The Stuff of Villains Part 2

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Cas stood in the living room of the abandoned house watching as Lacey and Dean packed up the last of their stuff.
"You know, Cas, you could help." Dean pointed out.
"I'm ambivalent about what we're attempting." Cas informed him.
"Well breaking into monster Gitmo isn't exactly two for one in the champagne room." Dean admitted.
"I'm not sure retrieving Sam's soul is wise." Dean stared at Cas.
"Wait, what? Why?"
"I want him to survive." Lacey blinked at Cas.
"What are you talking about?"
"Sam's soul has been locked in the cage with Michael and Lucifer for more than a year. And they have nothing to do but take their frustrations out on him, you understand? If we try to shove that mutilated thing down Sam's gullet, we have no idea what will happen. It could be catastrophic."
"You mean he dies?" Dean clarified.
"I mean he doesn't. Paralysis, insanity, psychic pain so profound he's locked inside himself for the rest of his life."
"But you're saying you don't know anything for sure. He could be fine."
"He could be, yes."
"Okay then." Dean nodded.
"But I sincerely doubt it."
"Well then if he's not fine, you fix him."
"Dean, I wouldn't know where to begin."
"Then you figure it out, Cas. The guys a friggin' replicant. He needs his soul. Look, we get it back. And if there are complications, then we will figure out a way to deal with those too."
"Of course." Dean nodded at him. "Or we fail and Sam suffers horrifically." Lacey and Dean exchanged a look, not sure wat to say to that.

A short while later Lacey teleported them all to the building Crowley was keeping the monsters in.
"Seems pretty quiet." Dean noted.
"It's not, I can feel it. Meet me at the side door." Cas instructed them before disappearing.
They headed to the side door and Cas opened it for the other side.
"This all seem a little easy to you?" Dean asked as they crossed the threshold.
"Way too easy." Sam nodded. As they headed further into the building the light grew dimmer. Lacey raised her hand and a small orb of light appeared, lighting their way. They rounded a corner and found themselves in front of a row of cells.
"Is someone there? Please help me. Please. You gotta get me out of here. Please. You gotta get me out of here." As they followed the voice they found one of the djinn that had attacked them at Lisa's cowering in the cell. As Dean stopped to stare Sam nudges him.
"Come one Dean, we gotta move." They carried on until they came to a long hallway.
"Wait." Cas put an arm out to stop them.
"What is it?" Dean asked. They could hear the sound of barking in the distance.
"Damn it, here come the guards." Meg warned.
"Hellhounds. Go!" Dean shoved them in the opposite direction. They pushed through a set of double doors and Dean wedged them shut while Sam drew a line of salt.
"I knew this was a trap." Dean griped.
"What do you want, a cupcake?" Meg asked.
"Alright. That should keep them out." Sam said as he finished the salt line.
"Not for long. How many of them are there?"
"Lots. I'll be pulling for you...from Cleveland."
"What?" Dean exclaimed.
"I didn't know this was gonna happen. Brightside; them chewing up my meat suit ought to buy you a few seconds, Seacrest out." Meg flung her head back and tried to smoke out, but nothing happened.
"A spell, I think, from Crowley. Inside these walls you're locked inside your body." Cas informed her.
"Karma's a bitch, bitch." Dean quipped. Sam pulled the demon knife out of his jacket.
"What are you doing? Gonna slash at thin air until you hit something?" Dean asked.
"You can see them. Take this. Hold them off. It's our best shot." Sam said, holding out the knife to Meg.
"At Crowley. Take it and go. Kill the smarmy dick. I'll hold off the dogs."
"How you gonna do that?" Dean asked. Meg grabbed hold of Cas and kissed him, removing his angel sword from his coat as she did so. As she went to pull away Cas grabbed hold of her and pushed her against the wall, kissing her back.
"What was that?" Meg asked as they parted. Sam, Dean and Lacey were staring at them, open mouthed.
"I learned that from the pizza man." Cas informed them. Lacey started to giggle at the look on Dean's face.
"Well...A plus for you. I feel so ...clean. Okay, gotta go."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, is that gonna work on a hellhound?" Dean asked sceptically.
"Well, we're about to find out. Run." Meg instructed them.
"Want me to stay and help?" Lacey offered as the boys took off.
"I got it, thanks girl scout." Meg replied as she began pulling the doors open. Lacey shrugged and followed the guys towards the stairs. Dean opened the door and they walked into a dark stairwell.
"Can't see jack." Dean complained. A moment later Cas disappeared in a flash of blinding light.
"Cas!" Dean called, looking around wildly for the angel.
"Dean." Sam nodded to where Samuel stood, his hand on a bloody sigil painted on the wall.
"You sold us out?" Dean glared angrily at Samuel as two demons appeared behind him and Sam and grabbed hold of them. "Damn you Samuel."
"Yes, I have to say, best purchase I've made since Dick Cheney." Crowley appeared at the top of the stairs. Another demon appeared beside Lacey. She glared at him, daring him to try it.
"Uh, uh, uh, stand down darling, unless you want to end up with pretty boy's brains all over the walls." Crowley said, nodding at the demon who was now holding a gun to Dean's head. Lacey glared at Crowley but stopped struggling.
"Hey Crowley, how's tricks?" Dean called.
"Above your pay grade, been working. Big things. Alas you'll be too dead to participate."
"Really?" Dean raised an eyebrow.
"Shame I have to do away with you three, rather enjoyed your indentured servitude." He nodded at the demons who dragged the three of them into another corridor and threw them into separate cells.
"Sam?" Dean called through the wall.
"I'm standing in pee." Dean finished as Lacey teleported in.
"Oh, gross, next time warn me before." She said, pulling a face. "So glad I didn't opt for open toed footwear today."
"Yeah well, consider yourself lucky." Sam called from the other cell.
"Yikes. That sucks." Dean grimaced. A moment later the grating opened on the front of the door and they could see Samuel on the other side.
"You want forgiveness, find a priest." Dean told him angrily.
"I just want you to understand."
"Oh I understand... you're a liar. You talk about putting blood first, which is funny cause you sound like my dad. The difference is he actually did."
"I am putting blood first." Samuel protested.
"Oh gimme a break!" Dean scoffed.
"Mary's my blood! She's my daughter! Don't come at me like I sold you out Dean. You sold out your own mother. It was her or Sam and you chose Sam, plain and simple."
"Oh that is such crap! You wanna know what really happened? You chose a demon over your own grandsons." Dean said, putting a hand on Lacey's arm as she glared menacingly at Samuel.
"See it how you want. I don't even know what Sam is. And you want me to protect him? Not to mention you and whatever she is? You're a stranger. No, really, tell me exactly what you're meant to be to me?"
"I'll tell you who I am." Dean growled. "I'm the guy you never want to see again. Cause I'll make it out of here, trust me. And the next time you see me, I'll be there to kill you."
"Don't think there's gonna be a next time." Samuel told him.
"Whatever gets you through the night." The door to the cell was thrust open and two demons holding guns dragged the two of them out and down the corridor. Samuel just watched them go.

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