Uprising Part 2

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Salt n Pepa Shoop

Passion Pit Little secrets

Eagles Hotel California

They spent a while exploring the house before ending up in the library. Lacey was browsing the books while Sam and Dean tried to find the ingredients for the spell online.
"Wrist bone of Saint and holy reliquary. Museum quality, from diocese in Oaxaca. Looks legit." Sam read from the computer screen.
"All right. Auction house is in Mexico City. We could be there day after tomorrow. We, uh, case it, yank it, be back here by the end of the week..." Dean paced around, planning.
"Or we could just buy it." Sam suggested.
"What?! Dude, that thing's over a hundred thou..." Sam held up a black credit card. "Hello Jared Padalecki." Dean looked impressed. A short while later Sam was on the phone closing the deal while Dean played around on the computer.
"Triple rush." He chuckled. "No problemo. Because money is no..." He took a credit card out of his wallet and tried to use it but it was declined. "This baby's maxed." He threw the card to the side. Sam hung up the phone.
"Wow. They said it should be at the airport first thing in the morning."
"Money, man. There is nothing like it. All right. Couch. TV star. Beauty rest." Dean jumped on the couch for a nap and Lacey curled up beside him.

As the morning light filtered through the curtains, Lacey curled further into Dean, trying to go back to sleep. After a few minutes she realised it wasn't going to happen and sat up. Dean was still asleep beside her. She smiled at him before straddling his waist and leaning down to kiss him. Deans eyes fluttered open and he returned the kiss.
"Hey." Lacey smiled at him.
"Hey yourself."
"Guess what."
"We're finally alone."
"Oh, really?" Dean wiggled his eyebrows at her. Lacey leant back down and kissed him again, more passionately this time. Dean sat up and pulled Lacey's top off, throwing it to the floor.
"Hey guys, we should probably...." Sam said as he came through the door. Lacey let out a shriek and tumbled to the side, falling off the couch.
"Dude! Ever heard of knocking?" Dean asked.
"I'm sorry!" Sam turned his back to them as Lacey put her top back on. "Really? On my couch?" He asked as Lacey stood up.
"It's your fake couch." She told him, folding her arms across her chest.
"Right, well we should probably get going if we're going to meet the plane at the airport."

Clif drove them to the airport and Sam went to get the parcel, while Dean and Lacey waited in the car.
"So, I don't mean to pry but uh, why are we picking up packages at 8am that haven't cleared customs yet?" Clif asked, turning around in his seat.
"Just saving time." Dean smiled at him. Sam climbed back into the car with the parcel. "All right, here we go."
"We're not doing anything illegal are we?" Clif asked as he started the car.
"Would it make you feel better if we said no?" Sam offered.

A short while later they arrived at the set and the three of them headed straight for the set of Bobby's living room. Suddenly the lights started to come on.
"Whoa, what?" Dean looked around, confused, as the crew members started to enter.
"We finish today in 12 hours if it kills us. Get A and B cam for scene 12." The Director from yesterday ordered. "What is this?" He asked, looking at them surprised. "Here for the first run through before anyone else? Dedication."
"Uh, can I talk to you for a second?" Dean asked. "Um, we're gonna need the uh, set cleared for, safe side of an hour or so."
"You need it cleared?" The Director looked at him like he'd lost his mind.
"Yeah. Yeah me um....Jared and Nicole, we're gonna do some actor stuff."
"Jensen, we're thrilled to see you collaborating so creatively. And your enthusiasm is refreshing. Dean Cain was like that on "Lois." And that mans a real actor. And we will clear this set exactly when we shoot the 2 3/8 pages we are scheduled to shoot on this set. So you do your actor stuff and we'll do our camera stuff and uh..." Dean nodded, realising he wasn't going to get anywhere. He headed back over to Sam and Lacey.
"Oooh "Priority" what's in it?" Misha asked, reading the box Sam was holding.
"I bought part of a dead person." Sam told him.
"Oh, cool." Misha shrugged.
"Uh so, bad news...looks like we're gonna have to do a little acting." Dean told them.
"What?" Sam and Lacey looked at him like he was crazy.

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