The Rabbit sends a little Bill Part 2

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The Rabbit sends a little Bill Part 2

They drove around the town a few times before Dean spotted a club. He parked the Impala outside and bribed the doorman to let them in, as Lacey had no ID. As they entered the club Lacey began to feel nervous. The music was pounding against her chest and the lights flashed through the darkness illuminating the people on the dance floor. Dean said something to her but she couldn't hear a thing. She shook her head at him. He bent closer and shouted in her ear;

"Do you want a drink?"

"Yes." She shouted back. He could tell she was nervous. All the old movies she'd been watching, this place had probably come as a bit of a shock to her. Dean motioned to her and headed across to the bar which was crowded with people.

Lacey felt completely awkward standing around by herself waiting for Dean. People milled around her talking and laughing. Up until now she hadn't worried, nothing had seemed wrong while she had been with Sam and Dean but now she felt lost, completely out of place. Someone came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. She felt relief wash over her and turned around expecting to see Dean but instead came face to face with a stranger.

"Hi beautiful, do you want to dance?" The guy asked leaning forward leeringly.

"Oh.. uh no thank you." She replied shaking her head.

"Oh go on just one dance." he wheedled.

"No I'm OK thanks" she said turning away from him, trying to get away but he grabbed her by the arm.

"Oh come on darling don't be a tease." He said looking Lacey up and down.

"I believe the Lady said no." Came a voice from behind them. Lacey glanced up and saw Dean. She managed to wriggle out of the guys grasp and hurried over to Dean, she grabbed hold of one of his arms tightly and looked up at him gratefully.

"And who are you?" The guy rounded on Dean.

"I'm with her so shove off." Dean glared at him until he left.

"Thank you." Lacey said still holding on to him tightly.

"That's OK." He said putting his arm around her and leading her towards one of the vacant tables. "You OK?" He asked watching her. She was sitting there biting her lip and fidgeting. "Oh nothing, this just isn't what I was expecting that's all." Dean smiled and put his hand out across the table and squeezed hers.

"How are you doing? There's been so much going on I haven't had time to stop and ask?" Laceys smile faded a bit. "I'm OK. All I've got is a few memories from before, not much to go on." she shrugged her shoulders.

"You don't remember much about your family then?"

"Just bits here and there, I know I had a brother and a sister and I remember a house, my parents, I remember not getting along with my father." Dean chuckled at that.

"That makes two of us then." Lacey smiled back at him. Suddenly the atmosphere changed, the music slowed down. "Come on then, might as well get this over with." Dean said standing up and holding out his hand to her, she blushed slightly and took his hand. They made their way down the steps and on to the dance floor where A Drop in the Ocean was being played through the speakers. Dean put his arms around her waist and they swayed along to the music. Lacey sighed and leant her head against Deans shoulder, Things might not be perfect but this was the happiest she could remember being in a long time. They stayed there just swaying as a few more songs were played, until some awful pop song came on and then they broke apart.

"You wanna do anything else or are you ready to call it a night?" Dean asked.

"Yeah I'm ready." Lacey smiled and they headed back out of the club.

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