Humpty Dumpty Part 2

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As the service finished they left the church.

"No drinking, no gambling, no premarital sex. Dean, they just basically outlawed ninety percent of your personality."
"Yeah, well, whatever. When in Rome." They looked at him surprised.
"So uh, you're cool with it?"

"I'm not cool, I'm not, not cool. I'm just, look man, I'm not a prophet. We're not locals. It's not my call. I'll catch up with you." He told them before he wandered back into the church. Lacey stared after him.

"Come on." Sam said, taking her by the elbow. "Let's go get something to drink."

They walked into Paul's bar and found it completely empty except for the owner.
"Hey so what happened to uh, "the Apocalypse is good for business"?"

"Oh, yeah right until Leah's angel pals banned the good stuff. Wanna help me kill some inventory?"

"Sure." They sat down at the bar and Paul poured them drinks.

"Don't get me wrong, I grew up here. I love this town, but uh, well, these holy rollers?"

"Yeah, yeah, I uh, I noticed you're not the praying type."
"Yeah, well, between you and me, neither are half those guys. A couple of months back, they're all in here getting wasted, banging the nanny. Now they're warriors of God. Cheers." He took a swig of his drink.

"Cheers." Sam replied, doing the same.
"Look, there's sure as hell demons. And maybe there is a God. I don't know. Fine. But I'm not a hypocrite. I never prayed before and I ain't starting now. If I go to hell, I'm going honest. How 'bout you?"
"What about me?"

"Not a true believer I take it."

"I believe, yeah. I do, I'm just pretty sure God stopped caring a long time ago."

Later that evening Dean returned to the motel. Sam was sitting on one of the beds reading and Lacey was already asleep.
"Where you been?" Dean asked.


"You rebel." He joked, but it fell flat.
"I'd have had more, um, but it was curfew."

"You hear they shut down the cell towers?"
"No. That's, uh, news to me."
"Yeah. No cable, internet. Total cut off from the "corruption of the outside world."
"Don't you get it? They're turning this place into some kind of fundamentalist compound."
"No, I get it."

"And all you've got's a "hmmm?" What's wrong with you?"

"I get it. I just don't care."

"What difference does it make?"

"It makes a hell of a..." Sam stopped himself, seething with anger. He calmed himself down and tried again. "At what point does this become too far for you? Stoning? Poisoned Kool Aid? The angels are toying with these people!"

"Angel world, angel rules, man."
"And since when is that okay with you?"
"Since the angels got the only lifeboats on the Titanic. I mean, who exactly is supposed to come along and save these people? It was supposed to be us, but we can't do it."
"So what? You wanna, you wanna just stop fighting? Roll over?"
"I don't know, maybe."

"Don't say that."
"Why not?"
"Cause you can't do this."

"Actually, I can."
"No you can't. You can't do this to me. To Lacey." Dean looked over at her sleeping form. She looked so peaceful. "I got one thing. One thing keeping me going. You think you're the only one white knuckling it here, Dean? I can't count on anyone else. I can't do this alone." Dean continued to watch Lacey, his mind racing. "Dean." He snapped out of it and got to his feet.

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