Queen Alice Part 1

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The three of them walked down the halls of a hospital, there had been an outbreak of swine flu the day before so they were forced to wear masks over their face.

"Check it out, I look like the king of pop." Dean joked. Sam gave him a disapproving look. "Too soon?" Dean chuckled.

"Too soon." The Doctor they were meeting with approached them, she too was wearing a mask.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad the CDC is here, but what we really need is a vaccine.

"You got that right."

"Well, tell me, have you noticed anything unusual about the strain? Any signs of behavioral change, like aggression maybe?"

"Excuse me?" The Doctor asked, looking at Sam in surprise.
"Have the flu victims shown any signs of, uh, homicidal tendencies?"

"Uh...symptomatically speaking, we're looking at a relatively mild case of swine flu here. Probably add up to a miserable week off work but that's about it."

"So nothing unusual?" Dean asked.

"Hmm. Day and a half ago, we didn't have a single case. Now we're looking at over 70. The infectious equivalent of a briefcase bomb. So yeah, I might call that a little unusual."

"Day and a half?" Sam turned to Dean.

"That's the same time those statues started crying."


"I'm sorry. What was that?" The Doctor looked at them oddly.

"What was what?" Dean asked trying to cover.

"Did you just say a bunch of statues started crying?"

"Wh...no! No. Who would.."

"Who would say that huh? Crazy people."


"Yeah, which we are not." Dean nodded.


"Just...get us some vaccine." The Doctor gave them one last look before walking off.

"Whew." Dean breathed a sigh of relief once she'd gone.

They were back in the Impala, driving through the night, Lacey was in the back seat as usual. Bobby was on speakerphone.

"Let me guess, another steaming hot pile of swine flu?" His voice echoed through the car.

"Yep." Dean confirmed.

"Doesn't make sense Bobby. Pestilence touched down here. I'm sure of it."

"But why is he dealing them soft serve like swine flu when he's got the croatoan virus up his sleeve? I...I don't get it."

"Doesn't matter what the sick son of a bitch is doing. What matters is this is the fourth town he's hit, that we know of, and we're still eating his dust. Did you get any? We got even a snowball at a probable next target?"

"Uh, no pattern we can see." Sam told him.

"Okay. Hold on. Well, far as I can tell, he's still heading East. So ...head East. I guess."

"East?" Sam and Dean exclaimed at the same time.

"Bobby, we're in West Nevada. East is practically all there is."

"Yeah well, you better get to drivin'." Bobby said before hanging up.

"Say...I've got an idea." Came Crowley's voice from the back seat. Lacey gave a shriek and teleported into the front seat between them. Dean swerved and braked bringing the car to a screeching halt. Sam threw the demon knife at him, but he'd already disappeared, leaving the knife lodged in the back seat.

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