Pig and Pepper Part 1

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Pig and Pepper Part 1

Sam and Dean stood in a garage with their shirt sleeves rolled up staring at the car before them. Some guy had smashed through the windscreen of the car while it was parked where it stood now. It was supposedly the car James Dean had died in and Dean had been tasked with checking to see if it was true. They stared at it uncertainly.

"You want me to do it?" Sam asked.

"No... no, no I've got it." Dean approached the car. "Okay baby I'm not gonna hurt you, so ...don't hurt me." He told it as he slid underneath it on a roller board.

"I wasn't planning to." Came a voice from the other side of the car. Dean jumped banging his head on the bottom of the car. "You Okay under there?" Laceys face appeared underneath the car.

"Yes, geez Lace." She smiled at him and stood back up. Dean took a rubbing of the number on the engine and rolled back out from under the car. Lacey was standing next to Sam now. She was wearing a blue and black striped jumper that hung off one of her shoulders with a short black skirt, black patterned tights and stiletto boots. Dean glanced at her appreciatively as he got to his feet. He handed the number to Sam.

"Find out who owned it. Not just the last owner, you gotta take it all the way back to 1955."

"That's a lot of research."

"Well I guess I just made your afternoon." Dean said as they exited the garage.

"What's going on?" Lacey asked.

"Killer car." Lacey raised an eyebrow. "How was the spa thing?"

"Bath house. It was OK once I got through to them that I wasn't taking all of my clothes off." Dean chuckled.

"If I'd have known it was that kind of place I might have come with you." Lacey gave him a shove knocking the wind out of him a little.

"I did get my nails done too." She proffered her hands, the nails covered in glitter and bows.

"Yikes." Dean said raising both his eyebrows.

"You want me to shove you again?" Lacey asked playfully.

"No ma'am. Dean replied. Lacey laughed and linked arms with him as they headed back to the Impala.

A while later they were sat in their motel room, Sam doing research on his laptop, Lacey had kicked her boots off and had her feet up on one of the beds watching a movie. Dean opened a bottle of beer and sat down next to her.

"What we watching?"

"A Good Woman." Lacey said, her eyes transfixed on the screen.

"Right." Sam said from across the room. " I've managed to trace all of the cars previous owners."

"Any of 'em die bloody?"

"Nope, in fact the cars first owner was a cardiologist in Philadelphia, drove it till he died in 1972."

"So you're saying?"

"That Porsche is not, nor has it ever been James Dean's car. It's a fake little bastard."

"Well then what was it that killed the guy?"

"Good question."

The following morning Sam was awoken by his phone going off. He blearily reached for it and flipped it open.

"Hello?" As he sat up he glanced across the room. Lacey was curled up next to Dean, the TV still playing whatever channel it had been left on the previous night. "There's been another killing?" Sam asked focusing back on the phone call. "OK we'll be right there." Sam climbed out of bed. "Dean, Lacey." he shook Laceys shoulder and she woke up with a start.

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