Pig and Pepper Part 2

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Pig and Pepper Part 2

A few hours later they were stood inside the entrance to Cantons wax museum. They wandered over to the first section of the exhibit. Lacey felt a chill go down her spine, some of these wax figures were pretty creepy.

"Dude, he's short." She turned around to find Dean looking at the figure of Gandhi.

"Hey Gandhi was a great man." Sam protested.

"Yeah for a smurf." Dean laughed.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." They turned around as a guy in a leather jacket approached them, a little out of breath. "This is our busiest time of year."

"This is busy?" Dean asked looking around at the empty room.

"Well not right now but it's early." The owner smiled.

"It's four thirty." Dean continued.

"So what can I do for you?" The owner asked changing the subject.

"Uh well we are writing a piece for Travel Magazine."

"Yeah on how, uh, totally non-sucky wax museums are."

"That's fantastic. A little press just what we need."

"Great well we're interested in a few of your exhibits, specifically Abraham Lincoln and uh, James Dean."

"Two of our more popular displays."

"Oh yeah? So they bring in a lot of visitors?"

"Yeah we have our regulars."

"I don't suppose that uh, William Hill and Cal Hawkins were regulars were they?" Dean asked.

"As a matter of fact they were. Yeah I heard what happened to them. It's tragic. Oh you.. that's not gonna be in the article is it?"

"No, no, no course not." Sam assured him.

"You know I gotta tell you that Lincoln is so life like, I mean you can just imagine him moving around. You ever see anything like that?" The guy frowned at Dean.

"Uh... no."


"Well um is there anything you could think of that would make your museum .... unusual? You know for the article."

"Well I'll say. There isn't another place like us, not anywhere."

"How so?" Dean asked.

"Well for one, that's Honest Abe's real hat." He said pointing to Lincoln.

"It is?"

"Almost like his remains." Dean said pointedly.

"Uh.. I guess." The guy gave Dean another funny look.

"You wouldn't happen to have any of James Deans personal effects would you?"

"Oh yeah. Got his key chain. We got a bunch of stuff, uh Gandhi's bifocals, FDRs Iron Lung. This;" He pointed at the jacket he was wearing.

"And who did that belong to?"

"The Fonz. Seasons two through four."

"Wow. Yeah that's really cool." Sam replied.

"This, this is nothing. I've been working on a new collection of figures. Stuff that will really wow the kids."

"The kids?" Dean asked sceptically.

"Yeah. Gen Y. Computer games, cell phones, sexting. They're just fads. I'm gonna make wax museums hip again." He gave them a double thumbs up. Dean chuckled to himself.

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