Lobster Quadrille Part 2

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Once outside they followed behind the two guys.

"Hey Rufus, Bobby, would you hurry it up?"

"You all right?" Sam asked Dean.

"I'm trying to be." Suddenly the two guys stopped and turned around.

"Who are you?" One of them asked Lacey.

"Umm, I'm Lacey." She gave a small smile.

"No, I mean who are you playing?"

"Oh ummm no one, I'm just me." Lacey shrugged.

"You have to be somebody."

"Just drop it." Dean growled.

"So... where were we?" They turned back around, getting the hint.

"Uh Dr Elicott has just zapped your brain."

"Right, got it." The guys voice deepened. "Why are we even here Dean? Do you just follow dads footsteps like a good little soldier? Are you that desperate for approval?"

"This isn't you talking Sam."

"See that's the difference between you and me. I got a mind of my own, I'm not pathetic."

"So what are you gonna do Sam? You gonna kill me?"

"Man, I'm so sick of you telling me what to do!"

"Oh you know what? That, that 's it. That is it!" Dean exploded.

"What's wrong Bobby?"

"I'm not Bobby okay? You're not Sam! You're not Dean! What is wrong with you? Why in the hell would you choose to be these guys?"

"Because we're fans like you."

"No I am not a fan okay? Not fans. In fact I think that the Dean and Sam story sucks! It is not funny, it's not entertaining, it's a river of crap that would send most people howling to the nuthouse. So you listen to me. Their pain is not for your amusement. I mean do you think that they enjoy being treated like...like circus freaks?"

"I don't think they care. Because they're fictional characters."

"Oh they care. Believe me. They care a lot." He stalked off, Lacey following after him.

"He uh, he takes the story really seriously." Sam explained.

"Dean wait!" Lacey called as she chased after him. He stopped and turned around to face her. As she reached him she took hold of both of his hands.

"You're not a freak." She told him. "You're the nicest guy I've ever met." Dean smiled.

"Come on." He told her as Sam and the others caught up and they made their way into the cemetery. After searching the graves for a while Dean called out;

"Found the four boys."

"And here's Laeticia Gore." Sam pointed. The other guys carried on searching.

"Uh what are you guys doing?" Dean asked perplexed.

"Uh we're looking for bones, genius. They got to be round here somewhere."

"Okay generally bones are in the ground."

"Yeah I know I'm just..." He paused as he saw Sam and Dean taking shovels out of their bag. "Wait, hold on are you guys serious?"

"Deadly." Dean told him.

"We're...we're not really digging up graves you guys. We're just playing a game so..."

"Trust me. You want to win the game right?" The guys nodded. Sam and Dean continued to dig the grave and a little while later Dean hit the coffin with his shovel. He opened it up and the other guys peered in disgusted.

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