A Caucaus Race and a long Tale Part 2

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A Caucaus Race and a long Tale Part 2

They walked back to the church in silence, Dean giving Sam disapproving looks. When they arrived back they began handing out guns and showing people how to use them."Okay, alright." Roger, the guy whose wife was a demon said as he tried to load a shotgun."Roger hang on a second..." Ellen said trying to help him as he dropped the shot gun shell. Lacey wandered through the room watching as the three of them taught the group how to load and fire their guns. As she passed Dean she overheard him talking to Austin, the guy who had opened the door for them earlier."You know your way around a gun at all?" Dean asked. The guy proceeded to expertly take apart the gun. Dean smiled at him. "Where did you serve?" "Fallujah. Two tours. Got back a little over a year ago. Takes one to know one, where'd you serve?""Hell." Dean replied. Laceys eyes widened in shock. Austin laughed. "No seriously?""Seriously, Hell." Dean said straight faced. Austin looked baffled as he searched for something to say, his eyes fell on Lacey."Aren't you gonna give your friend a gun?" he asked. Dean glanced up at Lacey."No she doesn't need one.""Everybody needs a gun, even the women." Austin replied. Dean sighed. "Lacey?" he called across to her."Yeah?" she asked."Do you want a gun?" "No thanks." She said raising an eyebrow."Told you." Dean said turning to Austin."Everyone needs to be armed." Austin frowned at Lacey."Trust me I already am." Lacey said putting her hands on her hips. Austin looked her up and down."What do you mean? How are you armed?" Lacey rolled her eyes."You wouldn't understand." Austins frown deepened."You're not a demon freak like those people out there are you?" He asked as he put his gun back together. Lacey narrowed her eyes. "No I'm not a demon, do I have black eyes?" Austin shrugged."Who says you have to have black eyes to be a freak, you could be something else.""Well I'm not going to convince you otherwise am I? So what's the point?""The point is these people have been through enough. We don't need a wolf among the sheep." He replied as he finished putting his gun together and clicked the safety off. At this point Dean had had enough. "Put the gun down man she's on our side.""I'm not so sure about that." Austin said as he raised his gun."Go ahead shoot me see where it gets you." Lacey said as she folded her arms defiantly. Austins finger gripped the trigger as if to shoot but was interrupted by Deans fist meeting with his face. He toppled backwards and his gun fell to the floor with a clatter. "I said she's on our side. Now unless you want to go fend for yourself with the demons I suggest you back off." Dean barked. Austin scrambled to his feet and backed away from Dean. "Thanks." Lacey said giving Dean a small smile."Hey" Dean said raising his hands in the air. "I know you can handle yourself but the guy was being a douche." Lacey couldn't help but laugh . Dean grinned at her."Hey" Dean said signalling Sam over."Hey" Sam said glumly."What's wrong?" Dean asked. Sam looked down at his feet."It's just at the store those demons were possessing teenagers I mean, I had to slit some kids throat.""Come on Sam, you had to." "And I electrocuted one of them." Lacey pointed out."I know I just , it used to be like... I just wish I could save people like I used to.""What you mean when you were all hopped up on demon blood?" Dean asked."I didn't say that.""I'll be back." They looked over to see Ellen standing beside them."Where are you going?" Dean asked."I can't sit on my ass. My daughter's out there somewhere. I'm not back in half an hour, go get these people out of here." "No wait, I'll go with you." Sam offered."Whoa hold on, can I talk to you for a second?"Lacey watched as Sam and Dean left the room. She could see them arguing through the door. A few minutes later Sam left with Ellen to go find Jo and stayed behind with Dean this time. The group of people had scattered across the room. Some were getting ready, some were praying. Lacey sat down beside Dean. She could tell he was worried about Sam. "He'll be fine you know, you just need to give him some time." Dean nodded."Can't help but worry about him Lacey." Lacey glanced down at her hands, fidgeting. "Have you really been to hell?" Dean nodded. The door opened with a bang. Ellen stood there panting."Where's Sam?" Dean asked standing up. Ellen shook her head."They took him? Demons took him? Oh my god. What if they're in here? The demons?" The pregnant woman said panicking."Could they get in?" The pastor asked. "No." Dean told him sharply. "We need to get a plan together.""Dean one of them's in Jo. We got to get it out without hurting her." She snorted. "It called me a bitch."

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