Advice from a Caterpillar Part 1

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Advice from a Caterpillar Part 1

Dean pulled up outside the Century Motel and he and Lacey got out of the Impala. As they approached their motel room they spotted a man standing outside handing out pamphlets. The guy spotted them and locked in on Dean.

"Excuse me friend but have you taken time out to think about Gods plan for you?" Dean stopped and gave him a look.

"Too friggin' much pal." He told him before ushering Lacey into the room. Moments later Deans phone rang and he sat down on one of the beds to speak to Cas. Lacey slipped out of her boots and padded across to the bathroom. She put her bag down on the counter top and rifled through it until she found her face mask and applied it before heading back out to the bedroom where Dean sat with his back to her still on the phone to Cas.

"We're talking about the Colt right? I mean THE COLT?" Dean carried on talking to Cas for a while and arranged for Cas to come meet them the following morning. As he hung up he spotted Lacey sitting on the other side of the bed and jumped.

"Jesus Christ Lace! What the hell is that?"

"It's a honey face mask. It's supposed to be good for your skin." Lacey said defensively. Dean chuckled. Lacey rolled her eyes and stalked into the bathroom. She came back out a minute later drying her hands on a towel.

"Better?" She asked Dean sarcastically.

"Much." He said giving her a small smile. "I'm beat, I'm gonna try and get some shut eye before Cas turns up." Lacey nodded and jumped onto the bed beside him. She picked up the TV remote and flicked through the channels, cringing as she spotted a re-run of Alice in Wonderland before settling on an old Agatha Christie movie. She turned the volume down low and climbed under the covers next to Dean. Dean didn't know why he bothered getting a room with two beds anymore, she usually ended up falling asleep watching movies in his bed. With the buzz of the TV in the background Dean began to doze. It seemed only moments later that he was awoken by his phone vibrating, he groaned and glanced over to see Lacey asleep beside him. He picked up his phone and growled into it;

"Damn it Cas, I need to sleep!"

"Dean it's me." Came Sams voice over the line. Dean sat up in bed and looked at the clock.

"Sam? It's quarter past four."

"This is important." Sam told him.

Dean wandered over to the fridge and grabbed a beer before heading into the bathroom so as not to wake Lacey up.

"So you're his vessel huh? Lucifer's wearing you to Prom?"

"That's what he said." Sam replied.

"Just when you thought you were out they pull you back in huh Sammy?"

"So that's it? That's your response?"

"What are you looking for?" Dean asked.

"I don't know. A little panic maybe?"

"I guess I'm a little numb to the earth shattering revelations at this point."

"What are we gonna do about it?" Sam asked.

"What do you want to do about it?" Dean replied.

"I want back in for starters." Sam told him.

"Sam..." Dean began before he was interrupted.

"I mean it. I am sick of being a puppet to these sons of bitches. I'm gonna hunt him down Dean."

"Oh so we're back to revenge then are we? Yeah cause that worked out so well last time." Dean accused.

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