Nasty Habits Part 2

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Imagine Dragons It's time

Lana Del Rey Ride

Ellie Goulding Burn

They arrived back at the abandoned house and Lacey opened the door for Sam and Dean who were carrying the body of whatever it was that had eaten Ranger Rick. Bobby followed them inside and watched as they put the body on the table.
"Built like a super model, but the thing was strong. That's for damn sure. Carried a full grown man up a tree in nothing flat."
"But it only took one bullet to bring it down." Sam observed.
"And not even a silver bullet, just a bullet-bullet." Dean added. Suddenly the creature sprang up from the table and landed on it's feet. Lacey let out a shriek as Sam, Dean and Bobby all fired at the creature until it fell back down, definitely dead this time.
"First one must have just stunned it." Bobby guessed as they lowered their guns.
"All right, well, let's check its hulk pants for some ID." Dean suggested. He pulled a wallet covered in dirt from one of the trousers pockets. "Oh, that is just gonna ruin the leather." He pulled a face. The others exchanged looks of confusion.
"Are you feeling ok?" Bobby asked.
"Yeah, I feel great." Dean shrugged as he handed the wallet to Sam.
"Gerald Browder, lived here in town, 5'9", brown hair and blue eyes...235 pounds." Sam read aloud from the ID.
"Well apparently he's lost a little pudge." Bobby quipped.
"Maybe it's a lap band side affect." Dean chuckled to himself. Bobby picked up a stick from the floor and began to poke at one of the bullet wounds. When he pulled the stick back it was covered in grey goo.
"What the hell? I think we better take a look under Gerald's hood."

A short while later Sam and Bobby had opened up Gerald's chest and were digging around inside.
"God! It's organs are swimming in the stuff." Lacey pulled a face and retreated to the sofa. Dean walked in, pouring himself a glass of whiskey and sat down beside her.
"You guys getting hungry? I'm hungry."
"What's that?" Sam asked, ignoring him.
"His stomach. For a guy on a diet, Gerry here packed it in pretty good."
"That's human right there." Sam pulled a face as Bobby began to fish things out.
"That's fresh Rick. Let's see. Plus a pine cone, pack of gum in the wrapper."
"That's older, maybe Ranger Phil or the camper."
"What's that?" Bobby squinted down at something.
"Looks like... yeah, that's a cats head." Sam grimaced.
"A glamper or two is one thing, but you gotta be damn hungry to eat a cats head."
"Mmmhmm." Sam agreed.
"Well, lookit here. I'm no Dr Oz but..." Bobby carried on rooting around and pulled out two black misshapen objects. "I think that's his adrenal glands."
"Okay, and?"
"Meant to be the size of hotel bar soap and bright orange." Sam and Lacey raised their eyebrows. Goo began to drip from the glands and Sam wrinkled his nose at the stench.
"Ooh! All right, that might help explain the strength. But whatever this thing is, it's not the Jersey Devil but it sure as hell ain't Gerald Browder anymore."
"Okay, guys, seriously." The three of them turned to look at Dean. "It's time for dinner?" They stared at him, speechless.

A short while later found the four of them back at Biggersons, Dean eating another Turducken sandwich, Lacey had a side of onion rings while Sam and Bobby just had coffee.
"Gerald Browder, 35, self employed." Sam read aloud from the missing persons report on his laptop. "Airconditioning repairman. Missing person number three. Disappeared eight days ago."
"Well that explains all the people who got eaten in the last eight days."
"Yeah, question is what happened to him?" Sam frowned at the screen. Dean let out another moan, enjoying his sandwich. Lacey bit her lip trying not to giggle. "Dean, so what do you think?" Sam asked.
"I'm not that worried about it." Dean replied, his mouth still full.
"Excuse me?" Bobby asked.
"That's funny, right? I couldn't give two shakes of a rats ass. Is that right? Do rats shake their ass, or is that something else?" Sam looked around at the other customers around them, also eating Turduckens.
"Give me that!" Sam reached across the table and snatched the sandwich from Dean.
"Whoa, whoa! Why?" Dean looked devastated at the loss of his sandwich.
"There's some funky chicken in the TDK Slammer, ain't there?" Bobby guessed.
"Yeah." Sam frowned, taking a sniff and pulling back at the smell.

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