Shaking Part 1

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After dealing with Brady they headed back to Bobby's to re-group. Lacey was sitting curled up in one of Bobby's chairs doing research when she heard shouting coming from the kitchen.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dean yelled as he slammed the kitchen doors open and strode into the room. Lacey glanced up from her book.

"Dean..." Sam tried to explain but was cut off.

"No, don't Dean me. have had some stupid ideas in the past, but this? Did you know about this?" He asked turning to Bobby and Lacey.


"About Sam's genius plan to cram the devil down his throat." Lacey shook her head vehemently. Bobby nodded.

"Well thanks for the heads up!" Dean complained.

"Hey, this ain't about me." Bobby argued.

"You can't do this." Dean said turning his attention back to Sam.

"That's the consensus."

"All right. Awesome then. End of discussion." Dean's phone began to ring. "This isn't over. Hello? Cas?" Lacey looked up in surprise.

"Is he okay?" Sam asked.

"We all thought you were dead. Where are you man?" Dean asked. He walked back into the kitchen and carried on talking to Cas.

"So, what's this idea of yours?" Lacey asked Sam.

"If I say yes to Lucifer and let him take over my body, I might be able to take control back and jump into the pit." Lacey stared at him wide eyed for a moment.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I can't see any other solution. We can collect as many rings as we want, but if we can't get him back in the cage there's not much point." Lacey nodded thoughtfully but didn't say anymore.

That evening they drove to the Serenity Valley Convalescence Home, where, according to the information Brady had given Crowley, they would find Pestilence. They parked the Impala up across the road.

"So, this is Dr evil's lair huh?" Dean commented as they watched the building.

"It's kind of more depressing than evil." Sam replied.

"It's like a four color brochure for dying young. Of course, to Pestilence, it's probably Dollywood in there."

"Great a whole building full of people. We don't know who's human, who's demon and who's Pestilence. So what do we do?"

Lacey teleported them into the building and they made their way to the security office. Dean knocked on the door and opened it.

"Hey. Hi, uh, I'm looking for my Nana. Uh, her name is Eunice Kennedy." The Security guard looked at him blankly.

"Go around front and see the nurse."

"You mind just helping me out, sir? Uh, she's about, uh that small and grey hair, wears diapers." Dean punched the guard sending him backwards off his chair where he lay unconscious on the floor. Sam and Lacey came in through the door behind Dean.

"Eunice Kennedy?" Sam asked.

"That's the beauty about improv Sammy. You never know what's gonna come out of your mouth." They sat down around the screens.

"So what..." Sam noticed Dean beginning to nod off and nudged him. "Hey. What are we even looking for?"

"Well, he's Pestilence so he probably looks sick." Dean shrugged.

"Everybody looks sick. Hey" Sam pointed at the monitor, one of the people walking down the hall was causing the screen to distort.

"Oh, now we're talking." They left the security office and headed down the hall in the direction the guy on the screen had taken. As they rounded the corner they found the bodies of Doctors and Nurses littering the floor.

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