Bleeding Through Part 1

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Lacey was asleep when the sudden noise of Sam's phone loudly going off woke her with a start. She sat up, bleary eyed and took in the scene around her. Dean was sat at the table with a bottle of whiskey and his lap top. Sam groaned and rolled over.

"Don't give me that dirty-diaper look. I ain't calling you." Dean told him. Sam reached out and grabbed his phone from the night stand.

"Hello?" He cleared his throat and turned on the lamp. "The sheriff? Uh...Yeah. Uh, I mean, uh..." He paused to listen. "Okay, um, so, uh, what's up with the body?" He paused again, sitting up to lean against the headboard. "Yeah, yeah, that's, that's um... that's our kind of number. Hey, question – how does a sheriff in Sioux Falls get wind of a case in Ohio?" He chuckled at the answer. "Well, we'll look into it. Thanks, Sheriff." Sam hung up the phone. "That was Sheriff Mills. She caught us one."

"Oh, I feel bad. We didn't get her anything." Dean responded sarcastically, eyes still glued to his laptop screen.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this but I hope you're watching cartoon smut, 'cause reading Dick Roman crap over and over again is just self-punishment." Dean eyes slowly travelled up and Lacey had to stop herself from giggling at his expression, before he closed the laptop.

"It's called anime, and it's an art form."

The following day found the three of them pulling up outside an abandoned house.

"Well, this looks nice. Check around back?" Dean suggested as they drove around the block.

Once they were inside they began to set the place up. Lacey stood in the doorway to the living room while Dean moved a table into the centre of the floor. Sam came down from upstairs, carrying a couple of chairs.

"Well, there's a... semi-functioning bathroom and one un-rancid bedroom." He announced.

"Define semi-functioning, and do not use the words 'hole in the floor.'" Dean warned him. Sam held out his palm, his fist on top and waited for Dean to do the same.

Upstairs Sam unrolled a bed roll onto the floor of the bedroom. Lacey and Dean stood in the doorway.
"How does paper beat a rock? It's stupid." Lacey pouted next to him.
"If I had my powers I could have stayed at the institute. I might sleep in the car." She announced before heading downstairs.

Later that day found the three of them on the porch of the guy who had witnessed the assault.

"Kids playing hide-and-seek found the body." Sam said as he studied the police file Jody had sent over.

"Wow. Very King Tut." Dean observed.

"Yeah, so, uh, this is where the eyewitness to the assault lives, but the cops are calling him an unreliable witness."


"Let's find out." Sam knocked on the door and when it was answered they held up their ID's.

"Special Agent Smith. This is, uh, Special Agent Smith. No relation. And our assistant Miss "

"Whoa. Do you mind if we, uh... My mom's sleeping in there." The guy shut the door behind him, looking around, nervously. "S-so, how can I...?"

"Oh, we, uh – we had a few questions about the incident you witnessed in the alley." Sam told him.

"You just gonna laugh at my story like the rest of the suits?"

"We're not gonna laugh at you." Dean reassured him.

"All right, well, I'm on the steps... medicating... when I hear fighting. So I look. There's my neighbor Durbin, and some dude dressed like my grandpa's got him by the neck, right?"

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