expecting you... yet."
"Well apparently you didn't get the call." He turned to the Officers. "Gentlemen, can you excuse us?" The police waved them off and the two of them walked further up the docks.
"What in the high holy are you doing here, Rufus?"
"Same as you, tracking 31 flavours of crazy, which led us both smack into the middle of this." Rufus shrugged.
"Right. Huh. Can we talk to the perp?"
"Well we can give it a shot. Not sure he's gonna talk back to us though. Cops put eight bullets in him. So..."
"So what?" Bobby asked, his usual gruff self.
"So, are we partnering on this or not? Come on, man. It's not rocket surgery. We're here. Let's do this. Just like old times."
"Long as I get to drive." Bobby nodded. Rufus laughed.
"Hell no."

A short while later found them at the coroners, in the autopsy room, to examine the body. ~
"So, do you think the mother of whatever the hell in wrapped up in this, Bobby?"
"Looks like."
"These are just guys going berserk, Bobby. How is that a monster thing?" Rufus sounded sceptical.
"I don't know." Bobby shrugged as he examined the body. "That's why we're hacking him open. Hand me one of those swab things over there." Rufus handed him one and Bobby used it to check the dead guys ears. When he pulled it out it was covered in grey goo.
"What have you got? That ecto?" Rufus took the swab and sniffed it. "That's not ecto. What the hell is that?"
"It's something new."
"New? No such thing as new, Bobby."
"Well it's something. Those guys who snapped, one thing they had in common, they both worked at that cannery joint."

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