The Mock Turtle's Story Part 2

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"Supernatural is filmed before a live studio audience."

Dean closed the refrigerator in a more clean version of their motel room, before walking back to the table. On the table was a sandwich stacked so high it looked like it had come straight out of a cartoon,

"I'm gonna need a bigger mouth." Dean commented. The audience laughed. Sam came through the front door and there was applause.

"Hey there Sam. What's happening?"

"Oh nothing, um. Just the end of the world." There was more laughter. Sam sees the sandwich on the table. "You're gonna need a bigger mouth." More laughter. "Hey, uh, have you done your research yet?" Dean looked guilty.

"Oh yeah. All kinds of research. All night."

"Yeah? Hmm." At this point the bathroom door opened and a woman walked out in a bikini.

"Oh Dean." Dean turned around. "We have some more research to do." Sam folded his arms.


"Son of a bitch!" More laughter. Sam walked over to the woman, glaring at Dean, and began ushering her towards the door.

"I am really, really very sorry but uh, we've got some work to do."

"But we did do work. In-depth." She protested. Dean waved at her as she left and Sam closed the door shaking his head.

"How long do we have to keep doing this?" Dean asked out of the side of his mouth.

"I don't know. Maybe forever? We might die in here." The audience laughed again.

"How was that funny? Vultures." Dean muttered. Suddenly the front door flew open and Cas walked in covered in cuts and bruises.

"You okay?"

"I don't have much time."

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"I got out."

"From where?"

"Listen to me. Something is not right. This thing is much more powerful than it should be."

"What thing...the trickster?"

"If it is a trickster."

"What do you mean?" Cas was flung back into the wall and the trickster appeared in the door.

"Hello!" The audience applauded and cheered. Cas got to his feet but his mouth was duct taped shut. "Thank you, Tank you ladies." Cas glared at him. "Hi Castiel." He flicked his wrist and Cas disappeared again.

"You know him?"

"Where did you just send him?" Dean asked.

"Relax, he'll live...maybe." More laughter.

"Okay then where the hell did you send Lacey?" Dean growled, getting into the tricksters face.

"Oh she's around." The trickster said vaguely. Dean went to punch him but Sam stopped him.

"All right, you know what? I am done with the monkey dance okay? We get it."

"Yeah? Get what hotshot?"

"Playing our roles right? That's your game?"

"That's half the game."

"What's the other half?" Sam asked.

"Playing your roles out there."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh you know. Sam starring as Lucifer. Dean starring as Michael. Your celebrity death match. Play your roles."

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