It's My Own Invention Part 2

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"Okay, did that...Holy Crap!" Dean growled.

"Yeah, tell me about it. By the way next time I say let's keep driving, uh, let's keep driving."

"OK, yeah. Next time."

"Alright, so what's our next move?"

"I..I don't know. Grab those poor saps out of the freezer, I guess? Bust 'em out? Gank a few freaks along the way if we're lucky?"

"And when are you ever lucky?" They spun round to find Gabriel sitting in one of the chairs.

"Well you know what, bite me, Gabriel."

"Maybe later big boy. Although I'd much rather bite her." Gabriel raised an eyebrow and smirked at Lacey. Lacey shuddered.

"I think I need another bath..." She groaned.

"I should have known. I mean this had your stink over it from the jump."

"You think I'm behind this? Please. I'm the Costner to your Houston. I'm here to save your ass."

"You wanna pull us outta the fire?" Dean asked incredulously.

"Bingo! Those guys are either gonna dust you or use you as bait. Either way, you're uber boned."

"Wow, cause a couple of months ago you were telling us that we need to play our roles. You're uber boning us!"

"Even to me that sounds wrong." Lacey muttered to Sam.

"Ooh... the end is still nigh. Michael and Lucifer are gonna dance the lambada, but not tonight. Not here."

"And why do you care?" Dean asked.

"I don't care. But me and Kali we uh, had a thing. Chick was all hands. What can I say? I'm sentimental."

"Do they have a chance against satan?" Sam asked.

"Really Sam?" Dean asked.

"You got a better idea, Dean?"

"It's a bad idea. Lucifer's gonna turn them into finger paint. So let's get going while the going's good huh?"

"OK great, why don't you just zap us out of here then?"

"I would if I could but Kali's got you by the short and curlies. It's a blood spell. You boys are on a leash." Lacey smirked at Dean.

"What does that mean?"

"It means it's time for a bit of the old black magic." Gabriel told them.

"Okay, yeah well, whatever. Well we're gonna take the hors 'doeuvres in the freezer with us.

"Forget it. It's gonna be hard enough sneaking you mooks out of here."

"They called you Loki right? Which means they don't really know who you are?" Dean pointed out.

"Told you. I'm in witness protection."

"Ok, well then how about you do what we say, or we tell the uh, legion of doom about your secret identity. They don't seem like a real pro angel kinds crowd." Dean threatened.

"I'll take your voices away." Gabriel countered.

"We'll write it down."

"I'll cut off your hands."

"Well then people are gonna be asking, why are you guys running around with no hands?"

"Fine." Gabriel gave in and snapped his fingers, disappearing.

The three of them headed back to the lobby to try and rescue the people trapped in the freezer. They heard screaming coming from the direction of the kitchen, Dean grabbed Lacey and pulled her behind a pillar as two goons dragged a guy into the lobby.

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