Poor Unfortunate Soul Part 2

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Elle King – Ex's and Oh's
Bruce Springsteen- Born in the USA
The Pretty Reckless – The Walls are closing in

Sam had rented them a van, which was currently parked outside Richard Roman Enterprises.
"How's it going?" Dean asked as he and Lacey climbed into the back. Sam was already inside, Charlies laptop on the bench in front of him.
"Great, since she set all this up. Look." Sam pulled up some security footage. "See this? I can put each camera on a pre-recorded loop. Once I do that, she'll have 15 minutes."
"15 minutes ain't a lot of time." Dean pointed out.
"No. She said if it took longer to hack his desktop, then she deserved to be eaten." Lacey chuckled and Dean looked impressed.
"I like her."
"Me too. I wonder if she's a Nancy Drew fan..." Lacey mused. Sam shook his head and turned back to the screen where Charlie could be seen, pacing at the side of the building.
"Wait is that..." Dean leaned forward, squinting at the screen. "Son of a bitch."
"What?" Sam asked.
"Look at her bag." The other two leaned forward, trying to catch whatever it was Dean had spotted. Sam groaned as he realised Bobby's flask was in the side pocket of Charlie's bag.
"Bobby. Wait. You think he..."
"Hitched a ride after we told him to cool his jets? Yeah. What the hell's he thinking?" Dean sighed.
"He's not. So what do we do, call the whole thing off?"
"We've only got one shot at this."
"Do you want me to go in with her?" Lacey asked.
"There's no time, we can't get you another key card, plus they know your face." Dean told her.
"I don't have to go in through the front door, I could just phase through a wall." Lacey shrugged.
"If things go sideways, that's what we'll do." Dean grabbed his phone, which was linked to Charlie's Bluetooth head set.
"Charlie, it's Dean." They could hear muffled singing on the other end as Dean put her on speaker. "Are you singing?"
"I sing when I'm nervous. Don't judge me."
"Judgement free zone." Dean assured her. "Listen, check the side pocket in your bag." On the screen they could see Charlie pull the flask out of her bag.
"Oh. Thank you. Good idea." She took a sip from it.
"Yeah, no problem. Look, that's kind of a family heirloom." Dean improvised. "It's a good luck charm, okay, so don't lose it."
"Copy that. Okay. Let's do this." Charlie sounded firm but didn't move from the spot.
"Uh, Charlie? Charlie?" Dean tried to reach her.
"I'm having a hard time moving." Charlie informed them.
"You can do this." Dean encouraged.
"I'm not.... I'm not a spy. No, I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't." Sam grabbed the phone from Dean.
"Charlie, hey, it's Sam."
"I'm sorry, Sam. I'm sorry. I... I just..." Sam interrupted her.
"It's okay. Listen, who's your favourite Harry Potter character?" Sam asked.
"Uh, Hermione." Charlie stuttered, unsure why he was asking her that.
"Hermione. Well, uh, all right, did Hermione run when Sirius Black was in trouble or when Voldemort attacked Hogwarts?"
"Seriously?" Dean asked, raising an eyebrow at Sam.
"Shut up." Sam muttered.
"No, of course not." Charlie answered.
"What did she do?"
"She kicked ass. She actually saves Harry in practically every book. And then she ends up with the wrong..." Charlie rambled until Sam cut her off.
"Uh, stay on track. Okay, so she kicked ass, right? So, then what are you gonna do?"
"I'm gonna kick it in the ass." Charlie said, trying to sound more confident.
"Good girl." Sam nodded approvingly.
"Oh, you go, dunble-dork." Dean rolled his eyes.
"And when you get back we are so discussing the missing house elves stuff from film four!" Lacey called out. Dean turned his disapproving gaze on her. "What?"
"It's a good job you're cute." He told her, smirking at her and ruffling her hair.
"Get off!" Lacey joked, shoving him. Sam shushed them and they turned to watch Charlie enter the building, passing through security and getting into the elevator. As soon as she reaches the fourth four and climbs out, Sam hits a button and the security footage changes to an empty elevator. Charlie climbs back in, swipes her new pass and hits the button for the eleventh floor.
"I'm in. I've always wanted to say that." Charlie told them as the elevator began to climb.
"You're on the clock. Move." Dean instructed her. When she reached the eleventh floor Charlie stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the offices. Moments later she jumped to the side.
"Hey, there's a big-ass guard up here, blocking the door. What do I do?" She hissed into the ear piece.
"Just wait him out." Dean told her. Charlie glanced through the glass door at the guard, who was now sitting down, reading a magazine.
"He's not going anywhere." She informed him.
"Okay, you work there every day. Do you know the guy?" Dean asked.
"I guess. I mean, I've seen him. I've never talked to him."
"Okay, when you've seen him, does he look at you, or does her just kind of slide his eyes by?"
"Ummm... eye contact? I don't know. He always kind of smiles a bit. I don't really.." Charlie floundered.
"Good. What you're gonna do is you're gonna walk right up to him and you're gonna flirt your way past." Dean instructed.
"I can't. He's not my type." Charlie told him.
"You're gonna have to play through that."
"As in he's not a girl." Charlie told him.
"Oh. Oh." Dean looked surprised and then back tracked. "Pretend he has boobs." Lacey gave him a look like he'd lost his marbles.
"Well, I don't know..." Dean was reaching now. "Do you have any tattoos? Give him a little sneak peek there. All tattoos are sexy."
"Mine is Princess Leia in a slave bikini straddling a 20-sided die." Charlie told them. "I was drunk. It was Comic-Con."
"We've all been there." Dean chuckled.
"Want me to teleport in and wipe his memory?" Lacey offered.
"Yes! Please can we go with that option!" Charlie begged.
"Let's try a less invasive option first. I'm gonna walk you through this." Dean told her.
"Oh, I can't wait to see this." Lacey leaned back in her chair, grinning at Dean. Charlie took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside.
"Start with a smile." Dean told her. Charlie pasted a Cheshire cat style grin on her face. "Relax, Charlie. You just got home and Scarlett Johansson's waiting for you." Charlie let out a contented sigh and her smile became more natural. As she walked towards him the guard stood up.
"Can I help you, miss?"
"Hey..." Charlie read his name badge. "Bill. Charlie from IT." She held up her ID.
"Oh. Burning the midnight oil, huh?" Dean began telling Charlie what to say then she'd repeat it to Bill.
"Just like you, I mean, when you're not at the gym. What, do you work out with all your free time?" Charlie began to twirl her hair, getting into the role.
"I try to get to the gym at least 3 days a week." Bill smiled and stood up starighter. "Just trying to get back to my fighting weight, you know?"
"It shows. You look amazing." At this point Sam and Lacey are trying not to laugh out loud, almost falling off their chairs.
"This never happened." Dean muttered to them.
"You do anything else with your free time, like take a girl out for a drink?"
"Stop laughing, you two!" Dean growled as they began to collapse into hysterics.
"Stop laughing you two..." Charlie stumbled for a moment and tried to improvise. "Ummm, you don't know that bar, Stop Laughin You Two? That place is bringing sexy back. Which is easy cause it kept the receipt!"
"Stop talking, Charlie!" Dean groaned.
"Stop talking Charlie. Right. So un, you were saying about going out, drinks?" She batted her eyelashes at him.
"Umm, yeah, yeah. That'd be great."
"Cool. Pencil that in. Hay, can I ask you a favour? The ladies room downstairs is nasty. Can I use the exec washroom to powder my nose?" Charlie wheedled.
"Yeah, yeah. Why not? Um, it's right down the hall. It's the first door on the right." Bill smiled, clearly hoping to get in her good graces. Charlie smiled and winked at him before heading in the direction he had pointed.
"I feel dirty." She said into the headset as she walked past the bathroom and on to Dick's office.
"You and me both sister." Dean muttered as Sam and Lacey tried to compose themselves.
"The eagle is landing. Going radio silent." Charlie told them as she approached the office.
"Let us know when you're out."

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