Day of Reckoning Part 2

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Seconds later Dean was sprawled out on the floor of the motel bathroom. Lacey stood over him, her arms folded across her chest.
"What the hell is going on Dean?" She sounded angry but her voice was laced with worry as well. "Sam called me and said you had disappeared, that I needed to find you, it was an emergency." Lacey glared down at him. "I was in the middle of a danger room session."
"Sam didn't tell you?" Dean winced as he lowered himself down against the side of the bath.
"Tell me what?"
"Well this I probably my last night on earth." Dean replied as he looked up at her. Lacey narrowed her eyes at him.
"What do you mean?"
"I got turned Lace... by a vampire. And you and I both know what that means." Lace stared at him for a moment, open mouthed, before sinking down beside him.
"And there's nothing..." Lacey trailed off.
"You know there isn't." Lacey turned towards him.
"Don't freak... but I have friends that are vampires, this doesn't have to be a death sentence, I mean sure they're not quite the same kind of vampires as we have here, but still..." Dean shook his head.
"Sam's called Samuel in, when he gets here it will all be over." Lacey looked down at her hands, not knowing what to say. Dean studied her face for a moment, looking pained. He reached out and gently lifted her chin so she was facing him. Tears welled up in her eyes as she gazed at him with those blue orbs he couldn't resist.
"Lace.... If this it, if it's all over tonight, there's something I need to tell you... leaving you when I thought Sam was gone.... Was the biggest mistake I ever made, all that's happened is I've ruined more people's lives, I never stopped thinking about you, not for a second. If I could go back, never would have left your side." Lacey stared at him, not quite sure she believed what she was hearing.
"What?" Was all Lacey managed to gasp out.
"Leaving you was the stupidest thing I've ever done... and I've done some stupid things in my time." Dean gave a small smile. "I guess I won't get another chance to say this, I...I love you Lacey." Lacey's eyes widened. "I know what I put you through was awful, but seeing as I'm dying and all..." Dean leaned in and kissed her, gently at first. Lacey melted into him, all of the pain she had felt seemed to be washed away in that moment. As they pulled apart, Lacey bit her lower lip.

"Actually there's something I should tell you too Dean." He nodded at her to continue. "I'm an angel." Dean smiled.
"I know you are."
"No, I... I'm being serious. This past year, I learned a lot about myself, where I come from, what I am." She shrugged. "I guess you could kind of say I was sent by god."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, before God left heaven he wanted to make sure that the angels couldn't take over completely, he put in a fail safe, me. I was created by him and a few other powerful beings. Part human, part mutant." Dean's eyes widened. "And part angel. Not much." She hastily explained. "Just enough so that I could withstand an attack from them. So I spent most of last year with some people, you may have heard of them, the X-Men." Dean stared at her.
"Are you serious?" She nodded. "Sam would love this." He muttered.
"They aren't from this reality, I travelled through a portal to get to their world. It was amazing." Lacey gushed. "I mean I trained with the friggin' Wolverine for crying out loud. So anyway enough about me, I'm sure this is not how you want to spend your last hours here."
"Actually I couldn't think of anything better." Dean replied as he wrapped his arm around her. They stayed like that for a while, not talking. Dean stiffened and sat up.
"They're here." He and Lacey stood up and headed out of the bathroom and into the kitchen of the motel room. They heard voices approaching and a key was turned in the lock. Dean silently pulled Lacey back into the shadows, a finger over his lips.
"Can't keep track of your brother now?" Samuel asked, sounding annoyed.
"Well I didn't think he'd just..."
"He's not himself, Sam. He's a monster and he's hungry. You gotta be prepared to do the right thing."
"I told you he'd kill me when he showed up." Dean said as he and Lacey stepped into the light.
"Lacey, you found him." Sam sounded impressed.
"I'm a telepath Sam, of course I found him." Lacey smiled. Samuel ignored them.
"Did you feed?"
"I... I went to say goodbye to Lisa, which for the record was a lousy idea."
"Dean, answer the question." Samuel snapped.
"You can relax, I didn't drink anyone." Dean told him.
"Thank god."
"But I came close." Dean slipped off his jacket and took hold of Lacey's hand. "All right, do it."

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