No Good Deed Part 1

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Dean walked into the motel room and smiled at what was once again becoming a familiar sight. Sam was sat on the end of the bed watching TV while Lacey sat curled up at the other end reading The Man in the Brown Suit.
"What are you watching?" Dean asked.
"Just trying to catch up." Sam said, as he muted the TV. "So... Mel Gibson really took a turn this past year."
"Or he's possessed. Seriously, think about it." Dean sat down. "I just got pff the blower with Bobby."
"Oh yeah? He got anything else on this 'Mother of all' thing?"
"Uh, no. Nothing solid. He says it's quiet."
"Quiet like quiet or quiet like too quiet?" Sam asked as his phone buzzed, announcing a text.
"When is it ever just quiet?"
"Right. Hmm." Sam frowned at his phone. Dean glanced over his shoulder.
"What? What are those, coordinates? Who's it from?"
"I have no idea."
"Maybe it's a booty call." Lacey said, not even looking up from her book. Dean chuckled and Sam looked at her like she'd lost her marbles.
"What happened to you Lace? You used to be so innocent." Sam said as he pulled out his laptop to look up the coordinates.
"I spent way too much time with a bunch of teenagers and your brother." Lacey replied, putting her book down. "Any joy?"
"Uh, Bristol, Rhode Island, where three women have disappeared in the last week. Apparently the victims seemed to vanish into thin air."
"Could be something." Dean shrugged. "Who's the text from?"
"I don't know. It just kept ringing."
"What's that all about?" Dean frowned.
"Could be another hunter looking for back up, throwing us a case? Who knows how many hunters I even met, working with the Campbells, you know? But I think we should go."
"Whoa, wait. We're just going to drop everything?"
"Dude, two minutes ago you weren't doing anything." Sam reminded him.
"Speak for yourself." Lacey said as she waved her book at them. "I suppose I can wait to find out who the killer is while we catch another one."
"You got mysterious coordinates from a mysterious Mr X leading to a mysterious town? That doesn't throw up red flags to you?" Dean asked, perplexed.
"I don't know. Maybe. But that doesn't mean we can just ignore a bunch of missing girls, right?"
"Okay, we'll check it out. But if things get squirrelly we dump out, okay?"
"Yeah." Sam nodded in agreement.

They arrived in town and Lacey insisted they eat at a pirate themed restaurant she'd seen advertised as they were driving in. The three of them were sat round a table, finishing their food and going through the case notes.
"Well, freaks got a type, brunettes." Dean noted as he scanned a missing persons leaflet. "Whoa." He pointed at one of the pictures. "This ones got a little bit of a wild side. It's all in the eyes, see it?" He held the picture up to them. Lacey shook her head, smiling at him.
"Not really, but maybe we can test that theory out later." She smirked across the table at Dean who grinned back.
"All right..." The two of them continued to make eyes at each other. "Guys?" Lacey broke her gaze away from Dean and gave Sam an innocent look. "Well aside from your little deep insight there these women actually have nothing in common. Different jobs, different friends, different everything. So what's the connection?"
"I don't know." Dean got to his feet. "Why don't you figure that out, I'm gonna hit the poop deck."
"Good Idea." Lacey went to get to her feet but Sam put his hand out and motioned her to sit back down.
"I'm not waiting here while you two make out in the bathroom again. You can stay and help me figure this out." Lacey stared at him open mouthed. Dean just shrugged and headed over to where the sign was pointing.
"I wasn't..." Sam gave her a look. "Fine." She folded her arms across her chest. She began re-reading the pamphlet again when a voice interrupted her.
"Agent Roark?" She looked up to see a beautiful woman with dark hair standing beside their table, looking at Sam. "It's good to see you again."
"It is." Sam looked like he had no clue who she was.
"Oh, you remember my husband." She indicated the man standing beside her.
"Right." Sam looked lost.
"Don." The woman supplied.
"Right, of course, hi." He nodded in Don's direction. Lacey cleared her throat.
"Oh, this is my partner Agent Addams." Sam introduced her. The woman looked her up and down, sizing her up.
"So, you're back cause it started again, right... the disappearances?" Lacey raised an eyebrow at Sam.
"Uh...yeah, yeah right. So if either of you two hear anything, please let us know."
"Where's your other partner, the big bald guy, Agent Wynand, right?"
"Agent Wynand, of course well..." Sam began.
"Sex rehab." Dean interrupted as he returned to the table. "Yeah, you've heard of plushies, right?"
"This is my other new partner." Sam told them.
"Hi, pleasure, how you doing? Hi." Dean shook their hands. "Uh, so Agents, we should..."
"Yeah, yeah, of course." Sam started collecting their research together.
"Of course, nice chatting with you Agent Roark."
"You too." The woman put her hand on Sam's shoulder as she headed for the door. Sam froze for a moment as if he was remembering something.
"What was that? She just cougar-eyed you." Dean asked.
"I think Samuel and I have worked a case in this town." Sam told him.
"You think?" Dean held up a polaroid he had pulled from the restaurant wall, Sam and Samuel were visible in the background. "Come on, let's get the hell out if here."

"Come on, hop to it." Dean said as the three of them gathered their stuff together in the abandoned house they had taken over for the case.
"We can't go Dean." Sam protested.
"Uh, yeah we can." Dean replied as he picked up his and Lacey's bags, ready to take them to the car.
"No, listen." Lacey tried to unzip one of the bags to shove more stuff in but Dean kept moving it. "Five guys went missing a year ago. They never found the bodies. I mean that's got to be the job me and Samuel worked, right?"
"Great, What difference does it make?"
"A year ago five guys go missing and now suddenly all these women go missing. Something's here. So either we just didn't stop it or we only thought we did."
"Okay, but why the gender bend, huh? First it's dudes, now it's chicks? That's a totally different MO." Sam shrugged.
"I don't know. Who knows? The point is somethings still here."
"Great. We'll call Bobby, he can deal with it." Dean swung the bags over his shoulder further out of Lacey's reach.
"Why? We can deal with it."
"Are you serious? Sam there's a reason hunters don't hit the same town over again, cause we have a habit of leaving a mess behind."
"Right. I agree."
"One of dad's rules, you never use the same crapper twice."
"Everyone uses the same crapper twice." Sam protested.
"Not us. You know what I mean." Dean sounded annoyed.
"Okay, look, this creature is still walking around cause of me, right? I mean, I let it go. Dad also said. 'You finish what you start." Okay. I get it."
"Do you?"
"Yes. You're afraid I'll stroll down memory lane and kick this wall in my head so hard, Hell comes flooding through, right? And then all of a sudden I'm some drooling mess on the floor?"
"It's not a joke." Dean told him.
"Okay. I know. But what's happening here right now, it's cause I messed up somehow, in some big way. So every person who gets taken, every person who dies, that's on me. I have to stop it. And you'd do the same thing." Lacey huffed and threw her clothes in the air before slumping down on the couch.
"It's not like we have anything else to do right now." She pointed out. Dean let out a sigh.
"All right. Lacey and I will follow up on the brunettes. You see what you can get from the cops.

Dean suited up and he and Lacey headed out to speak to the room mate of one of the girls who had gone missing.
"So you and Nicole were room mates for a long time?" He asked.
"Since college, but we've been best friends forever." She told him.
"Hmm." Dean nodded.
"This whole things really surreal. Are you any closer to finding her or..."
"We're doing everything we can." Dean reassured her "Now you were with Nicole the night she went missing, did she say anything?"
"Nothing. It's like I told the cops, I wish there was something." Dean nodded, he glanced down at the kitchen table and spotted one of Sam's FBI business cards on it."
"Where's you get this?" He asked, picking it up.
"Oh, Nicole got that from that FBI guy." She explained. Dean and Lacey shared a look.
"Agent Roark..." Dean put his hand a way above his head. "About yay high?"
"Yeah, that's him. One of the men that disappeared last year lived in our building."
"Right." Dean nodded.
"So Agent Roark was asking us all questions about it, I guess." She shrugged.
"You guess?" So he came by here?"
"Oh, he came by a few times." The girl raised her eyebrows suggestively.
"Did he? To uh... speak to Nicole?"
"And how would you characterize their relationship?" Dean asked.
"Relationship? No they weren't having a..."
"Just the...the tone or the nature of their conversation." Dean explained.
"Well.." The girl thought for a moment. "Loud... and athletic."
"Thank you very much for your time." Dean said as he and Lacey headed out the door. As soon as it was closed behind them, Lacey turned to Dean.
"I told you this was something to do with a booty call." Dean chuckled.
"Well, you do have an advantage, being psychic and all, sweetheart."
"I'm not psychic." Lacey sounded offended. "I'm a telepath." She put her hands on her hips.
"You're right. I'm sorry." Dean took a step towards her, forcing her backwards against the wall. "Maybe I can make it up to you some how." He said softly, his cheek right up against hers, whispering in her ear.
"God yes." Lacey moaned. "But we'll have to put this on hold. I love Sam but he's always there, I guess we'll have to wait until the case is over." Lacey bit her lip as Dean pushed her knees apart, pressing against her with his thigh.
"If you say so." Dean said, taking a step back. Lacey let out a groan at the loss of contact. She moved forward quickly and captures Dean's lips with hers in a passionate kiss, Dean's hands roved over her body. She pulled away.
"Let's get this case solved quickly so we can continue this as soon as possible." Dean grinned at her.

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