The Outsider Part 2

18 1 0


Natalia Kills Mirrors

Bat for lashes What's a girl to do

ACDC Whole Lotta Rosie

Dean and Lacey let themselves into Maggie Starks rented home. Lacey followed Dean up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Dean opened the walk in closet and motioned to Lacey to come look. She followed him inside and found an alter laid out with photos taped to the walls above it. Photos of Wendy Goodson, Dewey Stevens and Carl Dunlop had symbols across them in blood. There was an unmarked picture of Jenny Klein in the center and Dean picked up her library card from the alter.
"Don, keep it in your pants, man." Dean muttered. A loud noise coming from outside made Lacey almost jump out of her skin. Dean shut the door to the closet and peered out the window. "She's back." He grabbed hold of Lacey's hand and the two of them hurried down the stairs. There was a click as the front door was unlocked and Dean pulled Lacey into one of the ground floor rooms, his hand over her mouth to stop her from crying out. Lacey breathed heavily, her heart hammering in her chest as they listened to Maggie Stark enter the house. As soon as she was out of ear shot they crept to the front door and let themselves out. They hurried down the driveway where Sam was waiting for them.
"Oh my god, my heart was in my mouth." Lacey panted.
"Spoiler alert." Dean handed Sam the Library card. "Jenny Klein's next, swiped her photo off a hex deck, but Maggie's gonna notice it's gone eventually. We got to get over to Jenny's." The three of them hurried to the Impala and headed for the address on the Library card.

They arrived at Jenny's apartment building and ran up to the second floor. As soon as they reached her door Dean began hammering on it, they could hear coughing on the other side. Dean took and step back and rammed the door open, Lacey and Sam piling into the apartment after him. They found Jenny bent over the sink, choking and coughing up blood, a partially eaten cupcake with something bloody inside it discarded on the work surface.
"Find the coin, now!" Dean shouted as he and Sam began to tear the place apart while Lacey helped Jenny to the floor. "Come on!" Dean muttered as they rooted through cupboards. Sam let out a shout as he found the coin on top of the cupboards and placed it on the bench before taking out his gun and shooting a hole straight through it.

As soon as the coin was destroyed Jenny stopped choking. Lacey helped her to her feet and over to the sofa while Sam got her a glass of water.
"There were tiny beating hearts in my cupcakes. Hearts in my cupcakes, hearts in my cupcakes, that's never happened before, hearts in my cupcakes!" Jenny began freaking out, rocking backwards and forwards in her seat.
"Should I slug her?" Dean muttered to Sam. Lacey gave him a disapproving look.
"Give it a second." Sam advised. Jenny suddenly stopped rocking and sat up straight.
"Oh my god. What just happened?"
"You were hexed." Sam explained.
"Hexed? Who are you people? What the hell do I do?"
"What you do is you go in there, you pack a bag, then you get in your car and go." Dean told her.
"Go where?" Jenny asked, starting to sound hysterical again.
"It doesn't matter. Look, 500 or 600 miles ought to do it. You got someone real powerful, real pissed and they're trying to get rid of you now. In line with that, you might want to cool things with Don Stark."
"Don Stark? What are you talking about?" Jenny screwed up her face in confusion.
"You and Don. You know." Dean said, suggestively.
"'You know? There is no 'You know!" Jenny chimed in, defensively.
"No?" Sam sounded sceptical.
"Don Stark is my boss. That's it. He's married for god's sake."
"Yeah well..." Dean trailed off, unsure.
"Me and Don Stark? Ew." She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Once Jenny was recovered and getting ready to leave they headed back down to the center of town to keep an eye on Don, as he was the last player on the board. There were sat outside his office building when he came out the front door. Suddenly the ground began to shake and Don's bust cracked in half, falling to the ground. Dean turned to the two of them shaking his head.
"Now she's just getting nasty. Killing the girlfriend is one thing but his commemorative bust? That's got to hurt." Lacey rolled her eyes from the back seat.
"She'll take the whole town out, Dean. She doesn't care who gets in the way." Sam warned. Dean turned around to face Lacey.
"So you know how you said your heart was in your mouth earlier?"
"Yes..." Lacey looked at him confused.
"You didn't happen to see what was going to happen to Jenny, did you?" Lacey laughed.
"Dean, as much as I'd love to have my powers back, psychic abilities have never been one of them." Dean shrugged his shoulders as Sam rolled his eyes at him too.
"Worth a shot." Dean's phone began to ring. "Hey, Bobby. What you got? Yeah? You think it'll take her out? All right. No, I don't need to write it down. I'll remember. Go ahead. The...wait. Hang on, hang on." Dean motioned to them and Sam handed him a restaurant menu while Lacey pulled a pen from her bag. "Okay, what was that last one? Right. I'll remember, it's fine." Lacey smirked at his blatant lie as he hung up the phone.

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