The Stuff of Villains Part 1

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The Impala drove up to an abandoned factory. The place was empty apart from a black SUV that sat there glinting in the moonlight. Two demons stood in front of it waiting for them. They pulled up next to it and Sam and Dean got out. Dean opened the back door and pulled someone out, a bag over their head and their wrists shackled.
"You're late." One of the demons snapped at them.
"Traffic was a bitch." Dean quipped.
"One Rugaru." Sam said as Dean pushed the creature towards them. "Where's Crowley?"
"Banging a hooker in a sweet spot called none of your business."
"Oh look at that Sam, demon trying to be funny."
Oh is that what just happened?" Sam feigned surprise.
"Night girls." The demons went to climb back in their car.
"Wait, wait. Hold up, hold up." The demon turned back around to glare at them. "Are we ever gonna see Crowley again or is he just going to keep sending his demon extras to pick up his laundry?"
"I'm sorry, I know you're speaking, I see your lips moving, but I can't understand what you're saying 'cause I don't speak little bitch."
"Excuse you?" Came a voice from within the car. Lacey opened the door and climbed out. The demon flinched as he realised who it was.
"Sorry Ma'am." It nodded and moved to get into the SUV.
"Miss." It corrected before jumping in the car and speeding off. Dean glared after them.
"Remember when we used to gank demons?"

Sam and Dean headed back to the abandoned house they had been staying in. Lacey had gone off to go get them a pizza for dinner,
"No man, screw it. I'm done." Dean told him.
"Calm down."
"We've been going on these freaking Crowley runs and it's not getting us anywhere."
"Dean.." But Dean wasn't finished.
"I mean, the only thing that's really changed is I now need a daily rape shower."
"Ok, you're right. Let's go with Plan B." Sam said, exasperated. "So until we do, sorry dude, stock up on soap on a rope. Dean if you wanna get my soul back that's what we gotta do. Ok?"
"Yeah..." Dean sounded defeated. "You even want it back?"
"I'm working for Crowley aren't I?" Dean dumped his bag on the floor and went to pour himself a drink.
"Yeah well, who say's he's going to hold up his end, you know? It is Crowley. You ever think if that? Right?" There was no answer so he turned back around only to find Sam had disappeared. "So I guess the moments over, is that what you're saying? Sam?" He put down his drink and headed into the next room to look for Sam. As he rounded the corner something hit him from behind and he keeled forward, unconscious.

As Dean came to he found himself tied down to a chair. He looked over and found Sam next to him in a similar situation.
"What now?" Dean sighed.
"I think I know who you can ask." Sam nodded his head and Dean followed his gaze.
"Evil bitch." Dean addressed Meg as she stepped forward.
"Keep sweet talking me this could go a whole new direction."
"Meg, I've been dying to see you again."
"Well I'm here big boy. So what should we do now?" Meg cooed.
"How about I rip you to shreds." Dean growled.
"Kinky. I like it. A little Q&A first, if you don't mind. Now, where is your boss?"
"You think we work for someone?" Sam scoffed.
"I happen to know for a fact you've been juggling Crowley's orphans. Now where is he?"
"Don't know, don't care."
"You've been working his beat for months." Meg persisted.
"Doesn't mean we get face time." Meg straddled Dean as she got in his face.
"Where's he take all those things you snatch up for him? I bet you an all-day sucker that's where his majesty's holed up." Dean just glared at her. Meg pulled out a knife and held it against his throat. "Ok, officially over the foreplay. Satisfy me or I please myself." There was a noise behind them and Dean struggled to see over his shoulder. Lacey stood in the doorway, pizza box in hand. She raised an eyebrow at the scene before her.
"I leave you guys alone for a half hour and you can't even stay out of trouble that long?" She asked nonchalantly. She put the pizza down on the table and stood there with her hands on her hips. "Would you mind getting off my boyfriend now?" Meg stood up, eyeing Lacey warily.
"So you two crazy kids finally got it together." Lacey moved to stand behind Sam and Dean.
"So... what's this about?"
"Meg wants us to give up Crowley. But as we keep telling her, we don't know where he is."
"It's true, we don't." Meg brandished the knife at them angrily.
"You must do." Sam began to laugh.
"Something funny, Sam?" Dean asked, glaring at him.
"Yeah. Meg."
"Really, cause where I'm sitting..."
"Don't worry, she can't do jack squat. She's totally screwed."
"Sam, not helping!" Dean warned.
"Look at her Dean...she's furious. If she could kill you, she'd have done it by now. She's running."
"Am I?" Meg asked, dangerously.
"Judging by the level of flop sweat on all of you, yeah. Which means you're running from Crowley. Which makes sense. Crowley would want to hunt down all the Lucifer loyalists now that he's the big man on campus."
"How would you know?" Meg spat.
"It's what I'd do. She can't kill us. She needs us to get her to Crowley so she can stick that knife in his neck. It's him or her."
"Well I hope you both lose. But good luck." Dean gave her a fake smile.
"So, you know what you gotta do now right?"
"Let me guess. You're gonna tell me?" Meg asked sarcastically.
"Work with us."
"whoa, what?" Dean asked Sam, incredulously.
"We'll hand you Crowley with a bow. On one condition; we come with you and you help wring a little something out of him before you hack him to bits."
"Doesn't matter. Question is, can you get us what we need?"
"I apprenticed under Alastair in Hell just like your brother. So, Dean, can I make Crowley do whatever I want?"
"Yeah, she can." Dean admitted, grudgingly.
"It's a deal then. Hugs and puppies all around!"
"You gonna untie us?" Dean asked.
"Please. Don't pretend you don't enjoy it." Lacey rolled her eyes and reached forward, phasing them out of the ropes. As Meg turned to leave one of the demons with her walked over , glaring at Dean as he got to his feet.
"You gonna kiss me?" Dean asked, sarcastically.
"Come on." Meg yelled over her shoulder. The demon glared at Dean for a moment longer before following her out.
"What are you doing?" Dean asked as he turned to Sam.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, what are you doing!?"
"Dean, you wanted to screw over Crowley. Merry Christmas. What?" Sam looked confused.
"You wanna work with a demon again?"
"We're working with demons now, I'm doing this because I want to stop."
"She killed Jo and Ellen!" Dean thundered.
"I know. But you can't look at this emotionally Dean. We need her."
"The hell we do! That little Bitch is gonna screw us over so fast..."
"Of course." Sam interrupted. "Which is why we'll screw her first. Meg and her little posse are dead the second we're done with them."
"If they don't kill us." Dean pointed out.
"They won't. Cause we're bringing insurance." Sam nodded at Lacey.

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