Which Dreamed It Part 1

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Lacey had been at Bobby's for a few days now. He was pretty surprised when she turned up on his doorstep that night looking like a little lost puppy. She'd been holed up in his spare room ever since, only leaving when absolutely necessary. But moping never got anyone anywhere. It was over now, she was never going to see him again so it was time to find her own place in the world. It had taken her some time to realise this but now she was ready. She had packed all of her stuff together, and there was only one more thing left to do.

As she walked down the stairs she saw Bobby look up from the book he was reading. The surprise on his face was evident. In a matter of days she had gone from being the girl having a break down in his spare room to the person she was now. Ready to face the world. And dressed for it too. She was wearing black jeans, white heels and a glittery zebra print top.
"It's good to see you up and about." Bobby told her as he got up from his desk.
"Yeah. I thought it was about time." She admitted. "Bobby I...I just wanted to say thank you, for everything you've done for me. It really means a lot to me. But it's time I was going now. Staying around here... all it does is remind me..." She trailed off. "I need to get out of here, go find a place of my own to belong."
"I get it." Bobby nodded.
"Uh, but I have your number and as soon as I get there I'm gonna get myself a phone and send you mine. And you have to promise me that if there's an emergency, anything at all, you'll call me." Bobby nodded.
"Promise?" She told him firmly.
"I promise." He smiled wearily.
"Okay." She gave him a hug before turning around and walking towards the window. "I guess this is goodbye then."
"Where are you going?" Bobby asked. She turned and looked back at him over her shoulder, smiling slightly. She raised her arm and waved it in front of her. A swirling black portal opened up in front of her. She took a deep breath and stepped through it. A blast of air went through the room and the portal closed behind her.

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