The Rabbit sends a little Bill Part 1

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Dean and Lacey were sat in a diner, both looking a little lost. The waitress brought over their order, "Bacon and eggs for you, and oatmeal for you." she said as she placed the dishes in front of them. Dean raised an eyebrow at Lacey.

"Oatmeal? You don't have to go all healthy just cause Sam's not here to do it." Lacey laughed.

"Don't worry it's probably a one off. It's been such a long time since I've had a lot of things I just want to try everything over." Dean nodded. He was missing Sam it was true. They had spent so long travelling together it was weird that Sam wasn't here. He also knew that Lacey knew he missed Sam and was doing anything she could to make up for his absence. He studied her from across the table as she dug into her oatmeal. She was wearing a white vest top with dark blue jeans and a black and white striped cardigan and she seemed to be permanently attached to her converse lately. Her long blonde hair hung freely over her shoulders. She was doing pretty well considering the circumstances. They had been driving around for a few days looking for a case to work on and they had finally lucked out. There had been some random killings in the next town over and they were heading there to hunt, Dean surmised from the reports in the local paper that it was a vampire they were dealing with. They finished their meal and Dean paid the bill. They headed outside and got into the Impala. Dean drove them a short way down the highway before pulling into the gas station and filling the car up. He leant in through the open window. "You want anything?"

"I'll come see" Lacey replied and bounded out of the car. The bell above the door pinged as they entered the store. Lacey disappeared down an aisle and after grabbing a few snacks Dean followed after her. He found her standing in the middle of the aisle examining the magazine rack.

"Found anything?" Dean asked. Lacey nodded wide eyed.

"I can't decide which one. Any ideas?" Dean shrugged.

"Just grab a couple, whatever takes your fancy." Lacey smiled and grabbed three magazines off the rack and followed Dean to the counter. The cashier rang it up and Dean paid for it on one of his credit cards. They headed back to the car and drove a few more miles down the road to a Palms Inn Motel. Dean checked them in and they headed up to their room. Dean unpacked his guns and sorted through them. He glanced up and saw Lacey curled up on the other bed reading an astrology magazine. Dean sighed.

"We've got some time to kill, anything you wanna do?" Lacey glanced up from her magazine.

"Anything?" Dean chuckled.

"Well, within reason."

"Would bowling be within reason?" She asked.

"Sure I think we can run to that." Lacey smiled widely. Dean and Lacey went down to the front desk. Dean got directions from the clerk and they got into the Impala. Lacey was still flipping through her magazine, "Dean when's your birthday?" she asked.

"January 24th" Dean replied. Lacey nodded thoughtfully. "You gonna read me my horoscope?" Dean asked smiling.

"Sure. It says; It isn't a good idea to blame your troubles on others. The only one that you really have to blame is you. You will find that your mind is active today and that it might send you around in circles unless you make a conscious effort to slow it down and get it going on the right path. Deal with the facts of the situation instead of the emotions that may arise from it." She stopped and looked at Dean who just stared straight ahead and gripped the wheel tightly.

They arrived at the bowling alley and Dean paid for them. Lacey stood behind him biting her lip.

"What's up?" Dean asked raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, um nothing, its just been such a long time since I've done this." Dean smiled.

"It's OK I'll show you how to do it."

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