Lost Girl Part 1

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Dean was sat in a bar, on their annual trip to Vegas. He was supposed to be meeting Lacey for dinner a little later but for the moment he was amusing himself talking to one of the waitresses.
"Okay, you won't believe it. People think I just say it to get better tips." The waitress laughed.
"Try me."
"I'm in grad school. See? Okay? There's a look. Okay? Stop."
"No, this is my, I dig smart chicks look. Now if they wore that, I wouldn't have dropped out of school." Dean smirked, indicating her outfit.
"So, what's your deal?" The waitress asked, leaning against the table.
"My deal?"
"Yeah, ok. You came in here looking like somebody shot your puppy."
"All right, uh, here's the deal. I have this friend, he's got this younger brother, right? Cannons a little loose. You know, his reactor blew a while back. It's not good. Uh, my friend, he's kind of been sitting, waiting to see if he goes guano again."
"And I assume it just hit the fan?" The waitress guessed.
"Well, that's the thing, it didn't. The kids all reasonable now, considering he's crazy. Well, I mean, he's not crazy. He's starting to seem like things might be getting a little better."
"Well, that's a good thing, right?"
"It's a freaking miracle. Except when it happens during their sacred annual pilgrimage to Vegas, and he goes off on some granola munching hike in the desert by himself."
"Well, maybe he just needs some time alone."
"We, all need to face ourselves sometimes." The waitress told him gently.
"Maybe he does." Dean nodded.
"Wasn't talking about him."
"Hey!" Dean turned to see Lacey standing beside him, she was dressed in a blue and white glittery dress.
"Hey, wow. Where are we going for dinner, Caesars?"
"You're phones on silent. Sam called and asked us to meet us at an address and to dress smart so I came to find you." Dean pulled his phone out of his pocket and read the text.
"Huh, that's weird. I guess I better get going."
"See baby bro needs you after all." The waitress smiled at them. Lacey blinked a little, Dean was talking to some random waitress about Sam but he hadn't said a word to her.
"Let's go." Dean threw down a tip for the waitress and they headed for the exit.

They plugged the address Sam had given them into google maps and ended up at A Little White Chapel. The two of them exchanged a look.
"Ok this is getting weirder." They entered the Chapel and were directed through some doors by one of the employees. As they headed down a hallway the light above them flickered. Dean pulled his gun out ready for whatever was going to jump out at them. He gingerly reached out for the double doors at the end of the hall. He reached out but the door opened itself and Sam poked his head out. Lacey let out a breath she hadn't realised she was holding.
"Hey. It's ok, you won't need that. Come one." He ushered them inside the chapel. Lacey looked around at the bright garish colours. There were only two other people in the room, a man and woman sat at the back, reading.
"I thought you were out, becoming one with the land or some crap."
"You got to... come here." Sam maneuvered Dean into position. "All right, now..." He pinned a flower to Deans lapel.

"What is this?" Dean asked, looking down at the flower with mild disgust.
"Apparently, pink is for loyalty." Sam bent down and picked up a small bouquet of flowers and handed them to Lacey.
"All right, so what's the pretext? What are we, wedding crashers, huh? We lookin' for some kind of siren or what?"
"No, nothing like that. All right, so, a little sudden but life is short so I'll keep this shorter. I'm in love and I'm getting married." Sam smiled, clapping a hand on Dean's shoulder. Dean looked back at him blankly before turning his gaze to Lacey and the bouquet.
"To Lacey?" Dean asked, stumbling over his words slightly.
"What!?" Lacey practically shrieked.
"Dude, it's customary to ask someone before you decide to marry them." Dean replied jokingly, still not quite sure where this conversation was going.
"No, not to Lacey." Sam frowned. "Aren't you going to say anything else, like, congratulations for example.
"What?" Dean went back to staring at him blankly. Suddenly music poured into the room and someone covered with a veil wearing a large wedding dress walked through the double doors.
"What the hell?" Dean muttered as the woman began to walk down the aisle. When she reached Sam he lifted up her veil to reveal Becky.
"Becky?" Dean asked, still looking completely confused.
"Dean, Lacey, I'm so glad you could be here." She smiled sweetly at them before turning back to Sam as the ceremony began. Lacey and Dean turned to each other, shock and bewilderment plastered on their faces.

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