Ascension Part 2

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Young the Giant My Body

Lana del Ray Video Games

Eagles of Death Metal I want you so hard

The bright morning light pierced through Dean's fog of sleep and he groaned, not quite ready to get up yet. He rolled to the side but instead of soft pillows and a mattress, he found himself on a rough carpeted floor. He frowned to himself before finally opening his eyes. He had gone to bed last night in the motel room, but that was certainly not where he was now. He got to his feet, feeling disoriented, like his inner balance was off or something. "Sam?" He called, before clearing his throat, his voice coming out much higher than usual. There was a groan from somewhere on the floor across the room.
"Sam, you ok?" He asked. What the hell was up with his voice? He sounded like a teenage girl.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good, where are we?" Sam got to his feet. Dean let out a noise that sounded like a shriek.
"Who are you?" Sam frowned at the blonde girl standing across from him. Dean finally looked down at himself.
"Holy crap!" Dean ran into one of the other rooms, searching until he found a mirror. "What the hell?" Looking back at him from the mirror was a girl, probably early twenties, with long dark blonde hair. She had a slim figure and was wearing jeans and a band tee and strings of bracelets covered her wrists. "Dude!" Dean said again as he hurried back into the other room, his hands clutching his chest. "I have boobs! What the hell is going on!?" He addressed this to the girl who he presumed was Sam, seeing as she'd answered to that name. She was a little shorter than him and had shoulder length brown hair. She was wearing a similar outfit only with more skulls and studs on it.
"Dean?" Sam looked confused. "What happened to you?"
"What happened to me? Have you seen you?" Dean asked, exasperated. Sam headed in the direction Dean had taken until he came across the mirror too.
"What the hell!" He came stalking back into the room.
"Thank you." Dean nodded, finally all caught up.
"How did this happen?"
"Take a wild guess." Dean pointed at the alter on the floor. "Witches, man. I hate witches." Dean shuddered.
"So if we're in their bodies, does that mean they're in ours?" Sam asked, wrinkling his nose at the thought.
"Forget whatever I've said in the past, this is the most violated I've ever felt." Dean corrected. "So what do we do now....wait a minute, Lacey! She's not here, she must be alone with those psycho freaks!" Dean growled, or as much as he could growl in his current state.
"I'm sure she'll be fine, if anyone can handle a couple of witches its Lacey." Sam reassured him. "Okay, let's start with who we are and where we are." They began to search the apartment until they found both of the girls bags. "Okay so from the ID this is Caroline Morrow from Chicago, Illinois.
"Yeah mine says the same, 'cept her name is Bethany Turzo. So we're in Chicago. Awesome." Dean muttered sarcastically. "That's a good days drive from Arizona. And we have no car."
"We've stolen plenty of cars before. " Sam shrugged. "But listen, there's no point heading to Arizona without knowing for sure they're still there."
"Why wouldn't they be there?" Dean frowned.
"We finished the case. We don't normally hang around. If they don't want to arouse Lacey's suspicions they'll go along with whatever she says."
"So what do we do now?"
"See if you can find a phone or computer." Sam said. They began to search the apartment again until Sam found a laptop shoved under the sofa. He turned it on and started typing away.
"What are you doing?"
"Just logging into the GPS finder, we can track our phones from there."
"Sammy, you're a genius."
"Ok, looks like they're on the move. Heading north east. Do you think they caught another case?"
"That quickly? I doubt it, they may be witches but they're not hunters. Nah, I'm guessing they'd follow Lacey's suggestions, like you said. And what do we do between hunts?" Sam snapped his fingers.
"Let's go."
"I'll bring the laptop, we can keep tracking them. Make sure that's definitely where they're going." They headed for the door but Dean stopped. "What's up?"
"I think I need to use the bathroom." He wrinkled his nose.
"Go ahead, I'll wait." Sam nodded.
"Ugh, here goes nothing."
"And Dean?" Sam called after him. "Don't do anything ... weird in there." Dean wiggled his eyebrows.

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