Skin Deep Part 1

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When they reached Bobby's he filled them in on the progress he'd made with Lovecraft and the portal, how the maid had turned out to be Dr Visyak and that she was what had escaped from Purgatory when they'd opened the portal. The next morning he received a call from Dr Visyak asking him to meet up with her so the four of them headed out to the address she'd given them.
"Where is she?" Dean asked impatiently as they turned down the alley they were supposed to meet her in.
"She said to meet her here, I'll try her again." Bobby shrugged. He pulled out his phone and dialled the number. A short distance away the phone began to ring. They followed the sound and found Dr Visyak leaning against a dumpster, her face looked pale and drawn.
"Elle?" Bobby hurried over and knelt down beside her.
"Hey. I guess I could of used your help after all." She told him, weakly.
"Just be still."
"What happened?" Sam asked.
"They took me. I got away." She held open her jacket so they could see the stab wound to her side.
"Oh, Ellie, what have they done to you?" Bobby asked, concern evident in his voice.
"Everything. The demon I could have handled but when the angel stepped in... I told him Bobby. They have enough to crack Purgatory wide open."
"Tell me, I need to know."
"They need virgin blood, that's a milk run for them. They need the blood of a Purgatory native and, well, they've got plenty of that now. Then they just need one more ingredient..." Ellie stopped, wincing in pain.
"Pssst!" Lacey heard the noise from the entrance to the alley they had come through. Worrying that someone had found them she hurried back the way they'd come but when she turned the corner no-one was there. She frowned to herself and turned to go back when a hand holding a cloth clamped down over her face. As she breathed in she felt a burning sensation and her throat began to constrict as the chloroform on the rag took effect. She struggled for a moment against her captor, but to no avail, and a moment later she fell unconscious.
"What's the last ingredient?" Dean prompted.
"The blood of someone that can open portals." Ellie told them.
"And that's it, then they can open it?"
"Tomorrow...the moon, and eclipse. I'm sorry, Bobby."
"No, it's ok, it's ok." Bobby comforted her. "Tell us where they are? Elle?" Bobby gently shook her but she was gone.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Sam asked Dean quietly.
"Yeah but how are they gonna..." Dean whipped around suddenly, realising Lacey was no longer standing beside them.
"Lace?!" He called, heading back down the alley. "Lacey?!"
"I'm sorry this had to happen." Came a voice from behind them. "Crowley got carried away." Cas stood beside the body, looking down at it sadly.
" Yeah, I bet it was all Crowley, you son of a bitch!" Bobby growled, getting to his feet.
"Where's Lacey? What have you done with her?" Dean asked, stalking towards Cas.
"She will be returned to you soon." Cas told him calmly.
"You don't even see it, do you? How totally off the rails you are!" Dean glared at him.
"Enough! I don't care what you think. I've tried to make you understand. You won't listen. So let me make this simple. Please, go home and let me stop Raphael. I won't ask again."
"Well good, cause I think you already know the answer." Dean told him.
"I wish it hadn't come to this." Cas told him sadly. "Well, rest assured, when this is all over I will save Sam and give you back Lacey, but only if you stand down."
"Save Sam from what?" Dean looked at him confused. Cas disappeared only to reappear beside Sam, and place his hand on Sam's forehead. Sam collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

"Sammy? Come on snap out of it." Dean muttered. He was pacing up and down beside the bed in Bobby's panic room. Sam was laid out beside him, still unconscious.
"Anything?" Bobby asked as he entered the room.
"I can't just sit here, Bobby. I've got to help them, both of them."
"You know, dreamscape his noggin', something." Dean suggested.
"You know what Cas did. The dam inside your brothers head is gone, and all hell's spilling loose. We don't know what's going on inside."
"I don't care! We have got to do something!" Dean replied, angrily.
"And we will, but right now we've got sixteen hours until they pop Purgatory. I'm down two men, I can't afford to be down three."
"Yeah and how's that going, huh? We have no idea where they've taken Lacey or what they're doing to her. Balthazar's MIA. I mean, all we've got is Sam going through whatever the hell this is!"
"You know, this is exactly what Cas wants. For you to fall to pieces. Just try to think of what Sam would want."

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