Looking Glass Insects Part 1

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Dean and Lacey were sat in their motel room waiting for Sam. Dean was doing research on the laptop, Lacey had her feet up on the table and was reading Death on the Nile. Sam opened the door and walked in. Dean looked up from the laptop.
"How'd it go?"
"Um.. no EMF, no sulphur. Ghost possession and demonic possession are both probably out."
"Hmm. That's where I was putting my money."
"Well then what? Oh, dude. At the coroners... you didn't see these bodies. I mean these two started eating and they just...kept going. I mean their stomachs were full like...like Thanksgiving dinner full. Talk about co-dependant."
"It was completely gross." Lacey noted, not even glancing up from her book.
"Well...I mean we got our feelers out. Not much more we can do tonight. All right. I'm just gonna go through some files. You can go ahead and get going." Sam took his laptop from Dean who looked at him confused.
"Go ahead. Unleash the Kraken. See you tomorrow morning." Dean glanced at Lacey who was looking worriedly at them over the top of her book.
"Where am I going?" Dean asked as Lacey got to her feet and headed into the bathroom.
"Dean it's valentines day, your favourite holiday remember? I mean what do you always call it? Umm... unattached drifter Christmas?" Dean looked over his shoulder, making sure Lacey was still in the bathroom before leaning towards Sam and lowering his voice.
"Oh yeah..well be that as it may...I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year."
"So you're not into bars full of lonely women?" Sam asked confused.
"Nah I guess not. What?" He asked as Sam continued to stare at him.
"It's when a dog doesn't eat. That's when you know something's really wrong."
"Remarkably patronizing concern, duly noted. Nothing's wrong. We gonna work or not?" Lacey poked her head out from the bathroom.
"Do we have a Kraken I don't know about?" She looked at them seriously.
"Umm what? No..." Dean frowned at her.
"Good...good. 'Cause I watched Pirates of the Caribbean the other night..." She was still glancing around the room as if she expected to see a Kraken materialize out of nowhere. "And those things aren't pretty."
"You let her watch that?" Dean asked turning to Sam.
"I fell asleep..." Sam replied petulantly.
"Krakens aren't real." Dean told her shaking his head at Sam.
"You're sure?" Lacey asked him doubtfully. " 'Cause I'm not supposed to be real but...here I am."
" I promise you, krakens are not real." Dean said squeezing her hand.
"Oh. Good." Lacey smiled happily and returned to her book. Dean smiled at her shaking his head before turning back to his research.

A few hours later they got a call from the morgue reporting that some more unusual suicides' had been brought in. As they walked down the corridor Sam's attention seemed to be caught by a man walking past them.
"You okay?" Dean asked him.
"Yeah I'm fine." They headed into the morgue.
"Agent Marley. You just can't stay away." The Doctor addressed Dean.
"Heard you tagged yourself another double suicide."
"Well I just finished closing them up."
"Dr Corman, this is my partner, Special Agent Cliff. And you remember our assistant Ms Liddell."
"Agent Cliff. I've finished my prelims. I pulled the organ sets and sent off the tox samples."
"Great. You mind if we take a look at the bodies?"
"Not at all. But like I said, their good and plenties are already tupperwared."
"Leave the keys with Marty up front." He said handing them to Dean. "And please gentlemen, refrigerate after opening." He turned to leave and stopped. "And I hope Ms Liddell is feeling better now." He looked at her pointedly, Lacey grinned sheepishly, before he walked out the door.
"What did he mean?" Sam asked, Lacey blushed.
"Uh, Lacey had some problems when we came to view the bodies earlier." Dean grinned. "There was a lot of gagging involved. She had to leave the room." Lacey looked down at her shoes. "Isn't that right sweetheart?" He teased.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She shoved him playfully.

They had examined the bodies and now had taken the organs out of the refrigerator to examine. Dean slid one of the Tupperware containers across the bench towards Sam.
"Bemy valentine." He joked. Lacey raised her lip in disgust. Sam sighed but then noticed something on the heart.
"Whoa, whoa,whoa wait a second." He picked up a box with the other heart in. "These hearts have identical marks. Check this out it looks like some kind of letter." He held the heart under a magnifying glass. "Oh, no."
"I think it's enochian."
"You mean like angel scratches? So you think it's like the tagging on our ribs?"
"Dean, I don't know."
"Ah hell." Dean took out his phone and dialled a number. "Cas, it's Dean. Yeah, room 31C, basement level. St James Medical Centre." Cas appeared in front of of him still on the phone.
"I'm there now."
"Yeah, I get that." Dean said awkwardly.
"I'm gonna hang up now."
"Right." Lacey giggled at the two of them.

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