In the Name of the Brother Part 2

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Lana del Ray Queen of Disaster
Mads Langer Beauty of the Dark
Ace Wilder Don't Worry

Lacey slept for a while, it was cold and cramped in the back of the hatchback, but she managed to doze off for a while. She was woken by the sound of voices coming from the front seat. She yawned, stretched out her sore back and leant forward so she could hear what was being said.
"Choppin' their heads off won't kill 'em but it'll slow them down pretty good. Till they fuse back up anyhow." Bobby could be heard on speaker phone.
"Well that's something I guess. I mean assuming we can even get close to them." Sam shrugged.
"Believe me, I don't want you walking right up to 'em either. I'm still looking for something you can shoot at them."
"Good times. Alright, thanks Bobby."
"Hey, you take mayo, right Bobby?" A female voice could be heard in the background.
"You got a chick over there?" Dean asked.
"What, no."
"Are you even working, Richard Gere?"
"Shut up, you idjit." The three of them smiled at this. "Where are you off to next?"
"Uh, St Louis, where we..."
"It's too late." Bobby interrupted. "They hit St Louis. Pumpkin and Honeybunny'd a diner there."
"Connors Diner?" Dean asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yeah. How'd you know?"
"Lucky guess. All right, so much for that."
"I guess we're off to... Ankeny, Iowa. Call us if you get anything else."
"You got it." Bobby hung up.

They arrived in Ankeny, Iowa and parked up at the Shermer Rock Motel before heading into town to grab some food. They were walking down the sidewalk when Dean put up a hand to stop them.
"Gys, guys. Hold up. Don't move, don't move." Dean nodded in the direction of the Impala that was parking across the road. Their two doubles got out and Sam gave a shudder.
"Oh no. This is all sorts of wrong."
"Those are nice wheels. Tell you what, when this is over, I'm stealing those rims." Lacey gave him a disapproving look.
"Uh, yeah, priorities, please."
"Yeah, yeah." Dean pulled out his phone and dialled Bobby's number. "Bobby we got eyes on them. It's like looking in a fun house mirror."
"Yeah, I know the feeling." Bobby said on the other end.
"All right, well tell me you got something. Otherwise we're gonna have to get in close."
"Look, just hang back for now."
"It's too late, we gotta..." Dean was interrupted by the sound of sirens as a police car pulled up and two officers jumped out pointing guns at them. "Hang on..."
"Hands in the air!" Lacey blinked, startled and put her hands in the air.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Dean tried to explain as a second car pulled up. "Big misunderstanding." Two more officers were now pointing guns at them from behind. Lacey looked between the boys, worriedly. "Look the guys you want..."
"Shut up!" One of the officers barked.
"They're right there." Dean pointed at the Leviathan copies of them as they drove past, looking smug.
"Shut up! Drop the phone. Put your hands in the air!" Dean let go of the phone and put his hands up.
"Cuff 'em." The officer in charge commanded. Lacey's arms were grabbed from behind and she was shoved into the side of the cop car as the officer cuffed her. She was pushed into the back of one car as Sam and Dean were put into the other one.

They were escorted into the Sheriffs station, Sam trying to reason with them.
"Look, you're making a mistake. The real killers are back at the diner, okay?"
"Is that the best you can do?" The Sheriff asked.
"I want my phone call." Dean demanded.
"Oh, there'll be a call, to the FBI. Take him to cell one." He pointed to Dean. "Take that one to interview room one and the girl to number two. Once they're separate and secure, you boys call it a night."
"You're making a mistake!" Lacey could hear Sam shouting as one of the officers escorted her to an interview room. He shoved her inside and closed and locked the door behind her. Lacey sat down in one of the chairs and let out a sigh.

She had been sitting in the interview room for 15 minutes when one of the Deputy's finally returned. He stared at her through the glass of the door until she looked down, uncomfortable under his gaze. He unlocked the door and entered the room, never taking his eyes off her. He sat down in the chair opposite her and rested his hands on the table.
"So your boyfriends aren't talking. You'd be doing yourself a favour if you talked."
"My father always says, don't talk to anyone without a lawyer present." Lacey told him.
"And Daddy's a big shot, isn't he?" The deputy lounged back in his chair, watching her expression. "What do you think he would say if he knew you were in here? He'd be pretty mad, huh?" Lacey glared at him.
"You're just fishing, you have no idea who I am."
"Fishing's not really my sport. Now hunting, that's a different matter." Lacey narrowed her eyes at him. "And of course we know who you are Miss McNulty. You're in our top 5 list of people we'd like to eat." Lacey pursed her lips as he smiled at her.
"You're one of them, those Leviathans."
"Bingo." He reached out for her but she pulled her cuffed hands away and jumped to her feet. She made a break for the door but the Leviathan followed her, grabbing hold of her as she wrestled with the handle. She lashed out, kicking him in the knee and he loosened his grip long enough for her to get the door open. As she tried to back out of the room he grabbed hold of her again and the two of them fell through the now open door, Lacey getting the wind knocked out of her as she landed on her back. She tried to get out from under him and raised her hands over her face as the deputy's face distorted into a gaping maw full of sharp, needle like teeth. Convinced she was about to take her last breath before she became his next meal, Lacey shut her eyes tightly and waited for the inevitable. Instead all she got was doused with something wet. Suddenly the weight was lifted off her as the Leviathan cried out in pain, whatever had been thrown at them was burning its flesh. Lacey scrambled backwards across the floor as Dean took the Leviathans head off with an axe.
"You ok?" Dean asked, helping her to her feet.
"Yeah, I'm good. What did you throw on it? " Lacey asked as she looked down at her damp clothes.
"Borax, it's just cleaning fluid."
"Oh good, that could have been way grosser." The Sheriff appeared behind him, holding another bucket of Borax. He stepped forward and produced a key to unlock Lacey's cuffs.
"Let's go find Sam." Dean took hold of her arm and led her towards the other interview room. He pushed the door open and found Sam cuffed to the desk while a Leviathan version of Dean stood over him. Dean quickly threw some more of the Borax over it and while it began to smoke he decapitated it.
"Well, that felt good." The Sheriff followed them into the room and unlocked Sam's handcuffs.
"So, the FBI is on the way."
"Yeah, listen, about that..." Dean started.
"Whatever I can do, especially if it involves lying about everything I just saw."
"Good. I was hoping you could help us kind of be... dead. You know, quote, unquote."
"Yeah, yeah. I should be able to swing that alright."
"Come on, let's grab a mop." Dean moved towards the door, Lacey following him, but stopped when he saw Sam just sitting there looking at him. "Sammy, you ok?" Sam blinked, as if he was coming out of a trance.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Let's go."

They had driven a little way outside town as soon as they left the Sheriff's station, to avoid being seen by anybody. Dean had parked up on the edge of a small pier so they could get rid of the Leviathan heads. The three of them got out of the hatchback and Dean opened the trunk to remove the heads.
"Are you sure you want to dump these things? I'm thinking they might actually come in handy down the road. What do you think?" Lacey shrugged.
"Decapitated remains is not my specialist subject." She looked to Sam who had been quiet the whole drive over. "Any thoughts?" Sam carried on looking down at the floor and didn't say anything.
"Hey. What? What is it? Talk." Dean probed.
"Nothing." Sam replied sullenly.
"Well, that's convincing. Did monster-us give you the jeebs, huh? Cause I gotta be honest, I ain't looking in the mirror for a while myself." Dean joked. Sam glared at him and stood up straighter.
"Okay. You really want to know what's wrong?" Lacey frowned at his sudden change of demeanor.
"Yeah. Yeah, you know me, here to help."
"Here to help? Kind of like you 'helped' Amy?" Lacey's frown deepened.
"My sister?"
"Amy Pond. My friend, the kitsune. You didn't know about this?" Sam asked, studying her face for a reaction.
"Know about what? What happened? What did you do?" Lacey asked turning to Dean. Before Dean could open his mouth Sam interrupted.
"Oh, he killed her." Sam told her. Lacey looked between them, not knowing what to say.
"Listen, Sam..." Dean tried to explain.
"Don't. Don't lie to me, to us, again. No, don't even talk to me. Yeah, I can't." Sam walked to the back of the car and took his bag from inside. "You know what, Dean. I can't."
"You can't what?" Dean asked.
"I can't talk to you right now. Dean, I can't even be around you right now." He slammed the car door shut.
"Okay so..."
"I think you should just go on without me." Sam headed back down the car. He squeezed Lacey's arm and said quietly;
"Call me if you need me." Before walking away from the car.
"Go." He called over his shoulder. Dean watched him go, his expression unreadable.
"All right. Sorry, Sam." Dean got into the car. Lacey stood there for a moment, dithering, as she watched Sam go. She opened the car door and got in, not looking at Dean.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Dean ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"Because I didn't want to put that on you, you've been through enough recently, you both have and I didn't want to add lying to Sam to that list." Lacey stared at him.
"What makes you think I would have lied to him?" She pulled on the seatbelt and clicked it into place. "Maybe we should just get out of here. I don't want to be here anymore." Dean watched her for a second but she just stared out the passenger window. Eventually he turned on the engine and pulled the car away from the pier, towards the highway.

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