Enter the Dragon Part 2

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Nu Shooz – I Can't Wait
Mylo- In my arms
David Bowie- Moonage Daydream

They had managed to find a Japanese restaurant in town and one of the chefs, who spoke fluent Japanese, agreed to help them translate what was written on the box.

"Anata ga marou mono... Wa anata ka ra mo morau. It says, "what you took will be taken from you." Like, eye for an eye. You with me?" Sam nodded along, the coffee in his hand sobering him slightly.

"Kono bin niwa syoujou zuke no sake ga hu-in sarete iru. Where'd you guys get this anyway?"

"Why? Is – is there, uh, something the matter?"

"Well, you're not superstitious, are you?" He asked as he gave the box back to Sam.

"Not at all." Dean replied.

"No Siree." Lacey nodded, swaying on the spot. Dean had his arm around her waist, holding her close. Sam glared at him. Giving alcohol to someone who hated coffee was not a good idea when you needed to sober them up quickly.

"Because...this says the bottle inside contains a Shojo."

"What's a... Shojo?" Dean asked as Lacey leant her head against his shoulder.

"An alcohol spirit. Look, it's just an old myth. I wouldn't worry about it. But they are not known for being friendly." Someone from inside the restaurant called to him. "I got to go."

"Oh. Uh, hey, uh... There you go. Thank you." He handed the guy some money.

"Thank you. Take care." The guy nodded before heading back into the restaurant.


They headed back to the motel and let themselves into Garth's room. Lacey stumbled inside and came to a halt, the other two piling up behind her, causing her to nearly fall forward. Dean grabbed her around the waist before she could fall. Garth was on the back porch doing some kind of martial art stretching.

"Garth. Where's Baxter?" Sam asked as they stared at him. Garth stopped what he was doing and came back into the room.

"Dude's a lot heavier than he looks, FYI." He pointed into the corner of the room where Randy was tied up in the hot tub, a pillowcase covering his head. Lacey let out a gasp and turned to look up at Dean, whispering loudly;
"We can't have sex in there now." Dean smirked and pulled Lacey towards him as Sam shifted his feet uncomfortably.
"But here." Garth quickly changed the subject, handing Dean his EMF meter. "Thought you might want this back."

"You have the CEO of the douchiest microbrew in the US gagged in your hot tub? You really think that's gonna end well?"

"I'm not feeling the love." Garth looked between the three of them. Lacey smiled and reached out to pat him on the head.

"All right. Shojo. Uh, let's see what we can see." Sam pulled out his laptop and sat down at the table.

"What's Shojo?" Garth asked, puzzled.

"Japanese booze monster." Dean told him.

"I guess that would explain why you got to be drunk to see it. Very poetic." Sam clicked on a link and opened up a page in Japanese with a picture on it.

"Ooh. Creepy." Garth noted, peering over Sam's shoulder. Sam translated the piece and began to read it.

"Okay. So, a Shojo is said to roam where there's lots of alcohol. There's lore saying that, back in the old day, if you were plastered enough, you could see one skulking around the breweries in Japan." Dean guided Lacey into a chair and began refilling his flask with whiskey.

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