Which Dreamed It Part 2

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Lacey stepped out of the other side of the portal onto a gravel driveway. As the doorway closed behind her she felt her heart skip a beat. This was it. No going back now, she had made her decision and she would have to stick with it. She felt her chest tighten a little and she breathed heavier, all of the bravado she had shown at Bobby's disappeared as she stared up at the mansion in front of her. She took a few deep breaths, calming herself before she walked across the driveway and up the steps to the front door. She raised her fist and knocked on the door. A few moments later a girl with long brunette hair opened it. She was pretty, about fifteen years old, but a scowl was set into her features.
"Can I help you?" She asked, studying Lacey.
"Hi, yes, I'm here to see the Professor if he's available?"
"Is he expecting you?"
"Probably not."
"Ok, well If you want to wait here, I'll go and see if he's free." She asked, taking a step back and indicating the large entryway.
"Yes, thank you." Lacey replied, hauling her bag into the room and sitting down on one of the sofas. The girl disappeared down one of the nearby corridors. Lacey studied the room. It was large and open, painted in pale but warm colors, with a large staircase leading to the upper floors. At either side of the staircase a hallway disappeared deeper into the building. As Lacey began to study the sculptures around the room, the girl returned.
"The Professor will see you now." Lacey got to her feet and followed the girl. She took her down a hallway carpeted with lush red and gold. She walked up to a door and knocked on it before turning to go.
"Thank you." Lacey called after her. The girl turned around and gave her a wan smile before disappearing around the corner. Lacey turned the handle and pushed the door open.
"Ah, Ms McNulty. It's good to meet you." The Professor wheeled his chair forward to greet her, Lacey shook his hand.
"How did you..."
"Know your name? You're not the only telepath around here." He indicated she should take a seat on the sofa. She sat down placing her bag at her feet.
"You have powers too?"
"Not quite in the same way you do. You are quite unique, even around here."
"I don't really know much about this place, just a few things I read."
"So what brought you here?" The Professor asked.
"I...I wanted to find somewhere to belong. I was alone for such a long time... and then I thought I found somewhere...but that's over now." She sighed, tucking her hair behind her ears. The Professor nodded.
"And what do you think my school can offer you?"
"Well, I never got to go to high school so that's something I wanted to try. And like you said, even around here I'm different so maybe learn a bit more about my powers." The Professor nodded at her.
"I'm sure we can work something out. The children do most of their studies at the local high school so we could enrol you there. They also partake in extra classes and training here. Does this all sound agreeable?"
"Definitely." Lacey smiled.
"Then welcome to the Xavier Institute." The Professor smiled warmly at her. "I'll ask Laura to come back and escort you to your room. We have recently experienced an influx of students so you will have to share a room. I'll have you rooming with one of our long term students who can show you the ropes."
"Thank you." There was a knock at the door and the girl, Laura, appeared in the door frame.
"Ah, thank you Laura, could you show Ms McNulty up to her room, she'll be sharing with Kitty."
"Sure, Professor." Laura nodded. Lacey got to her feet and headed for the door.
"Thank you, Professor."
"You're welcome." He smiled warmly at her. She followed Laura out into the hallway.
"I'm Lacey, by the way." She said as Laura led her through the entryway and up the stairs.
"Laura, but most people just call me X." At the top of the stairs they turned right and headed a short way down the corridor. Laura knocked on one of the doors and a girl with a brunette ponytail answered the door.
"Kitty this is Lacey, your new room mate, Lacey this is Kitty."
"Hey! It's great to meet you." Kitty smiled at her happily.
"You too." Lacey smiled back.
"I'll leave you to it." Laura said, beating a hasty retreat.
"Don't mind her." Kitty said closing the door behind them. "She's like that with everyone. So where are you from?" Wow, Lacey thought to herself. Only the first question and already I don't know how to answer it.
"Uh, I'm not really from anywhere, I kind of move around a lot...well I just came from Sioux Falls, South Dakota." Lacey explained. Kitty nodded.
"What powers do you have, if you don't mind me asking?"
"You name it, I can probably do it." Kitty's eyes widened at this.
"Wow, really?"
"Uhuh." Lacey nodded, stifling a yawn.
"Okay well I have some stuff to do in the library so why don't you relax and I can show you around the place tomorrow?" Kitty suggested.
"Sounds good to me." Lacey nodded. Kitty left the room and Lacey changed into her night clothes. She climbed into bed and sighed at the feel of the cool sheets under her. She had been so worried about this, but she had a feeling she would fit in here just fine. She rolled over onto her side and curled up. Her last thought before she fell asleep was the only thing missing was someone to curl up next to.

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