The Thing You Love the Most Part 1

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Sam, Dean and Lacey stood in the doorway to Bobby's living room. Bobby was sat at his desk, leafing through a book and drinking whisky.
"Say something." Sam whispered to Dean.
"No, you." Dean retorted.
"No, you." They looked at Lacey who held up her hands.
"Don't look at me." The two exchanged a look before proceeding to make the decision via rock paper scissors. Sam looked stunned as he lost to Dean. Dean gave him a shove forwards but Bobby beat him to it.
"You three just gonna stand there like the ugly girl at the prom, or you gonna pitch in? This so called Eve- mother of whatever ain't gonna gank herself. What's wrong with you two?" Bobby asked in his usual gruff manner.
"Bobby, you haven't slept in days."
"I sleep. What are you, my wife now?" Lacey raised an eyebrow at Dean.
"I'm just saying, you know, taking five might be a good thing."
"For whom?" Bobby questioned.
"Look, Bobby, it was... it was tough for all of us, seeing Rufus go like that." Sam sympathised.
"You think this...? This ain't about Rufus."
"Bobby, he wasn't just a poker buddy." Dean argued.
"You know when I knew Rufus was done for? The day I met him. The only question was, who first, him or me? Now you want to stand there and therapise, or you want to get me some coffee? Make it Irish."
"I told them you were fine." Lacey shrugged and ushered the boys out the door, into the kitchen. She closed the doors behind them and leant against them. "He's not fine."
"Oh yeah, he's doing fantastic." Dean replied sarcastically.
"Yeah, this isn't about Rufus at all."
"Well, what do you want to do? I mean, we can't just sit here and watch him poop out his liver."
"Well, we could get him out of the house. There's a job." Sam suggested.
"Really? What've you got?" Sam pulled a newspaper clipping out of his jacket.
"Look. Chester, Pennsylvania. Three people got kicked off in the last week, all freaky. Last guy got karate chopped by his garage door. And these are all blood relatives." Lacey made a face.
"What are you thinking, family curse?"
"Hey, grumpy!" Dean yelled into the other room, only to find Bobby standing behind them. "You, uh...?"
"I don't want to do crap. Leave me alone. Just get out of my house, the three of you. You're driving me nuts." Lacey looked offended.
"Bobby..." Dean started.
"Now! For the love of Pete."

They headed outside and got in the Mustang.
"You know, maybe we should wait 'til she gets back." Sam suggested.
"Dude, she just called from the road, said she'd be here in two shakes. You really want to sit around and smell him stew in his juices?"
"Yeah, yeah. Drive." Sam agreed.

Back inside Bobby was pouring himself another drink when a shotgun nudged his hand out of the way
"What the...?" He turned to see Ellen standing beside him.
"Tell me you haven't been drinking this whole time."
"You're worse than the boys." Bobby complained. "I'm working."
"My god. I'm gone a week and this place goes completely to hell. What is wrong with you, Bobby Singer?"
"Get a pen. It's a long list."
"You smell like a bar, you know that?"
"You don't exactly smell like a rose yourself." Bobby countered.
"Huh. Yeah, I've been hunting with Jo. What's your excuse?"
"If I need one, I've got a good one."
"I know." Ellen replied, more gently this time. "And I'm so sorry. He meant a lot to me too. Go wash up. I'll fix us something."
"Anybody ever tell you you're a pain in the ass?" Ellen laughed and kissed him on the cheek.
"That's why you married me. Go." She pushed him towards the stairs.
"Don't tell me what to do, Ellen." Bobby grumbled.

When they reached Chester they headed straight to the house of the guy who'd had the accident with the garage door. As they began to search the garage, Dean pulled out his EMF meter.
"Not a bleep."
"Well not a vengeful spirit then. So what is it?" Sam noticed something on the floor and bent down to pick it up. "Huh."
"Whatcha got? What is that, Christmas tinsel?" Dean asked as Sam held up a gold thread.
"I don't know." He rubbed the thread against a nearby plant pot, it left a gold streak behind. "It's gold."
"You mean like gold, gold?" Dean asked incredulously.
"Why would a handyman have gold just lying around in his garage?"
"Maybe he isn't really a handyman. Maybe he's actually a member of the mafia." Lacey suggested brightly. Sam and Dean gave her a look. "I know, I know, this is not Nancy Drew." Lacey huffed and folded her arms across her chest.
"I don't know. There is definitely a skeleton in this family's closet. I mean accidents don't just happen accidentally." It was Lacey's turn to glare at him. "You know what I mean."
"All right. How about I go check family records, you two go with next of kin?" Sam suggested.
"Yeah." Dean and Lacey nodded.

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