Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Part 1

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Sam, Dean and Lacey were sitting around Bobby's living room leafing through all of the Campbell journals.
"Well you know what, at least you tried." Sam broke the uneasy silence, knowing Cas's betrayal was what was on everyone's minds.
"Yeah, fat lot of good it did. Why did he even come, right?" Dean grumbled before slamming the book shut. "Well, Samuels journals are pointless. I mean, I'm sorry , but Jebediah Campbell has squat to tell me about how to stop Cas from cracking Purgatory.
"Well actually it's not about the journals we have, it's about the one we don't." Bobby told them as he entered the room.
"Meaning, what?"
"Well, that's the bad news. Our pal Cas didn't stop in last night just to mend fences."
"What did he do?" Dean asked, sitting up.
"Stole something."
"The journal of one Moishe Campbell."
"Moishe?" Sam raised an eyebrow.
"Of the New York Campbells."
"Well, uh, so we gotta get it back right?" Bobby held up an envelope.
"Or just read the copy I'd already made. Hi, glad to meet you, Bobby Singer, Paranoid Bastard." Lacey smiled up at him.
"So what's so special about this diary?" She asked.
"I think I zeroed in on something." Bobby sorted through the pages before handing them to Lacey.
"Went to Howard Phillips about the events of March 10th." She read aloud.
"That's March 10th 1937." Bobby clarified.
"Alright, so who's this Phillips guy?" Dean asked.
"Phillips ain't his last name. It's Lovecraft."
"Wait, H.P. Lovecraft? Let me see that." Sam took the papers from Lacey.
"Am I supposed to know who that is?" Dean asked, Lacey shrugged at him. Bobby stared at the two of them.
"Horror writer. At the Mountains of Madness, The Call of Cthulu?" They continued to look back at him blankly.
"Yeah, it', I was too busy having sex with women." Dean told him. Lacey rolled her eyes.
"I'm still catching up on Agatha Christie. I missed out on 13 years of reading." She told them. Bobby patted her shoulder.
"Well, anyhow, there's one notion that comes up over and over again in his stories. Namely opening doors to other dimensions and letting scary crap through."
"You don't say." Dean replied, sarcastically.
"Wait, so you're saying you think Lovecraft knew something about Purgatory?"
"All I know is Moishe paid him a visit." Bobby shrugged. Sam was about to say something when Dean's phone began to ring. He picked it up from the table and looked surprised at the name that flashed up.
"Ben?" He anwered it. "What?" Dean sat up straighter as he listened to what Ben said. Lacey looked over, a questioning look on her face. "What are they? Did you see their eyes? Teeth? This is important Ben, I need to know. Okay, where are you now? Can you get to your Mom's closet? I left a shotgun in there." Sam mouthed to Dean asking what was going on. Dean put the phone down and turned on speakerphone. "Okay Ben, listen to me. Go to your window and jump."
"What?!" Ben sounded shocked on the other end.
"Any bones you break won't compare to what they're going to do to you, Ben. You've got to jump."
"Okay, I'm going."
"I'm coming right now." Dean told him as he got to his feet. I'm coming to get you and your Mom, I promise. You with me, Ben? Ben?" There was only silence on the other end. "Ben?"
"Hello, Dean." Came the usual sardonic tone. "Fancy a chat? God, how long's it been, Dean? Since my so-called demise, yes?"
"Crowly, let 'em go now, or I swear..." Dean threatened.
"Right, right. You'll rip me a cornucopia of orifices. Let's get to the bit where I tell you how this goes. Your chocolates been in my peanut butter for far too long."
"I am going to kill you."
"Oh, Dean, ever the wit. I've got your, uh, oh what are they? Ex-lady friend and not kid, and I'm keeping them until I'm satisfied that you've backed the hell off!"
"I'm telling you, last chance to let 'em go easy." Dean warned.
"You're adorable when you get all threatening. Don't worry, I won't hurt them. Provided you and Jolly Green stand down. Got it? Splendid. Kisses." Crowley hung up.
"You think Cas knows about this?" Sam asked.
"We gotta assume he does."
"So what are we gonna do?"
"I'll tell you what we're not gonna do; sit here. I'm going after them."
"I'm coming with." Sam got to his feet.
"No, Sam. You and Bobby stay on the Lovecraft thing, okay? Cas is already way ahead of us."
"No dice." Bobby protested.
"Bobby, this is a big ball, okay? We can't drop it now."
"Fine, but how are you three gonna find Lisa and Ben?" Dean looked around, helplessly. Lacey raised her hand.
"I have an idea."

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