Blind Alley Part 2

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Lacey managed to get a few hours sleep and then they headed out to a diner to grab some breakfast. Dean finished his food and pushed his plate to the side.
"So on top of all the demons and angels and ghosts and skin walkers, it turns out there' if aliens are actually real, what's next? Hobbits? Seriously." Sam was distracted by their waitress passing. Dean glared at him.
"You just gave her the silent how ya doin'?"
"Our reality's collapsing around us and you're trying to pick up our waitress!"
"Yeah. Okay, look, brings up a question."
"Oh, I can't wait to hear this." Lacey forked the last of her pancakes into her mouth and looked at Sam expectantly. "I mean I don't know about you but I'm still reeling from last night." She said pointedly. Dean tried not to laugh as Lacey glared across the table.
"So say you've got a soul and you're on a case and your brother gets abducted by aliens..."
"Yeah, then you do everything you can to get him back."
"Right!" Sam nodded. "But what about when there are no more leads for the night? Are you supposed to just sit there in the dark and suffer, even when there's nothing that can be done at that moment?"
"Yes!" Dean exclaimed.
"Yes, you sit in the dark and feel the loss."
"Absolutely. But couldn't I do all that and have sex with the hippy chick?" Lacey groaned and dropped her head onto her folded arms.
"It'd be in the dark."
"No you couldn't because you'd be suffering and you can't just turn that off for the night." Their waitress brought over the cheque.
"Thanks guys."
"Thank you."
"Why not?" Sam pestered.
"Because if you had a soul, your soul wouldn't let you."
"So you're saying having a soul equals suffering?"
"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying."
"So you're saying suffering is a good thing." Sam looked perplexed.
"I'm saying it's the only game in town."
"Okay." Sam nodded but still looked unsure. "So how do we deal with the little green men?"
"Research. We've got about a century of UFO lore to catch up on and there's no time for..." Dean stopped, staring out the window. "What's up with that guy?" Sam and Lacey turned to look.
"Who?" Sam asked, looking confused.
"The guy by the window giving me the stink eye."
"You mean the cop?"
"No, not the cop! The guy! He's right... Oh now he's gone!"
"Who's gone?" Dean glared at him.
"Can we just get out of here before I hit you."
"Okay, geez!" Sam put up his hands and they got to their feet to leave.

Dean and Lacey were sat at the table in their motel room, going through research, trying to find out anything about UFO's. Deans phone went off and he reached out and picked it up.
"Library's closing up soon. I'm almost done."
"You find anything?"
"Yeah, way too much. Everyone on the planet believes in UFO's and they will not stop writing books about it."
"Yeah well at least books have punctuation." Dean grumbled, referring to the websites he'd been trolling, "All right, keep digging and we'll see what you got when you get back." Dean hung up the phone.
"No joy?" Lacey asked as she put down the book she was reading.
"Nothing concrete. I mean who writes this crap?" Lacey got up and came round to his side of the table and peered at the screen.
"How is this not giving you a headache? I can barely even..." Lacey squinted at the page one more time before before sighing and plonking herself down in Deans lap to get closer to the screen. Dean raised an eyebrow in surprise but didn't object. As Lacey leant forward to read the page he hair fell forward. Dean reached out and slowly tucked it behind her ear, pulling it to the side and away from her neck. He leaned forward until she could feel his breath tickling her neck.
"That better sweetheart?" He asked softly.
"Mmmhmm." Lacey nodded not trusting herself to speak. She felt a shiver go down her spine as Dean gently kissed her exposed neck. She turned to face him and he captured her lips with his own. Dean let out a low moan as Lacey shifted in his lap, turning towards him more. Dean broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against Lacey's.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked softly, Lacey smiled.
"I thought we weren't supposed to do things like this while we're working on a case?" Dean was about to reply when the lights started to flicker.
"Oh no, not again." They got to their feet.
"What is it?" Lacey asked. Suddenly the door to their room burst open but there was nothing there.
"You can't see that?" Dean asked, pointing towards the open door.
"I can't see anything but I can sense something." Lacey closed her eyes and concentrated. When she opened her eyes again it was just in time to see a ball of white light diving towards them. It stopped short just in front of them.
"Okay. Wow." Lacey muttered to herself. Dean leaned in trying to get a closer look.
"What?!" Lacey jumped, folding her arms across her chest. The bright ball of light rose up and smacked Dean in the face. Dean put his hand to his face stunned.
"Bitch!" Lacey took a step back, not wanting to get the same treatment. Whatever the little ball of light was, it clearly had it in for Dean as it kept aiming for him. He dodged out of the way a few times and as it went to make another lunge he ducked, sending it spiralling into the microwave. He slammed the door shut behind it and turned the microwave on. Moments later there was a splat as the creature exploded.
"Ha, ha-ha!" Dean exclaimed triumphantly. At that moment Sam appeared at the door.
"What's going on?" He asked, noticing the state of disarray the room was in.
"Dean microwaved an alien." Lacey old him as she picked up some books from the floor. Dean opened the microwave which was now covered in a black green ooze.
"Ugh, that is gross, see?" She said, wrinkling her nose. Sam peered into the microwave.
"See what?"
"See what? See all the blood, all the blechh." Dean described as he pointed at the microwave.
"Sorry, man, I'm not seeing it."
"You don't see the ick? It's right there."
"It's like whatever it is, it's on another plane, I had to tune into it to be able to see it." Lacey told them.
"Okay, so let's go with you two see it and I don't. What the hell was it?"
"It was a little.... Naked lady." Dean said sheepishly. Lacey couldn't help but smile at the look on his face, sometimes Dean was so unintentionally cute.
"It was a what?"
"It was a little, glowing, hot naked lady with nipples and...she hit me."
"I'm not supposed to laugh right?" Sam asked, looking at Lacey , unsure. Lacey started to giggle.
"No we really shouldn't." She said sobering up.
"Right okay, sure. Umm so shot in the dark here but did this little lady have wings?"
"What the hell made you say that?"
"She did, didn't she?" Sam guessed.
"Yeah, but how did you..."~
"One of the fringier theories I came across. It's actually what crazy crystal lady was yammering about. What if these abductions have nothing to do with UFO's?"
"What?" Dean looked confused.
"Okay, say these encounters have been going on for centuries, not with extra-terrestrials but with ultra-terrestrials. People now-a-days say space aliens but they used to call them..." Sam turned and grabbed the laptop from the table. He typed something in and turned the screen around. Lacey came round and stood next to Dean, he put his arm round her waist and she leant her head against him.
"...smurfs?" Dean guessed as he looked at the page Sam was showing them.
"Faeries." Sam corrected.
"Faeries? Come on." Dean groaned.
"Dean there's a straight between ET's and faeries. Glowing lights, abductions, it's all the same UFO stuff just under a different skin."
"You seriously think that the secret of UFO's is..."
"Hey you're the one who pizza rolled Tinkerbelle, I'm just doing the math. But this is good. This is a lead."
"A lead where?"

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