Walk on the Wild Side Part 1

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Dean hefted a box out of his truck and lugged it into the new house he was renting with Lisa. After the Djinn had attacked the house Dean had decided it would be better to move out of the area and get a fresh start, hoping nothing would be able to follow them. Dean headed into the kitchen and began to unpack the boxes.
"What's up?" Lisa asked Ben, who was sitting at the table looking glum.
"At least wait until you check the place out before you hate it. Open mind, that's all I ask."
"Yeah, all right." He got to his feet and headed towards the hallway. "I'll be back."
"Oh, hey. Where's the fire?" Dean asked him.
"Just going to check out the block."
"And let your mom unpack the kitchen by herself? Come on." Ben sighed and headed back into the kitchen.
"We'll go for lunch later, scope out the neighbourhood, right?" Lisa asked Dean pointedly.
"Yeah sounds like a plan." He turned to Ben. "Come on, why don't you give me a hand."

A short while later the doorbell rang. Dean answered and found a pizza delivery guy on the doorstep.
"One cheese, one everything?"
"Yeah, thank you." Dean took the pizzas from him. "There you go, keep the change."
"Thanks." Dean closed the door behind him and found Lisa and Ben standing behind him, staring at him.
"I thought we were going out?" Lisa asked.
"Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm sorry."
"Sure. I'll look for plates." Lisa said disgruntledly, heading for the kitchen.

After lunch Dean walked into the garage and found Ben holding one of his sawn off shotguns from the trunk of the Impala.
"What the hell? Hey, hey, give me that." Dean strode over and snatched the gun from his grip. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked angrily as he put the gun away and closed the trunk.
"I just wanted to see it."
"Listen to me. Don't ever open this trunk. Do you understand me?"
"Okay. Sorry. But I don't get it. You had your own rifle at my age."
"Ben, mark my words. You will never, ever shoot a gun, ever." Dean told him sternly.
"I know what's going on. You think something might be coming for us." Ben told him stubbornly.
"There's nothing coming for us."
"I could do what you do. You could teach me how to shoot..." Ben wheedled.
"Shut up about the freaking gun okay!" Dean yelled.
"Okay. Sorry. I'm sorry." Ben looked a little shocked and headed for the door, fast.

As Dean was covering the Impala back up with the tarp Lisa appeared in the doorway.
"What happened? Ben's been locked in his room for hours. Says you yelled at him. What did he do?"
"Nothing." Dean sighed.
"What did you do?" Lisa countered.
"He got into my tools. I shouldn't have got mad."
"You want to talk about this?" Lisa asked.
"Yelling at Ben? Keeping us in the house?"
"I'm trying to keep us safe here."
"I'm not arguing, okay. You're the expert. I'm just asking. You said that you and your brother killed whatever was after us. And then we moved just to be sure! So what is it Dean? Monsters? Or monsters in general?"
"I don't know. Something might come." Dean ran a hand through his hair.
"I don't know. I can't predict what's going to come after me."
"Well I'm going to need some parameters. We have to live our lives here. I mean at some point I have to work. Ben has school!" She was getting angry now.
"But if something happens on my watch..." Dean tried to explain.
"I know you're trying to protect us, but you're kind of scaring me a little too." She said softly before walking out the door.

Later that night as Dean was setting up the protections around the house his cell phone went off.
"Sam?" He answered it, surprised.
"I need your help now." Sam said, skipping the preliminaries.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm working this job."
"Dude." Dean complained.
"Look, I just need you with me on this okay?"
"I'm out. I'm staying out."
"Make an exception." Sam prodded.
"For what?"
"Look, I'm thirty minutes away and I will drive to your door if you don't meet me."
"And what's so nuts that you gotta threaten a damn drive by?" Dean pulled a face at Sam's answer.

Dean drove out to meet Sam. He pulled into a layby by the side of the road and got out of his truck. He headed over to Sam's car which was parked further down the layby.
"Where is it?"
"Strapped down in the back seat." Dean leant forward and looked through the window. There was a baby in a car seat on the back seat.
"Welcome to the party Guttenberg." Sam said, clapping him on the back.

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