Mainstream Part 2

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Dean and Lacey had watched Mandy for a few hours, but when nothing happened they headed back to the motel. They were watching TV when Dean's phone rang, he picked it up from the bedside table.
"Hey, man, it's me." Sam said from the other end of the line.
"Well we got bupkis here." Dean told him.
"I definitely got something. It ain't a werewolf for one."
"Yeah, what is it?" Dean sounded surprised.
" Skin walker."
"A skin walker? As in..."
"As in the family dog seriously needs a neuter."
"Wow, I haven't heard of a skin walker in years." Dean picked up John's journal and began to flip through it. "I'm actually a little rusty on the profile."
"You and me both. Uh, I just got the low down from Bobby. They can change anywhere, anytime. Skin walkers infect you with a single bite. Otherwise they're basically a werewolf cousin, silver will drop 'em, they chow hearts like snausages."
"So, what happened, did you catch him?" Dean asked.
"Not exactly." Sam confessed. "But I have some idea where he might be."

Lacey had waited at the motel while Sam and Dean went to fetch "Lucky" from the pound. Sam brought him in and tied him to one of the chairs before sitting down in another one opposite him.
"Well, I got to tell you Lucky, you got us stumped. I mean, why shack up with the family? Is it a kinky thing? Do you like to play with your food?" Lucky glared at him. "Roll over, Lucky. Speak."
"Go to hell." Lucky snapped.
"Already been. Didn't agree with me." Sam got up and picked up a knife from the desk. "So, look, how about I take this silver knife and start carving some dog until you behave?"
"You do what you got to do." Sam stepped in front of Lucky but Lacey leaned forward and Dean put his hand out to stop him.
"Hang on Sam. Listen, you don't have to tell me why you're with the family. I get it."
"Oh you do, do you?" Lucky's eyes flashed.
"You killed every threat that came near them. You care about them, in your own whack-a-doodle kind of way. It's obvious. What I want to know is, who was that guy you were kibitzing with? He a skin walker too?"
"Look, I can't say anything."
"But if you don't you're gonna put the girl and the little boy in danger. And sooner or later, all this crap is going to come for them." Dean got to his feet. "Now look, we don't give a rats ass about you. We want to help them. That's our angle. That;'s it." Lucky sighed.
"Yeah, that guy, he's a...whatever it is I am. And he's not the only one."
"How many are you?" Sam asked.
"About 30. We were all...we were kind of recruited."
"Yeah. Me, I was living on the streets. They found me. They told me one small bite, I'd be strong, I'd be fast."
"Sniffing people's butts? Yeah that's a real step up." Dean scoffed.
"Well it was for me."
"Where is this little Scooby gang of yours?"
"Everywhere. We're out there, finding families, and once they take us in we lay low."
"Lay low? What the hell's that mean?" Dean asked as he furrowed his brow.
"Well, we're waiting for the word."
"What word?"
"Once we're settled we get the signal...and we all turn on our families. We change them, all in one night. 30 becomes 150."
"God, you're a sleeper cell." Dean looked at him, disgusted.
"Yeah well that's one way to say it."
"So you're waiting from word from who? Who organized you?" Sam asked.
"There's a pack leader."
"Your Alpha?" Sam sounded excited.
"What's an Alpha?"
"The first skin walker, the strongest."
"Well he's plenty strong, but no, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure there's guys like him in other towns. We're not the only pack out there."
"Fantastic, Then you can help us stop him."
"Oh no, I can't. No."
"Yes you can."
"No, you guys don't get it. No one can. These guys who turned me, they're ruthless." He was interrupted by Sam whistling at him and throwing a ball across the room. Lacey rolled her eyes.
"Sam, don't be a total dick." The two of them turned to her in surprise, Dean was smirking. "What? We were all thinking it, I just said it." Dean turned back to Lucky.
"Listen to me. What are you going to do to that family really? You gonna put your jaws around that little boys throat? Clamp down, listen to him cry for his mom? 'Cause I'm gonna guess theses are the only people in your pathetic life that have ever showed you any kindness. So it's either that...or you can help us stop it."

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