Retreat Part 2

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"What the hell?" Lacey asked as she and Bobby made their way back to the house. The sun was beginning to set casting shadows across the yard. Sheriff Mill and Agent Adams had checked the place out for a while longer, Agent Adams with a disgusted look plastered on his face, before admitting there was nothing to find and leaving. As soon as they were inside Bobby picked up the phone and dialled Rufus' number.
"Get back here!" Bobby yelled at him. Lacey could hear Rufus response down the line.
"Get back...I'm two states over.. I can't."
"The Okami ain't dead." Bobby informed him.
"Of cours it is."
"Did you use a bamboo dagger?" Bobby asked as he began looking through the draws in his desk.
"Blessed by a Shinto Priest?"
"I'm not an imbecile Bobby." Rufus retorted.
"Did you stab it seven times?" There was silence on the line.
"Five times."
"It's seven!" Bobby growled.
"No, I'm pretty sure it's five." Rufus countered, though he sounded unsure.
"Well clearly it's seven, the damn hole is empty! What was it feeding on when you found it?"
"Single white females while they slept."
"Well there's none of those around...!" Lacey slapped a hand over her mouth as she realised. "The creepy lady!"

Lacey ported them over to Marcy's house and they began to circle the building, looking for the Okami. When they found nothing they headed to the front door and Bobby kicked it in.
"Bobby?" A voice asked as they stalked inside.
"Where's your bedroom?" Bobby asked breathlessly. Marcy pointed to the right and they headed through the door. Bobby began checking under the bed and in closets.
"Bobby, I'm trying to keep my cool, but what are you doing in my house with a shotgun?"
"Have you seen anything weird?" Bobby asked as he paused in his search.
"You mean besides the tow of you?" Marcy asked sarcastically. A second later she gasped as she spotted something up in the corner of the ceiling. They followed her gaze and the Okami jumped down from the ceiling and landed on Bobby. Bobby tried to get his gun up but didn't have time and was thrown through the window. The Okami turned towards Marcy.
"Uh uh uh." Lacey tutted at it as she stepped in front of Marcy. Changin it's mind the Okami dove out of the window it had thrown Bobby through. Lacey ported outside in time to see the Okami knock Bobby to the ground.
"Hey!" She called, grabbing its attention. She raised a hand and the creature flew into the air before slamming into a tree. As it got to its feet Bobby backed out of the way knocking into the large yellow wood chipper beside the house. The machine roared to life. Lacey smirked at the creature.
"Buh bye." She waved at it before sending it fyling again, this time into the open maw of the woodchipper. There was a dull thud as the Okami hit the blades and began to be shredded. Blood spurt out the back of the wood chipper, covering Marcy who had come outside. Bobby winced as he looked at his neighbour covered from head to toe in blood and guts.
"Ooops." Lacey bit her lip.
"I thought your chipper was broken." He remarked lightly.
"I just said that to get you over here." Marcy mumbled, trying not to let any of the blood get into her mouth.
"Oh, well I guess I could come over for dinner some night. Might be fun." Bobby tried.
"I don't think so." Marcy replied as she looked down at her ruined night gown.
"Story of my life." Bobby shrugged.
"We better be going." Lacey said tugging on his arm. "Sorry about the... Sorry." They hurried down the driveway towards the road.

When they reached Bobby's house he called Rufus to let him know that the Okami was dead.
"You're still alive huh?"
"Don't act so surprised."
"How about Godzilla?"
"Put her down."
"So you just happened to have a bamboo dagger blessed by a Shinto priest lying around?" Rufus asked, skeptically.
"Woodchipper." Bobby replied. Rufus paused for a moment letting it sink in.
"Oh...Okie dokie then. Woodchipper trumps pretty much everything." Rufus sounded impressed "Look listen Bobby, thank you. I screwed up."
"Forget it." Bobby shrugged. "I figure I still owe you more than you owe me."
"Alrighty then, add one more thing to the list. I got a lead on your boy Crowley." Laceys head snapped up as she hear this. "AKA Fergus Roderick MacLeod. Born in Canisbay, Scotland, 1661."
"Great. I don't know what that's gonna get me." Bobby muttered.
"Alright, then behind door number two Bob, Crowley had a son."
"Did he now?" Bobby sounded interested at this.
"Yeah, by the name of Gavin. Move across the pond when his parents bit the dust. Captained a trading ship that went down in Massachusetts in 1723. Couple of Cousteau wannabes found the wreck 30 years ago."
"They fish out his bones?" Bobby asked.
"No, no. They did find his signet ring though. Its part of the Treasures of the Deep exhibit at the Maritime Museum in Andover."
"I need that ring." Bobby told him.
"Ooh, um are you uh, asking for my help Bob?" Rufus asked. Bobby glared at the phone. "Bobby?"
"I'm asking for a ring... and I'd appreciate your help getting it." Rufus chuckled down the phone.
"I'm way ahead of you brother. I'm headed for Andover now. Should be there about midnight." Rufus cleared his throat. "You're uh... you're thinking hostage exchange aren't you? I mean you get the ring you can summon juniors ghost, get the ghost you can swap Crowley his son for your soul."
"Something like that."
"Let's hope that works out." Rufus replied before hanging up.
"Will it work?" Lacey asked as he put the phone down.
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Bobby shrugged. He headed into the kitchen and pulled the cobbler out of the fridge. He was just about to cut a slice when his phone went off again. He sighed and picked it up.
"Dean. You alright?" Lacey raised her head slightly, trying to be inconspicuous.
"Yeah, yeah the Lamia grilled up fine."
"I sense a but coming on."
"It's Sam, Bobby." Deans voice sounded pained. "He's just...he's different you know? I get it, you go through something like that, you change. But something's not right to me." Bobby's phone began to beep signalling another incoming call.

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