The Lion and the Unicorn Part 2

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When Lacey reached the bottom of the basement stairs she could hear voices floating out from the panic room. She approached the door slowly.

"Well Cas, not for nothing, but the last person that looked at me like that...I got laid." Dean told him. Lacey rolled her eyes and opened the door. Dean stood up straighter when he saw her.

"Uh why don't you uh, go keep an eye on Adam?" Sam suggested.

"Yes, please someone else go and mind him. He's getting on my nerves. Too many questions." Lacey grumbled.

"Questions?" Dean asked.

"What are you reading, where's your family, are we related." Lacey rolled her eyes. Dean raised an eyebrow at Sam. Sam shrugged.

"We've got a house full of flight risks Dean."

"I'm not letting him do it." Dean told him flatly.

"Who, Adam? No..I'm not either."

"No, you're not getting me." Dean argued.

"Oh, no, no, no, I get you perfectly. But I'm not letting you do it either."

"That kid's not taking a bullet for me."


"I'm serious. I mean think about how many people we've gotten killed Sam. Mom, Dad, Jess, Jo, Ellen. Should I keep going?"

"It's not like we pulled the trigger."

"We might as well have, I'm tired man. I'm tired of fighting who I'm supposed to be."

"Well, do you maybe think you could take half a second and stop trying to sacrifice yourself for a change? Maybe we could actually stick together."

"I don't think so."

"Why not? dean, seriously, tell me. I want to know."

"I just...I don't believe."

"In what?"
"In you. I mean I don't. I don't know whether it's gonna be demon blood or some other demon chick or what...but I do know they're gonna find a way to turn you."

"So you're saying I'm not strong enough."

"You're angry, you're self righteous. Lucifer's gonna wear you to the prom, man. It's just a matter of time."
"Don't say that to me. Not you of all people."

"I don't want to but it's the truth. And when Satan takes you over, there's gotta be someone there to fight him. And it ain't gonna be that kid, so it's gotta be me." Lacey teleported back up to Bobby's study, she'd heard enough. Sam followed her up stairs and enveloped her in a hug.

"How's he doing?" Bobby asked. Sam shook his head.

"How are you two doing?" Lacey didn't answer and Sam just shook his head again.

A little while later they were sitting in the study, helping Bobby do some research when they heard a scream from downstairs. Sam rushed off to see what was going on, when he returned he was out of breath.

"Where's Cas?" Bobby asked.

"Blown to OZ." Sam told him. "Look, I'll get Dean, he couldn't have gone too far. You guys watch Adam." Sam said, grabbing his jacket and heading out the door. Lacey sighed, looking close to tears. From the cot beside them Adam awoke with a jolt. He got to his feet.

"You okay kid?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." He answered, and with a gust of wind he disappeared into thin air.

"Bobby, what do you mean Adam's gone?" Sam asked angrily. He had returned from a fruitless effort to find Dean and was not in the mood for more bad news.

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