Mindbender Part 1

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Dean was lying in bed, listening to the birds. Lisa rolled over beside him.
"Hey, you." She murmured
"Hey." Dean replied softly. Lisa leaned in and kissed him. As the kiss deepened Dean rolled over so that she was on top of him. Dean brushed her hair behind her ear and opened his eyes. Lacey was staring back at him. There was a loud noise and Dean woke with a start. He had fallen asleep in the impala. He got out of the car and stretched. He was getting too old for sleeping in the car. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled Sam's number.
"Hey. I'm about 8 hours out of the Campbell Base." He said when Sam picked up.
"Uh, change of plans. I need you to meet me. I'm in PA. Town called Easter." Sam told him.
"What are you doing in Pennsylvania?" Dean asked, confused.
"Caught a case."
"A case?" Dean asked, disbelievingly. "When? It's been like half a day."
"I like to work."
"Glad we hashed that out. Call me when you roll into town." Sam said before hanging up. Dean stared at his phone.
"Who died and made you boss?" He grumbled before getting back in the car.

Lacey leant forward, hands on her knees, catching her breath, before heading up the last hill. As she reached the top a siren went off and Mr Logan stepped out from behind a tree.
"You made it." He commented. "You're the only one so far."
"Guess the training's paying off." Lacey smiled, taking a seat on the ground while she waited for the others. A moment later Scott and Bobby came running up the hill.
"You two failed the test." Logan growled. "I expect to see the two of you the same time tomorrow, Lacey, you can go." Lacey nodded and teleported herself back to the mansion. She got changed into her normal clothes before heading downstairs to the kitchen.

Dean pulled up outside the police station and got out. He made his way over to where Sam was waiting, talking on his phone.
"Ben I know you're lying. Because I lie professionally, that's how. Now tell your mom you broke the damn thing and take it like a man. Okay? Okay." He hung up.
"What?" Dean scowled at Sam.
"You, moulding the minds of tomorrow. Who knew?"
"Yeah, tell me about it."
"So how'd it go?"
"With?" Dean questioned.
"You and Lisa. How'd she take it when you bailed?"
"Shockingly cool actually."
"Better for everbody."
"Yeah, I suppose. Still driving the plastic piece of crap, huh?" Dean smirked, nodding towards Sam's car.
"What's your mileage again?"
"Shut up."

They headed into the station and Sam filled Dean in on the case.
"Officer Gerald Hatch, 17 year veteran. Found dead in the ready room three days ago."
"Whoa. Somebody was over hydrated." Dean said as he leafed through the file.
"Basically, yeah. The guy just.... Liquefied. Most of the meat, bones, dense tissue... they just turned to blood."
"Okay, I don't get it."
"Nobody gets it." Sam replied.
"No I mean I get that. I'm saying, if the guy was a mop job, then what are we doing in the morgue? What's left of him to look at?"
"Not here to look at him. Here." Sam pulled out one of the drawers.
"ooh, bad news." Dean winced.
"Officer Toby Gray. They just brought him in. Found him dead in his patrol car, sitting at a speed trap on the outside of town."
"Extreme allergic reaction."
"Yeah, Boils. Covered from head to toe."
"Yeah on the inside too." Dean read from the file. "It says his airways are chock full of them. This starting to look a little witch to you?"
"That was my first instinct, but I found zero signs of hexwork anywhere. Far as I can tell witchcraft was not involved."
"There's got to be some sort of link between skidmark and bubblewrap here."
"There's no question." Sam nodded.
"All right, well can I get a witness?"
"Yep. Uh.... Officer Ed Colfax. Saw Hatch go from a solid to a liquid."
"Another cop?"
"Hatch's partner." Sam pushed the tray back into the drawer.

Lacey sat at the kitchen table picking at a muffin. As she popped a bite into her mouth Tabby came through the door. She took one look at Lacey and sat down beside her.
"What's up?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"You look like someone kicked your puppy." Lacey rolled her eyes.
"Ok I get it, I just need to get over it."
"Hell yeah, it's time to have some fun." Tabby began to dance in her seat. Lacey laughed at her friends antics. There was a buzzing noise and Lacey pulled her phone out of her pocket.
"Speak of the devil. Hi Sam." She answered.
"Hey Lacey, sorry to disturb you, but we could really use your help on this case."
"She's busy!" Tabby called from her seat. Lacey giggled and turned away from her.
"Uh yeah sure Sam, why don't you text me where to meet you and I'll be there soon." She hung up. Tabby rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at her.
"That sure doesn't look like getting over it to me."

Sam drove down the street where their witness lived. Suddenly the impala pulled out of a side road ahead of him and raced up to the house before coming to a stop. Sam pulled up behind him and got out of the car.
"Were you er... were you racing me?"
"No. I was kicking your ass." Dean retorted as they rounded the corner to the driveway.
"I seriously doubt that." They looked up to see Lacey standing in front of them with her arms folded across her chest.
"Lacey." Dean nodded at her before knocking on the front door.
"Hello? Officer Colfax?" The door opened to reveal a guy dressed in full police regalia. "Whoa. Looking sharp, Kojak."
"Who the hell are you?" The guy asked.
"We're the Fed, Ed. We're here to ask you a few follow up questions about your partners death."
"Don't worry about it. It's nobody's business." He tried to close the door.
"Officer Colfax..." Sam called.
"Don't worry about it!" He told them before slamming the door in their faces.
Lacey shrugged and was about to phase through when Sam kicked the door down.
"Dude!" Dean yelled as Sam strode into the house. He and Lacey shared a look before following Sam inside. As they walked through the house Lacey felt a shiver go down her spine. All of the photographs on the walls had the faces scratched out.
"Not creepy at all." She muttered to herself. They found Ed sitting at his desk, scratching at more pictures with a knife.
"Officer Colfax?" Sam addressed him but got no answer.
"Hey, man, you alright?" Dean asked.
"Don't worry about it." Ed replied woodenly.
"Right, look, Officer Colfax...Ed. We think that your partner died of unnatural causes." The officer began to scratch at his head. "Did he have any enemies that you know of?"
"You might say that."
"Oh yeah? Who's that?"
"They both had it coming. Me too. I'll be the next to go, and then it'll be over, and God will be satisfied."
"Why does God want you all dead?" Dean asked.
"Cause of Christopher Birch." Ed replied as he knocked over a bottle of whiskey on the table. "Oh, damnit." He said as he watched it spill across the desk.
"Who's Christopher Birch?" Sam asked.
"He has no face." Ed replied slowly.
"Officer, you alright?" Dean asked, starting to sound more concerned. Ed finally picked up the bottle.
"Who is Christopher Birch, Ed?" Sam asked again.
"Christopher Birch is a kid with no face... and a planted gun." Ed replied. As he looked up at them a trickle of blood fell down his cheek.
"Uh, you, uh.... You got a little something..." Dena pointed out. Ed put his hand up to his face.
"Damn. My head's been itching like a dirty jock." Lacey raised her top lip in disgust. Suddenly Ed's face dropped forward onto the table.
"Ed?" Sam asked gingerly. He reached out and checked him for a pulse. "Dead." He proclaimed. There was a muffled buzzing sound.
"You hear that?" Dean asked. Sam pulled Ed's hat from his head.
"Oh my god!" Lacey said putting her hand to her mouth and turning away. A bunch of locusts were crawling out of where the top of Ed's head used to be.

The three of them were sat around the motel room. Lacey was leaning back in a chair with her feet up on one of the beds.
"Sweet. Blood, boils, locusts." Dean said from where he was going through some files at the table.
"Three of your more popular Egyptian plagues." Sam nodded. Dean picked up the jar of locusts on the table.
"Yeah... but these guys ate their way out of a cops melon. I don't quite remember that in the King James."
"Meanwhile, a kid named Christopher Birch was shot in the head last month after a vehicle pursuit. Hatch, Grey and Colfax were the three Officers involved, and they all filed the exact same police report." Dean read from the report.
"'Suspect exited vehicle brandishing a firearm. We were forced to fire.' Just a kid with no face and a planted gun. Bunch of dicks. So they pop the kid, plant the gun."
"Maybe Colfax is right. You know, maybe heaven has a hate on for bad cops."
"So we're listening to the guy with the bug in his custard? That's... that's the theory you want to go with?"
"Dean, angels got to have something to do, right, now that we're post-apocalypse." Dean got up from the table and grabbed a beer.
"We should call Cas."
"You're kidding, right?" Sam asked. "Dean I tried. It was the first and second and third thing I did, soon as I got topside. Son of a bitch won't answer the phone."
"Well lets give it a shot." Dean sat down on the bed and closed his eyes. "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here." Lacey rolled her eyes.
"You're an idiot." Sam told him.
"Stay positive." Dean winked at Lacey. Lacey looked down, biting her lip, not sure how to take his comment.
"Oh, I am positive." Sam reassured him.
"Come on Cas, don't be a dick." Dean called. We got ourselves a plague-like situation, and... do you..do you copy?" Dean frowned. Lacey couldn't help but giggle at his concentration.
"Like I said, son of a bitch doesn't answer." Sam told him. Lacey's face lit up and she began to grin. Sam saw the look on her face. "He's right behind me isn't he?" He asked looking sheepish. Sam turned around.
"Hello." Castiel nodded sombrely at them.

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