Welcome to Storybrooke Part 2

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David Lee Roth Just like Living in Paradise
Gabrielle Aplin The Power of Love
Marlena Shaw California Soul

Lacey was awoken the next morning by a knock at the door. Dean was already up and dressed so he answered it. Granny stood in the doorway.
"Oh good, you're up. David and Snow asked if you'd like to join everyone downstairs in half an hour, they're going to go over their plan of action."
"Sure, we'll be there." Dean told her. Granny gave him a small smile before she left.
Lacey got out of bed and hurried to the bathroom to get ready. Once she was washed and dressed she pulled a brush through her hair quickly, an excited look on her face.
"What's got you so happy?" Dean asked.
"I know what happened yesterday was horrible but I can't help but be excited that we're basically about to storm a castle with Snow White and Prince Charming." She smiled up at him happily. Dean chuckled and shook his head. Lacey strode towards the door but Dean grabbed hold of her arm. She looked up at him confused.
"Yesterday at the cannery, when Emma nearly fell through the portal... did you move her with your powers?" Dean asked, studying her facial expression.
"I... I think I did." Lacey gave him a small smile. "I think I used them back when I was visiting my family and Amy and I took out that ghost. I only seem to be able to get them to work when me or the people around me are in danger. I tried moving stuff other times and it didn't work. It's probably going to take time for them to completely come back." They stared at each other for a second then Dean broke into a grin.
"That's awesome, Lace." Lacey smiled back at him and Dean leant forward opening the door for her. They headed downstairs and found everyone waiting for them in the diner.
"Lacey, Dean, thank you for coming. This is Regina and Hook." Lacey blinked at the handsome man leaning against the counter.
"Wow, you're so not what I expected."
"And you aren't so bad yourself, love." Hook smirked at her, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. Lacey blushed slightly.
"Well, it's certainly an improvement on the wig." She stammered. Suddenly the ground below them began to shake, Lacey fell backwards and Dean caught her before she could hit the ground. The shaking stopped as quickly as it had started.
"What was that?" Dean asked as everyone righted themselves.
"That is what we are meeting about." Regina stepped forward. "When I created Storybrooke I knew there was a chance things wouldn't work out, so I built a failsafe into the curse. Before Greg and Tamara kidnapped me they had me retrieve the failsafe and then stole it from me. That earthquake was them activating it."
"And what does this failsafe do?" David asked, giving Regina a look of disapproval.
"It will destroy the town." Regina replied.
"What?!" Snow stared at her, shocked.
"They didn't call me the Evil Queen for nothing you know." Regina shrugged.
"So how do we stop it?" Dean asked.
"Well, we have to find it first. Then I will contain its power while the rest of you get as far away as possible." There was silence as what Regina had said sank in.
"No, Mom you can't do this!" Henry spoke up.
"I have to, there's no other way."
"I thought Emma was his mother?" Lacey asked quietly, leaning over to Snow.
"She is, Emma had Henry at a young age and unbeknownst to her he was adopted by Regina."
"Wow, that's quite the complicated family tree you've got there." Dean marvelled.
"First thing we need to do is steal back the beans from Greg and Tamara, then we can all escape back to the enchanted forest before the town is destroyed." David surmised.
"Beans?" They turned to Snow again.
"Magic beans, that's what opened the portal yesterday when... when we lost Neal." The room was silent for a moment until Hook stepped forward
"I think I may be able to help on both counts. I may know where to find the failsafe. Greg and Tamara were after a Dwarf pickaxe when we parted company. I think our best bet is the mines."
"And the beans?" David prompted.
"Well, they may have lost this when we parted company." Hook smirked and held up a small clear bean between his fingers.
"What are we waiting for then, let's go." Snow got to her feet, followed by everyone else. Regina gave her a look.
"I can go by myself."
"You can, but you won't be." Snow told her determinedly.
"Well, good luck with that." Hook called out as they filed out of Granny's and headed for the Dwarf Mines. Emma turned back.
"You're not coming?"
"I think I've done my good deed for the day. I will however wait on my ship with the bean, and make ready for our trip." Emma nodded at him before following after the others.

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