The Pool of Tears Part 1

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As the light finally blinded them Lacey closed her eyes and reached out to try the door again. There was a moment of complete silence and then a hum as if she was in a crowded room. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself sitting between Sam and Dean on an airplane. "what the..." she exclaimed.

"How did we..?" Sam asked looking around them.

"Both good questions." Dean replied.

The Captains voice rang out over the PA system "Good evening folks we are currently passing over Illchester, then Elliott County before our initial descent into Baltimore." Suddenly a bright white light erupted from the earth arching upwards towards the sky and spreading outwards across the land.

"Illchester weren't we just there?" Dean asked.

Suddenly the shockwave hit and the plane began to rock. Lacey grabbed hold of both Sam and Dean's hands. "Hold on" She cried and moments later they were back on the ground.

"Whoah!" Sam exclaimed as his knees buckled and he landed on the concrete. Dean sat down next to him looking up at Lacey who had managed to stay on her feet."Great timing and not that I'm not grateful but why put us on a plane in the first place?" he asked as he readjusted his senses.

Lacey frowned at him "I didn't put us on that plane." Dean's eyes widened.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. One I have to be touching you for you to come with me and two I normally only teleport to places where I know where I'm going in case something goes wrong."

"Then how the hell did we get there?" Lacey shrugged her shoulders.

"Ok then where are we now?"

"I took us back to Chuck's. It was the first thing that popped into my mind." Sam stood up off the ground "let's go see if Chuck knows what's going on then" They walked in the direction of the house and came to a halt at the garden path. The house looked like a bomb had hit it. Sam went to where the front door used to be and climbed in followed by Dean and Lacey. As they rounded the corner Sam gave out a yelp as something came crashing down on his head. "Owww!" Chuck poked his head around the corner holding on to a plunger.

"Sam?" Chuck asked.

"Yeah!" Sam answered disgruntled.

"Hey Chuck." Dean called out

"so you're OK?" Chuck asked.

"Well my head hurts." Sam replied glaring at him.

"No I mean my last vision." Chuck clarified. "You went like full on vader. Your body temperature was one fifty, your heart rate was two hundred. Your eyes were black."

"Your eyes went black?" Dean asked.

"I didn't know" Sam said sheepishly.

"Where's Cas?" Dean asked.

"Dead or gone or whatever. The Archangel smote him alright, he exploded."

Lacey shuddered.

"Oh no" Chuck muttered.

"What?" Sam asked.

"They're coming." Chuck said looking worried.

"Thought we'd find you here." They all turned around to find Zachariah standing there. "Playtimes over Dean. Time to come with us."

Lacey glowered at him and stepped in front of Dean. Zachariah's eyes locked on to her, finally noticing her.

"Well look here. Two for one."

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