The Garden of Live Flowers Part 1

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Lacey woke with a start as she heard arguing going on around her. She sat up in bed and wiped the sleep from her eyes. Sam was sitting on the other bed, Dean was pacing around the room and Cas busy drawing something on the table.

"What's going on?" She yawned.

"An angel's after Sam." Dean told her before turning to Cas. "Really? Anna? I don't believe it."

"It's true."

"So she's gone all Glenn Close, huh? That's awesome."

"Who's Glenn Close?" Cas asked.

"Cruella De Ville." Lacey supplied proudly.

"Who's Cruella De Ville?" Cas asked, even more confused.

"She wanted to make a fur coat out of puppies."

"So, Sam is the puppy?" Cas asked, catching on.

"Metaphorically speaking." Lacey nodded. Dean looked between the two of them, not sure how to react to that one.

"So the plan to kill me, would it actually stop Satan?"

"No Sam, come on." Dean told him.

"Cas what do you think? Doesn't Anna have a point?"

"No she's uh, Glenn Close." Lacey nodded happily.

"I don't get it. We're looking for the chick that wants to gank Sam." Dean stated indicating what Cas was doing to the table. "Why poke the bear?"

"Anna will keep trying. She won't give up until Sam is dead. So we kill her first." Cas poured oil into a bowl on the table and began to chant.

"Zod ah ma ra la ee est la gi ro sa." Red flames shot out of the bowl. Cas leant against one of the chairs looking pained.

"I've found her."

"Where is she?"

"Not where, when. It's nineteen seventy eight."

"What? Why nineteen seventy eight? I wasn't even born yet."

"You won't be if she kills your parents."

"What?" Sam and Dean looked shocked.

"Anna can't get to you because of me. So she's going after them."

"Take us back right now." Dean told him.

"And deliver you right to Anna? I should go alone."

"They're our parents Cas. We're going."

"It's not that easy."

"Why not?"

"Time travel was difficult even with the powers of heaven at my disposal."

"Which got cut off."

"So, what, you're like a Delorean without enough plutonium?" Dean asked.

"I don't understand that reference." Cas looked to Lacey who shrugged.

"Not a clue."

"But I'm telling you." Cas continued. "Taking this trip with passengers no less, it'll weaken me."

"They're our mom and dad. If we can save them, and not just from Anna. I mean if we can set things right. We have to try."

"What about my powers?" Lacey piped up.

"What?" Sam asked.

"What if Cas tapped into my powers, it could give him an extra boost." She suggested. Cas shrugged.

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