Retreat Part 1

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"Uhoh." Lacey swung round in her chair to see who had spoken. "Drinking alone?"
"It's a coke, Damon." Lacey rolled her eyes. "And I was waiting for you." She pointed out as he sat down beside her.
"This just a flying visit or are you sticking around this time?"
"Probably be here for a little while." Lacey shrugged before changing the subject. "So, how are things going with Elena?" Damon just gave her a look.
"How are things going with Dean?"
"Touché." Lacey nodded. "So come on fill me in, what have I missed?"
"Stefan is no longer evil, and he's trying to win Elena back." Lacey pulled a face. "Thanks for your support." Damon chuckled. "Oh and the town is playing host to the original family reunion."
"More of them? Want me to help?"
"While seeing you kick Klaus' ass three ways from Sunday would be fun, we're working on a more long term plan, where they end up dead."
"Suit yourself."
"And what about you?" Damon asked as he ordered himself a whiskey.
"Uh...I've been keeping busy you know, training at the mansion, helping out my aunts..."
"Avoiding your problems?" Damon raised an eyebrow.
"What?! No, not at all." Lacey looked down at her hands. "Just keeping out of peoples way."
"Oh yeah? What about that other guy you used to travel with?"
"Sam?" Lacey wrinkled her nose. "He's got some new buddies who really don't like me."
"So you have no other friends?" Damon mocked.
"Well of course I do, although I'm scratching your name off the list." Lacey told him as she took a sip of her drink. Her eyes widened. "Of course! Why didn't I think of it before!" She pushed her chair back and got to her feet. "I do have someone."
"What? Where are you going?" Damon called after her.
"Enjoy drinking alone!" Lacey yelled back as she headed out the door. She headed round the back of Mystic grill and, checking no one was around opened up a portal and stepped in.

Lacey stepped through the other side of the portal and surveyed her surroundings. The place was a bit of a mess. She could hear screaming coming from the basement. She walked forward and pulled the door open.
"Bobby?" She called as she made her way down the stairs. The screaming stopped for a moment.
"I'm down here Lacey." He called back before the screaming resumed. As Lacey got to the bottom of the steps she spotted Bobby holding a blowtorch over a burning bag, while a demon tied to a chair screamed as she burned. Bobby turned the blow torch off.
"You don't know what he'll do to me." The demon gasped.
"Right now you better worry about me." Bobby told her.
"You don't get it, he's the king." The demon protested.

"King of the cross roads. I've heard the speech." Bobby replied and gave her another blast of the blowtorch. Lacey figured they must be talking about Crowley.
"No. King of hell." Lacey raised an eyebrow in surprise. Above them there was a clanging sound as the doorbell was rung.
"I'll get it." Lacey offered, heading back up the stairs. She headed out the kitchen and through the hall before opening the front door. In front of her stood a short, slightly plump blonde woman.
"Can I help you?" Lacey asked. The woman stared at her for a moment.
"Uh.... I was just bringing this for Bobby" She said holding out a baking pan. "But if you're busy..."
"No it's fine I'll get him for you." Lacey turned back to the house.
"I can come back!" The woman replied hastily. Lacey raised an eyebrow.
"Uncle Bobby!" She called. The woman got a look of relief on her face for a moment before breaking into a smile as Bobby came into view.
"Marcy, I see you've met my niece Lacey." Lacey smiled and retreated back into the living room. She sat at Bobby's desk and leafed through one of the books Bobby had left lying open. A couple minutes late Bobby walked into the living room holding the baking pan.
"Uncle Bobby?" He asked.
"Your friend was being creepily presumptuous, so I figured Uncle was better than anything she was imagining." Bobby snorted.
"I'll just go sort out this demon, then you can tell me what you've been up to." Bobby replied as he set the dish down before heading back to the basement. There was one more batch of screaming and then Bobby reappeared. He sat down on the other side of the desk and poured himself a drink.
"So, come on then, what have I missed?" Lacey smiled and started telling him about her year. She was interrupted a while later by banging on the front door.
"You sure are popular today." Lacey commented as she followed Bobby to the front door. When he opened it Rufus was standing on the other side.
"Oh good, you're home. Listen you gotta help me bury a body."

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