It's My Own Invention Part 1

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The Impala pulled up outside the Elysian Fields Hotel. Lacey glanced out of the window, it was pouring down outside and they had been searching for a hotel for the past hour. They got out of the car and rushed to the reception. They hurried in through the door and up to the desk.

"Whew. Nice digs for once." Dean commented as he shook the droplets of water from his hair. "Busy night." He commented to the guy behind the desk.

"Any port in a storm I guess." He pushed a sign in book towards Dean. "If you could fill this out please."

"Yeah." Dean picked up a pen and began to fill the form out.

"Sir, I think...shaving nick there." The guy indicated a small cut on Dean's neck before handing him a tissue.

"Oh, thanks." Dean took the tissue and held it to his neck.

"Would you like a towel?" The guy asked.

"No, I'm fine." Dean replied as he signed the form.

"I meant the Lady." The Guy said indicating Lacey. Dean turned around, Lacey was standing there her long hair soaked and dripping with rain water, she wasn't exactly dressed for the weather, she was wearing a black lacy vest top, black sweat pants, a grey hoodie and flip flops.

"Oh, right." Dean smiled sheepishly.

"Yes please." Lacey said, taking the offered towel and drying her hair off.

"Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a coffee shop would you?" Dean asked.

"Buffet. All you can eat. Best pie in the tri-state area."

"You don't say." Dean's grin widened.

They made their way into the buffet and Dean headed straight for the dessert table. Lacey sat down at the table and was joined shortly by Sam. Dean headed over with his plate of pie, grinning happily to himself. He sat down opposite them and began to eat, after a moment he put his fork down and studied them. Lacey was picking at a bowl of olives on the table and Sam was studying his cell phone.

"Sam, unpucker man. Eat something."

"We should hit the road Dean."

"In this storm? It's..."

"it's biblical." Sam interrupted. "Exactly. It's friggin' Noah's ark out there and we're eating pie."

"How many hours of sleep did you get this week? What? Three? Four? Bobby's got his feelers out, okay? We have talked with every hoodoo man and root woman in 12 states."

"Yeah well, I'm not giving up."

"Nobody's giving up. Especially me. We're gonna find a way to beat the devil, okay? Soon. I can feel it. And we'll find Cas, we'll find Adam but you are no good to me burnt out."

"Yeah, ."

"Come on, we've actually got the night off for once. Let's enjoy it." Dean finished his pie and got up from the table. They followed him out into the hallway and went to find their room. The passed a young couple making out in front of one of the rooms. Dean pointed at them and grinned. Lacey gave him a small smile back.

"Oh, what are you 12?" Sam asked, shaking his head.

"I'm young at heart." Dean told him. They walked up to the next door and Dean unlocked it. As the door opened they peered inside, the room was large and lavishly decorated. Dean whistled.

"Wow. Look at this. We're like Rockefellers!" He spotted something on the pillow. "Chocolates!" He picked one of them up and began to unwrap it. "You want yours?" He asked Sam.

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