Tweedledum and Tweedledee Part 2

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Lacey had, had a bath and changed her clothes. She made her way back downstairs and found them all sat round the table eating pie.
Lacey sat down at the table opposite Dean.
"Hmmm! This is incredible Mrs Singer!" Dean exclaimed as he forked more of the pie into his mouth.

"Thank you Dean." Karen smiled at him as she cleared away dishes. Sam gave his brother a disapproving look.

"What? It is." Dean shrugged. Lacey giggled at the look of pure happiness on Dean's face. He glanced up at her, giving her his usual trademark grin.

"You've got a little..." Lacey indicated the corner of Dean's mouth. He swiped at it.

"It's great Karen, thanks." Bobby smiled as she placed a slice of pie in front of him. "Could you uh, just give us a minute?" Karen nodded and headed into the kitchen, closing the doors behind her. Sam and Deans smiles faded once the doors were closed.

"Are you crazy? What the hell?"

"Dean I can explain." Bobby reasoned.

"Explain what? Lying to us? Or the american girl zombie making cupcakes in your kitchen?"

"First of all, that's my wife, so watch it." Bobby told him gruffly.

"Bobby, whatever that thing is in there, it is not your wife." Sam told him gently.

"And how do you know that?"

"Are you serious?" Sam asked incredulously.

"You think I'm an idiot boy? My dead wife shows up on my doorstep, I'm not gonna test her every way I ever learned?"

"So what is it? Zombies? Revenant?" Deans asked.

"Hell if I can tell. She's got no scars, no wounds. No reaction to salt, silver, holy water..."

"Bobby, she crawled out of her coffin."

"No she didn't. I cremated her. Some how, some way she's back."

"That's impossible."

"Tell me about it."

"You bury her ashes?"


"Where?" Dean probed.

"In the cemetery. That's where they all rose from."

"How many?"

"Fifteen, twenty. I made a list." He said passing a pile of papers to Sam. "There's Karen, Clay, Sheriff Mills; her little boy came back."

"And there were no signs, no omens?"

"Well, there were... the lightning storms."

"That's what we said! What else?" Dean exclaimed angrily. Bobby wheeled over to his desk and picked up a book.

"And through the fire stood before me a pale horse. And he that sat atop him carried a scythe and I saw, since he had risen, they too shall rise, and from him, and through him."

"So what Death is behind this?" Dean asked.

"Death, Death? Like grim reaper Death?" Sam asked, shocked.


"Awesome. Another horseman. Must be Thursday." Dean sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. He looked tired. Lacey reached across the table and took his other hand, squeezing it. He gave her a faint smile.

"Bobby why would Death raise fifteen people in a Podunk town like Sioux Falls?"

"I don't know."

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