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Lacey had the best night's sleep she'd had in a long time and when she finally woke up the motel room was empty. She got up and dressed and by the time she was ready the boys had returned with breakfast. Lacey dug into her pancakes, feeling famished.
"So, how you feeling?" Dean asked her as he sat down at the table with her and Sam.
"Much better now, thank you, I really needed that sleep. And I've come to a decision." The two of them looked at her expectantly. "I want to see my family." They stared at her for a moment.
"Are you sure?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, I mean, you freaked out yesterday just at the mention of it." Dean reminded her.
"I know, but now I've had time to process the idea, I think it's the right thing to do, I mean I've been back for like two years, they have a right to know what happened to me."
"If you're sure." Dean nodded. He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and found the card that Claybourne had given him the day before and handed it to her. Lacey got up and grabbed her phone from the night stand before dialling the number on the card. The phone was picked up after a few rings.
"Hi, Claybourne, it's Lacey."
"Oh, Good Morning Miss McNulty, how are you today?"
"I'm good thanks, I was wondering if it would be possible to arrange a visit?"
"Of course! When I told your parents I had seen you, they were over the moon. I said I was waiting for you to get back to me, and they said should you call, to invite you up this weekend?"
"I don't see a problem with that."
"Excellent! We shall see you soon then."
"Can I have the address?" Claybourne read it out to her and she thanked him before hanging up. "Well.... I guess we're off to Long Island." Lacey told them as she sat down on the bed. "Do you think Bobby would come with us? I'd just feel more comfortable having all of you guys with me."
"Call him and ask." Dean shrugged.
"I'll do one better, I'll pop in and see him." She got to her feet and teleported out. She teleported back in to Bobby's kitchen.
"Hey, Bobby?" She called out, trying not to make him jump.
"In here!" He called from the living room. As she strode in Bobby looked up from the book he was reading at his desk.
"Lacey, where are Sam and Dean?" He asked as she plopped down in the chair opposite him.
"Oh, they're fine, they're back at the motel. I just wanted to ask you something." Bobby nodded his consent.
"So uh, I ran into someone who knows my family yesterday and I'm going to see them tomorrow, so I was wondering if you would come with me?"
"What do you need me for?" Bobby frowned. Lacey smiled at him.
"Bobby, you're like a father to Sam and Dean, and well, you're kind of like one to me too, you guys and Cas are the only family I've had since I got back, so yeah I kind of need my Dad with me when I... go visit my Dad. You know what I mean." Lacey wrinkled her nose. A smile tugged at the corners of Bobby's lips.
"Well, I appreciate that Lacey." He cleared his throat. "And you're ok with all this?" Lacey sighed.
"I mean, yes...and no. I haven't seen them in such a long time, I barely remember them, but at the same time, I feel like I owe them an explanation at least."
"And what are you going to tell them about where you've been?"
"The truth, I don't want to lie to them." Bobby nodded before getting to his feet.
"Well, I guess I better pack then." Lacey nodded and waited for him to get his stuff together. Surprisingly it was books and weapons he began to pack rather than clothes.
"You know, it's just my family we're going to see, as far as I know they're not dangerous." Lacey told him.
"Always best to be prepared." Bobby smiled as he zipped up the bag. Once he was ready they teleported back to the motel.

The following day Lacey was sat in the back seat of the Impala with Bobby. She stared out the window, watching the Long Island scenery go by. Dean glanced at the rear view mirror.
"You okay, sweetheart?"
"Hmm?" She broke her concentration. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine."
"It's the next turning." Sam said, pointing to a road on the left. Dean took the turning and they soon found themselves driving past mansions, getting larger and larger as they went. They eventually pulled up outside a pair of large iron gates. Dean leant out of the window and pressed the buzzer. A moment later the gates began to swing open. They drove down a gravel driveway surrounded by topiary hedges and fountains. Dean pulled up by the front door and the four of them got out. Lacey stared up at the building, it felt vaguely familiar to her, although her memories were a little fuzzy. She felt an arm go round her shoulders and Dean pulled her close to him.
"Last chance to change your mind." He told her softly. She shook her head.
"No. I need to do this." Dean nodded and the four of them headed for the front door. As they approached, the heavy wooden door swung open to reveal Claybourne standing on the other side.
"Good Afternoon Miss McNulty. Oh, I see you brought some guests with you." He looked nervously between Sam, Dean and Bobby.
"Please, just call me Lacey." She told him as he stepped out of the way and let them into the hallway. Sam and Dean stared around in amazement.
"What?" Lacey frowned at their expressions.
"This is the place we saw in your head." Sam explained. "I mean it's a little different but it's basically the same." Lacey shrugged.
"It's kind of familiar to me. I don't remember much about what happened."
"If you'll follow me, everyone's waiting for you in the living room." Claybourne led them across the hall and through and archway under the stairs that opened out into a huge, wood panelled living room. Sitting on the sofas next to an ornate marble fireplace were four people. They got to their feet as they approached. Claybourne made it easier on everyone by starting the introductions.
"This is Mr William McNulty, his wife Ann McNulty and his other children, Brendan and Amy. May I present Miss Lacey McNulty and her guests." Dean studied them as they were introduced. Lacey's father was a relatively tall man, probably in his sixties, with dark grey hair and beard. He stood quite woodenly to attention in his dark grey suit and red tie. Her mother stood beside him in a cream suit set, her brown-blonde hair cut into a neat bob. She smiled cautiously at them. Lacey was clearly the odd one out in the family with her bright blonde hair, her brother had a mop of sandy brown hair and her sister had long dark brown hair. Her brother stared back at them, a look of distrust and contempt on his face. He wore a more casual suit than his father and was swirling a glass of whiskey in his hand. Her sister looked the most welcoming of the lot, she smiled happily at them from where she stood, the blue cotton dress she was wearing covering a growing baby bump.
"Lacey!" Amy smiled and moved forward to give her a hug. Lacey smiled back and hugged her sister. Her brother scoffed.
"That is yet to be decided."
"Brendan." Lacey's father cautioned. "Why don't you all sit down." He indicated the seats across from them. "And perhaps Lacey can introduce us." The four of them sat down and Lacey cleared her throat.
"This is Sam and Dean Winchester and Bobby Singer. They're practically like family to me." Her father nodded.
"There is someone else I would like to introduce to you." He nodded off to the side and a man they had not noticed until now got up from his chair beside the fireplace. "This is Mr Carter, he is the family attorney. I wanted him to sit in on this meeting, as I'm sure you can understand we have had a few claims over the years, other girls claiming to be Lacey."
"Why would they want to do that?" Lacey frowned. Her brother rolled his eyes.
"To get at the family money."
"Well the last time I was with you guys I was ten, so I don't really remember much about the family."
"How convenient."
"Look, I'm not comfortable telling you what happened to me in front of a lawyer, you probably won't believe me anyway." Her father nodded at Mr Carter.
"Perhaps you would like to wait in my office, we'll call for you if we need you." Mr Carter nodded and followed Claybourne out of the room. "Please, talk us through what happened after you were taken."
"I wasn't taken exactly, like I said you probably won't believe me at first, but I promise to prove it's true. I wasn't abducted, not by anything human anyway. The day I disappeared I fell down a rabbit hole, apparently I looked like Alice in Wonderland when I was ten." Amy nodded.
"You did, I remember Mom dressing you up as her for Halloween one year."
"Well clearly they thought so too."
"They?" Her father asked.
"The angels. See I'm not exactly normal, I was created by god as a weapon against the angels. Well, that's the short version anyway." The four of them stared blankly at her. "And that's how I met Sam, Dean and Bobby. When I was released from the world they created around me, they took me in. "
"And we're supposed to believe that crap?" Brendan glared at her. "My parents have been through enough. My sister is clearly dead and you should be ashamed of yourself."
"It does sound a little farfetched dear." Lacey's mother interjected.
"Like I said, I can prove it." Lacey got to her feet. She walked towards where they were sitting on the sofa and phased right through to the other side ,before teleporting back into her seat. "Tada." She said softly. They stared at her in shock.
"Okay, so you proved you're a weirdo. That doesn't make you my sister."
"Look, I don't want anything from you. If I wanted to I could rob every bank in the world and get away with it. I don't need your money. Claybourne approached me, he recognised me. If he hadn't, I wouldn't be here. I just came to find my family, that's all."
"And we believe you." Her mother said. "Brendan, tell Claybourne to show Mr Carter out, his services will not be required. Not another word on the matter." She said firmly as Brendan began to protest. He reluctantly got to his feet and headed for the hallway. Lacey smiled at her mother, thankfully. "Amy, why don't you show Lacey and her guests up to the Library, you can get reacquainted. I would join you myself but I have so many things to do before this evening. I do hope you don't mind dear, we had so hoped it would be you and wanted to throw a party to welcome you back." She looked at Lacey expectantly.
"Sure, I mean, a party is cool, I better find something to wear." Lacey shrugged.
"Fantastic." Ann got to her feet. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."
"You wanna go up to the Library?" Amy asked.
"Sure." Lacey and the boys got to their feet.
"Mr Singer, you and I look to be about the same size, I should have something you could wear for the party. I'd also like to get your opinion on which Scotch to serve this evening." William said as he lead Bobby in the direction of his study.
Sam, Dean and Lacey followed Amy upstairs and through the first door on the right. They found themselves in a large open room with nothing but a piano in the corner.
"This used to be our play room when we were kids." Amy explained before leading them up another smaller set of stairs and into a room that Sam and Dean recognized from Lacey's mind. There was a plush carpet under their feet and wall to wall books in every direction. A pool table sat in one corner and a fire crackled in the grate. The four of them sat down at a small table in the opposite corner.
"So... you're having a baby?" Lacey smiled at her sister.
"Yeah, I'm five months along. I'm married too, you'll meet my husband Anthony later. Brendan's married too, his wife Jenna is... well, you'll see. They have a son Truman." She filled them in.
"Wow, I missed a lot." Lacey said, wide eyed.
"Well you have been gone for what...fourteen years. How did you guys meet?" She asked, smiling at Sam and Dean.
"Funny you should ask that, Lacey fell out of the sky and landed on our car." Sam laughed.
"Yeah, and we liked her so much we thought she'd better stick around and save our asses." Dean smiled and took hold of Lacey's hand. Amy looked between them, confused.
"Sam and Dean hunt monsters, I help them out." Lacey explained. Amy raised her eyebrows.
"Wow. That's certainly a unique job. Makes our family business look pretty tame in comparison."
"Family business?" Lacey asked.
"Yeah, Dad runs McNulty Enterprises, it's an investment company. Brendan works with him. I don't really get involved."
"What do you do?"
"I'm an Interior Designer and Anthony works for his family's philanthropic foundation."
"That's cool." Lacey smiled.
"That's nothing compared to what you guys do, tell me about some of your adventures?" Lacey broke into a grin.
"Ok, so..."

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